Barby Cube Autumn 2024

Sep 21 - 22, 2024
Barby, France

Salle des Fêtes

Avenue Paul Chevallier, 73230 Barby
Organization team
Basile Chandon, Didier Limal, Ilona Ansel, and Manon Bernard
WCA Delegates
Abdelhak Kaddour and Hippolyte Moreau
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Merci de lire attentivement les conditions d'inscription, la FAQ et les tutoriels AFS.
Pensez également à consulter l'onglet Planning.

Please read the registration conditions, the FAQ et the AFS tutorials carefully.
Make sure to read the Schedule tab.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 100 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is €5 (Euro).
The registration fee has to be paid through Stripe here once registered.
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 100% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
We encourage everyone to register for the events they want to compete in via your online registration, however you may add events to your registration up until the event has started.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of €5 (Euro).
Any spectator can attend for free.


Avant la compétition l'équipe d'organisation est susceptible de vous envoyer un ou plusieurs e-mails. Merci de bien vouloir répondre dans les délais, une absence de réponse pourrait nous conduire à supprimer votre inscription s'il y a une liste d'attente.

Si vous êtes adhérent·e AFS ou que c'est votre première compétition, l'inscription est gratuite, vous n'avez donc pas à payer en ligne (même si la page de paiement s'affiche). Attendez tout simplement qu'on accepte votre inscription.
Plus d'informations ici.

LES INSCRIPTIONS SONT TRAITÉES MANUELLEMENT et peuvent donc prendre un peu de temps, merci de votre patience.
Les inscriptions sont acceptées dans l'ordre où elles nous arrivent complètes, ce qui signifie :

  • Pour les personnes qui n'ont pas besoin de payer, nous prenons en compte l'heure à laquelle la personne s'est inscrite.
  • Pour les personnes qui doivent payer, nous prenons en compte l'heure a laquelle la personne a payé.

Notez que vous resterez sur liste d'attente tant que votre inscription n'est pas valide. Si vous êtes dans le cas où un paiement est nécessaire, notez bien que vous ne pourrez quittez la liste d'attente que si votre paiement est effectué et que le nombre limite de participant·e·s n'est pas atteint (ou que quelqu'un se désiste).
Nous rembourserons les personnes qui seront restées sur liste d'attente après la compétition.
Le fonctionnement de la liste d'attente et des inscription sur place est indiqué ici.

N'hésitez pas à faire un don lors de votre inscription pour soutenir l'AFS afin de permettre à cette dernière d'acheter et de renouveler le matériel français.


Before the competition, the organisation team may send you one or multiple emails. Please answer them in time. Not answering to these emails might make us delete your registration, if there is a waiting list.

If you're an AFS member or if it's your first competition, the competition is free, you don't need to pay online (even if the payment page shows up). Just wait for us to accept your registration.
For more information, please click here (in French, please contact organizers if you have questions).

REGISTRATIONS ARE HANDLED MANUALLY and can take a bit of time, thank you for your patience.
Registrations are accepted in the order that the registration is completed, which means :

  • For the people who don't need to pay, we take into account the time when the person registered.
  • For the people who need to pay, we take into account the time when the person paid.

You will stay on the waiting list until your registration is valid. If you are required to pay an entrance fee, please note that your registration will be eligible to leave the waiting list only if you've paid and the competitors limit has not been reached (or if someone deletes their registration).
We will refund your registration if you did not leave the waiting list after the competition.
The way the waiting list and on site registrations work is explained here.

Do not hesitate to make a donation in order to support the AFS and allow it to buy and renew the French equipment.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Samuel Simko won with an average of 7.82 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Abdelhak Kaddour finished second (8.31) and Eden Robinson-Rechavi finished third (8.77).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Samuel Simko 7.49 7.82 Slovakia 7.887.517.498.088.56
2 Abdelhak Kaddour 7.68 8.31 France 8.408.149.628.397.68
3 Eden Robinson-Rechavi 6.58 8.77 Switzerland 9.126.586.92DNF10.27

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Diego Fraile 1.08 2.03 France 1.081.882.052.162.48
2 Noé Bourdon 2.16 2.45 France 2.168.642.682.182.48
3 Armand Lemarinier 1.55 2.51 France 1.552.701.982.853.21

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Abdelhak Kaddour 26.67 27.90 France 28.7327.0028.8926.6727.98
2 Samuel Simko 30.37 33.85 Slovakia 40.8833.6430.3733.1034.82
3 Baptiste Bery 33.42 34.59 France 34.7833.9036.5435.0933.42

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Abdelhak Kaddour 44.95 48.99 France 49.2344.9548.0850.1949.67
2 Dorian Prieto 57.73 1:04.31 France 57.731:01.151:03.521:08.251:11.20
3 Noé Bourdon 58.93 1:05.52 France 1:10.9058.931:03.821:08.101:04.65

6x6x6 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Abdelhak Kaddour 1:26.22 1:32.91 France 1:34.351:38.161:26.22
2 Noé Bourdon 1:54.02 2:03.05 France 2:10.261:54.022:04.88
3 Dorian Prieto 1:49.86 2:04.03 France 2:16.312:05.911:49.86

7x7x7 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Abdelhak Kaddour 2:18.23 2:28.25 France 2:41.952:18.232:24.57
2 Noé Bourdon 2:59.37 3:13.07 France 3:26.552:59.373:13.28
3 Dorian Prieto 3:15.12 3:19.70 France 3:22.203:15.123:21.79

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Jonathan Dammann 28.50 DNF France DNF31.4628.50
2 Romain Velcin 1:12.74 1:24.14 France 1:18.421:41.261:12.74
3 Ilona Ansel 1:14.36 DNF France 1:14.36DNFDNF

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Eden Robinson-Rechavi 8.91 9.64 Switzerland 9.589.828.9112.819.52
2 Samuel Simko 10.49 NR 14.23 Slovakia 14.5216.0810.4913.5514.63
3 Armand Lemarinier 13.83 14.97 France 13.8316.1314.2617.6914.53


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Baptiste Bery 3.34 3.81 NR France 3.993.763.673.34DNF
2 Romain Velcin 3.31 4.33 France 3.313.79DNF5.263.95
3 Marianne Faure 4.14 5.02 France 4.885.914.764.145.42


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Jingqi Zhang 38.65 40.77 China 38.6541.5140.9444.3339.86
2 Ilona Ansel 45.25 46.56 France 59.3845.2545.6947.4546.54
3 Fanny Pousset 43.56 51.42 France 54.6143.5658.1151.1948.45


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Samuel Simko 2.67 3.56 Slovakia 3.672.673.114.333.90
2 Diego Fraile 2.96 3.77 France 3.786.203.234.302.96
3 Idris Berghout 3.19 3.82 France 4.603.703.823.953.19


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Noé Bourdon 2.94 4.27 France 5.002.945.404.852.96
2 Romain Velcin 4.61 6.55 France 7.096.994.615.627.04
3 Ilona Ansel 4.14 6.77 France 4.594.147.608.118.51


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Elouann Marfil 8.64 11.64 France 8.6414.2215.1611.309.39
2 Basile Chandon 10.48 11.87 France 10.4812.3614.7012.0911.17
3 Noé Bourdon 10.08 13.88 France 13.7710.08DNF10.9716.89
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