COVID-19 Situation Update (2020-03-30)

Announced by Lauren Clement on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 3:27 AM UTC

Given recent escalations of the COVID-19 situation over the past couple weeks and to support the global effort to slow the spread of the virus, the Board has unanimously agreed to extend competition restrictions.

All competitions already announced where the first day of the competition is May 31, 2020 or earlier will be cancelled with immediate effect. In addition, new competitions will only be approved if the first date of the competition is June 1, 2020 or later.

We are encouraged by the initiatives being seen within the community such as online competitions, virtual meets and live streams. We wholeheartedly support and encourage these and are urging more WCA Staff to get involved with these events to support the community. Please keep checking our website for more announcements about these events.

We hope everyone in the community is staying safe by following the directives of their local governments and the World Health Organization. Thank you for your understanding during these unprecedented times.

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