Amherst Fall 2024

3x3x3 One-Handed Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Nipun Kisari 2017KISA01 United States 11.20 134 7.97 66
2 Charles Amarello 2019AMAR04 United States 12.52 365 8.80 174
3 Levi Gibson 2018GIBS04 United States 13.08 504 10.09 465
4 Elijah Rain Phelps 2019PHEL01 United States 13.80 750 11.16 907
5 Ethan Zhuang 2018ZHUA10 United States 15.07 1329 12.08 1468
6 Krish Shah-Nathwani 2015SHAH09 United States 15.17 1387 11.25 964
7 Quinn Maloney 2023MALO01 United States 16.06 1953 13.25 2412
8 David F. Andron-Silva 2022SILV37 United States 16.17 2032 10.28 531
9 James Donahue 2010DONA01 United States 16.30 2114 12.30 1649
10 Margot Audero 2017MARR02 United States 17.97 3522 13.52 2687
11 Caleb Retik 2022RETI01 United States 18.43 3951 14.01 3190
12 Yuki Nagai 2022NAGA02 United States 19.52 5057 14.36 3543
13 Matthew Jalkut 2023JALK01 United States 21.93 7772 19.21 10198
14 Isaac Silberman 2019SILB02 United States 22.86 8942 18.51 9056
15 Steven Wintringham 2015WINT02 United States 24.24 10797 18.09 8423
16 Liam Corcoran 2022CORC02 United States 24.88 11659 21.13 13355
17 Leonardo X. Lazzara 2024LAZZ01 United States 25.28 12208 21.60 14144
18 Samuel Krasne 2022KRAS02 United States 26.03 13305 22.22 15279
19 Josh Sanderson 2022SAND01 United States 27.74 15690 21.21 13477
20 Justin Steinman 2016STEI02 United States 28.66 16909 22.87 16317
21 Seth Hayashida 2024HAYA01 United States 29.22 17643 27.49 23783
22 Ryan Waite 2018WAIT02 United States 31.51 20580 24.51 19060
23 Jesse Mailloux 2014MAIL01 United States 33.03 22560 25.72 21009
24 Elijah Perez 2016PERE07 United States 38.48 28757 34.39 33279
25 Harrison Clark 2023CLAR21 United States 40.13 30454 30.81 28598
26 Jim Chan 2018CHAN29 United States 41.34 31623 29.93 27375
27 Siddharth Nandakumar 2021NAND02 United States 42.59 32698 35.77 34828
28 Alexander Crossman 2023CROS01 United States 52.74 39111 35.95 35051
29 Evan Renak 2023RENA01 United States 55.27 40122 37.85 37034
30 Jonah Mathew 2023MATH18 United States 56.64 40626 48.20 44983
31 Samuel Blair 2022BLAI01 United States 1:28.96 45227 1:08.25 53030
Danesh Moghadaszadeh 2024MOGH02 United States 49.81 45921
Henry Raiti 2024RAIT01 United States 55.07 48512
Binesh Moghadaszadeh 2024MOGH01 United States
Ethan Niejadlik United States
James Markey 2024MARK04 United States
Judah M. Traynor 2023TRAY01 United States
Lyle Goldader 2024GOLD06 United States
Maya Kandeshwarath United States
Riker Cunha 2023CUNH05 United States
Samuel Call United States
Simon Peters Lagana 2023LAGA03 United States
Theia Kenyon 2020KENY01 United States
William Neuman 2023NEUM03 United States
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