Brest Open 2024

7x7x7 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Bastien Ferraud 2022FERR16 France 3:43.12 1890 3:28.22 1808
2 Anton Hebert-Baron 2021HEBE01 France 4:02.89 2608 3:38.58 2217
3 Anton Piau 2008PIAU01 France 4:53.19 4357 4:27.06 4092
4 Clément Valot 2010VALO01 France 5:49.97 5852 5:23.16 6132
Malo Coraboeuf 2019CORA01 France 8:47.17 10248
Alban Delestre 2024DELE05 France
Alexandre Filipot 2024FILI04 France
Corentin Monard 2024MONA04 France
Evan Nicollas 2023NICO02 France
Joaquim Noë--Estano 2024NOEE01 France
Lena Cogat 2022COGA01 France
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