Barberton Mini 2 2024

3x3x3 One-Handed Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Jack Pfeifer 2016PFEI01 United States 12.09 268 10.24 513
2 Sean Cutshaw 2016CUTS01 United States 14.39 977 11.19 933
3 Dominic Cater 2019CATE01 United States 19.23 4753 15.44 4789
4 Keenan Darkins 2019DARK02 United States 21.01 6759 16.23 5790
5 Joel Aber 2021ABER01 United States 21.31 7074 15.82 5254
6 Joe Norton 2017NORT02 United States 26.90 14505 21.51 13963
7 Zachary Garber 2014GARB01 United States 27.92 15941 19.26 10287
8 Alexander Braunsdorf 2019BRAU04 United States 30.43 19265 28.30 25041
9 David Wagner 2023WAGN02 United States 37.52 27686 31.46 29529
10 Philip Schleich 2024SCHL04 United States 42.11 32290 35.97 35083
Danny Stancil 2024STAN14 United States
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