Beskidy Side Days 2024

Note: The competitor limit for this competition is 50 and it has already been reached. If you register, your registration will be placed on a waiting list. It may not be approved unless a spot frees up.

3x3x3 One-Handed Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Karol Zakrzewski 2014ZAKR01 Poland 10.42 70 7.49 47
2 Magdalena Pabisz 2017PABI01 Poland 11.50 189 8.40 120
3 Igor Gładysz 2022GLAD01 Poland 12.07 283 10.35 592
4 Tomasz Pietruszka 2021PIET01 Poland 12.19 307 8.67 167
5 Witold Sołtysik 2015SOLT03 Poland 12.37 342 10.70 732
6 Mateusz Wasil 2018WASI02 Poland 16.40 2303 12.79 2150
7 Tomasz Cepil 2018CEPI01 Poland 16.90 2715 13.23 2524
8 Szymon Kornatowski 2017KORN03 Poland 17.60 3317 14.30 3645
9 Filip Śliwa 2022SLIW01 Poland 18.11 3841 14.82 4246
10 Igor Łabędź 2021LABE01 Poland 19.29 5032 14.04 3375
11 Aleksander Sołonczak 2022SOLO01 Poland 19.29 5032 16.31 6127
12 Wiktor Gugulski 2023GUGU01 Poland 22.47 8807 18.94 10136
13 Radosław Michałek 2021MICH03 Poland 23.33 9994 17.49 7848
14 Tomasz Larysz 2020LARY01 Poland 23.45 10140 17.78 8286
15 Maksymilian Majcher 2011MAJC01 Poland 23.53 10252 18.17 8891
16 Michał Machnik 2022MACH14 Poland 23.64 10394 19.05 10324
17 Kamil Michalak 2016MICH01 Poland 25.06 12342 20.23 12291
18 Maksymilian Sysak 2024SYSA01 Poland 27.38 15720 21.72 14875
19 Aleksandra Tatoń 2021TATO01 Poland 28.62 17443 19.28 10733
20 Konrad Wołowiec 2023WOLO01 Poland 31.22 20890 23.66 18238
21 Gabriel Radosz 2022RADO03 Poland 31.73 21552 24.22 19200
22 Szymon Ruksza 2013RUKS01 Poland 33.20 23478 28.28 25764
23 Kacper Wandoch 2024WAND01 Poland 35.48 26186 30.46 28991
Wojciech Ludwin 2024LUDW01 Poland 28.81 26581
Rafał Gawełczyk 2023GAWE01 Poland 33.69 33412
Aleksandra Bury 2023BURY01 Poland 39.56 39695
Dominic Maj 2023MAJD01 Poland 43.64 43083
Błażej Chrząstek 2023CHRZ01 Poland 46.19 44891
Mateusz Dobosz 2023DOBO01 Poland 50.05 47374
Franciszek Tobiczyk 2024TOBI01 Poland 1:00.42 51964
Marcel Grüner 2017GRUN02 Poland 1:01.01 52158
Dominik Żabiński 2022ZABI01 Poland 1:03.61 53105
Krzysztof Siedlecki Poland
Maksymilian Fobke 2024FOBK01 Poland
Mateusz Korolkiewicz 2024KORO03 Poland
Michał Herzyk 2024HERZ04 Poland
Zofia Herzyk 2024HERZ05 Poland
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