WCA Regulations — January 2022
Announced by Iván Brigidano Pérez on
Dear WCA Community,
The WRC would like to inform you about the versions of the WCA Regulations and Guidelines, which are going into effect January 1, 2022.
You can review all changes in this comparison on GitHub. You can click on “Files changed” to see the complete files of the Regulation and Guidelines, where all changes and additions are marked green and removals are red.
Here is a summary of the changes in the new version of the Regulations and the Guidelines:
- Approving Speed Stacks Stackmat timer Generation 5. (commit | discussion)
- Clarification on how disqualifications affect results. (commit | discussion)
- Clarification on late competitors to rounds with cumulative time limits. (commit | commit | discussion)
- Clarification on Clock hardware, which is approved at WCA Delegate discretion. (commit | commit | discussion)
- Puzzles are allowed to have transparent parts as long as they do not provide additional information. (commit | discussion)
- Strongly recommend competitors to turn off notifications and calls. (commit | discussion)