Abierto del Mirador 2022

Aug 13 - 14, 2022
Lomas del Mirador, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Club Defensores de la Loma

Larrea 2571

Salón principal


Federico da Fonseca

Federico da Fonseca
WCA Delegates
Cristian Ezequiel Vega and Guido Dipietro
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Bienvenidos al Abierto del Mirador 2022, nos complace traerles nuevamente un torneo a la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Nuestro evento contará con 10 categorías oficiales de la WCA distribuidas en 17 rondas.
Solo se harán devoluciones del total del pago ($1000) a quienes estén en lista de espera una vez lleno el cupo de 60 competidores siempre y cuando se confirme que no asistirán al torneo antes del mismo, no se harán devoluciones luego del evento.
Se aceptarán los registros por orden de llegada del e-mail correspondiente con comprobante a la casilla de correo del organizador.
Pedimos que dentro de las posibilidades se atienda al torneo con un (1) acompañante por cuestiones de espacio físico en el lugar del torneo.
Pedimos puntualidad a todos y recomendamos llegar al menos 15 minutos antes de cualquier categoría en la que el competidor vaya a participar.

Welcome to Abierto del Mirador 2022, we are pleased to bring you again a tournament to the Province of Buenos Aires. Our competition will feature 10 official WCA events distributed in 17 rounds.
Refunds of the total payment ($1000) will only be made to those who are on the waiting list once the quota of 60 competitors is filled as long as it is confirmed that they will not attend the tournament beforehand, no refunds will be made after the event.
Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis with proof of receipt to the organizer's e-mail address.
We ask to attend, within the possibilities, with a maximum of one (1) companion for reasons of physical space at the tournament site.
We ask for punctuality to all and recommend to arrive at least 15 minutes before any category in which the competitor will participate.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 12:00 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Theo Goluboff won with an average of 7.44 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Gael Augusto Lapeyre finished second (8.00) and Bautista Bonazzola finished third (8.44).

South American records: Sebastiano Benato‎ Pyraminx 2.34 (average).

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