6th Guwahati Open 2024

Clock Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Kaustabh Mahanta 2015MAHA03 India 7.96 1664 6.33 1570
2 Spondon Nath 2015NATH01 India 10.97 4027 9.81 4796
3 Dev Sharma 2023SHAR43 India 17.01 8704 13.19 8246
4 Rahul Talukdar 2016TALU01 India 31.69 14414 21.65 14412
Aditya Goswami 2019GOSW01 India
Ammar Haider 2012HAID01 India
Manas Pratim Baruah 2015BARU02 India
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