Call for Applicants - WCAT Members (June 2024)

Announced by Trishan Gupta on

The WCA Competition Announcement Team (WCAT) is seeking new members! The application is open to any WCA community member, but please review the expected tasks and qualities.

The official rights and duties of the WCAT are documented in WCA Motion 10.2021.2.

The tasks of a WCAT member include:

  • Review and announce competitions around the world on a daily basis with accuracy and correctness.
  • Handle change requests to competitions.
  • Engage in frequent discussions through voting within the Team.
  • Make and communicate changes to the WCA Competition Requirements Policy (WCRP).

Applicants are expected to possess the following qualities:

  • Proactive personality, detail-oriented, and solution-oriented mindset.
  • Fluency in English.
  • Availability throughout the day and to commit 5 hours per week to WCAT work.
  • Good familiarity with the WCA Competition Requirements Policy (WCRP) and the WCA competition organizer role.
  • Communication and/or policy-writing skills are not required but are strongly encouraged.
  • Be at least 16 years of age.

Candidacy documents must be in PDF format, and must include:

  • A brief personal introduction.
  • Summary of activities done for the WCA.
  • A concrete overview on how expected qualities are to be fulfilled.
  • (Optional) Qualities and qualifications you find relevant that are not listed above.

The application period is open for applicants to submit their application document from now until July 8th, 2024 23:59 UTC to Zeke Mackay (

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