Billings Fall 2024

2x2x2 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Tye Gorder 2018GORD04 United States 2.49 1390 1.54 2839
2 Daniel Mullen 2016MULL04 United States 2.56 1567 1.38 1968
3 Lucas Chandler Moorehead 2022MOOR04 United States 2.78 2219 1.36 1884
4 Stone Amsbaugh 2018AMSB02 United States 3.11 3596 1.21 1249
5 Elizabeth Cutting 2019CUTT01 United States 3.27 4496 1.55 2900
6 Laura Plourde 2014PLOU01 Canada 3.66 7136 2.10 7018
7 Trenton Cuzick 2017CUZI01 United States 3.67 7212 2.13 7375
8 Caden Tullous 2022TULL01 United States 4.26 13060 1.49 2550
9 Dakota Heitkemper 2023HEIT04 United States 4.37 14453 1.90 5190
10 Dakotah Shinn 2022SHIN04 United States 4.42 15065 2.58 13156
11 Simyon Hein 2023HEIN10 United States 5.59 32776 4.15 41446
12 Kasper Joos 2023JOOS01 United States 18.29 127992 12.19 128507
Nicholas Lopez United States
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