Bicentenario Open 2010
- Date
- Sep 25 - 26, 2010
- City
- Santiago, Chile
- Venue
Gimnasio Liceo Andres Bello
- Address
- Soto Aguilar 1241, San Miguel
- Website
- Bicentenario Open 2010 website
- Contact
- Organizers
- John Mauro Suárez Cerda and Rodrigo Piaggio Bermudez
- WCA Delegate
- Sebastián Pino Castillo
- Information
La cuota de inscripción es de $5.000 para todos los eventos. El registro base, que incluye sólo un evento, es de $2.600 y se paga un valor de $200 por cada evento adicional.
- Events
- Main event
- Competitors
- 47
- Registration period
Online registration opened and closed .
- Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
- Highlights
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.
Francisco Javier Lemes Sáez won with an average of 15.73 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Leopoldo Andrés Ibarra Fuentes finished second (15.92) and Matias Macaya finished third (16.56).
South American records: Claudio Ávila Pyraminx 6.75 (average); Isaias Andrés Sepúlveda Pérez Master Magic 2.65 (single); Leopoldo Andrés Ibarra Fuentes Megaminx 1:17.41 (single) and Megaminx 1:22.30 (average); Matias Macaya Magic 1.05 (single) and Magic 1.14 (average); Paulo Salgado Alvarez Pyraminx 4.63 (single).