Competition Safety Policy Changes (September 2021)

Announced by Lauren Clement on Saturday, September 4, 2021 at 7:07 AM UTC

After many hours of discussions amongst the WCA Board, Senior Delegates, and hearing wider Staff feedback over the past months, the Board will be changing the Competition Safety Policy (WCSP) in the following ways:

  1. Local requirements and legislation will take the place of case counts in announcement determination. Relevant local requirements and legislations must be followed by organizers, Delegates, and competitors of WCA-recognized competitions.
  2. 1 case per million population (7-day rolling average) will still remain as the restrictionless limit.
  3. Competitions are still expected to follow the WCSP. For any deviations or exemptions from the WCSP, the Senior Delegate or Regional Delegate must approve these via the safety submission by the Delegate of the competition.

As conditions are starting to improve in areas well enough to hold a competition, we ask for your patience as local Delegates and organizers understand what new procedures will need to be followed to run a competition safely. Competitions may not return immediately once they are able and when they do, they may not be set up in the way competitions were run before COVID-19 was prevalent, so the community’s adaptability will be needed in this time of transition.

We thank you for your understanding so far and we hope to see you at our competitions again in the future!

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