Ishaank Bansal

Completed Solves
India 2025BANS01 Male 2 55

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2680 20802 57065 14.90 16.50 46699 17435 2121
2x2x2 Cube 2183 13134 45891 4.20 6.18 45937 13857 2193
3x3x3 One-Handed 2131 13543 38400 36.81 46.01 37734 13216 2140
Pyraminx 1774 9258 34919 7.48 8.70 18688 5331 875
Skewb 972 6198 24462 7.78 9.44 15980 4326 611
3x3x3 Cube
Cube Against Cancer DFW 2025 Second round 38 15.18 16.50 15.1815.2822.9515.5418.68
First round 39 14.90 17.18 17.0815.8018.9314.9018.67
DFW Cubing Winter 2025 Semi Final 70 15.25 21.44 23.2323.0123.1218.2015.25
Second round 72 17.11 19.28 21.3520.2117.1118.5819.04
First round 90 17.19 22.30 19.0627.0327.4920.8017.19
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