Brest Open 2024

Oct 19 - 20, 2024
Brest, France

Patronage Laïque Sanquer

26 rue Choquet de Lindu, 29200 Brest

Accès par la rue Richelieu | Dre ar straed Richelieu e vo an antre | Access will be via rue Richelieu

Organization team
Anton Piau, Antony Le Goïc-Auffret, Nolwenn Borgne, and Timothy Hubert
WCA Delegate
Anton Piau
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

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Pensez également à consulter l'onglet Planning.

Please read the registration conditions, the FAQ and the AFS tutorials carefully.
Make sure to read the Schedule tab.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM UTC and closed Friday, October 18, 2024 at 11:59 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Ulysse Merlin won with an average of 8.10 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Malo Coraboeuf finished second (8.27) and Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) finished third (8.71).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Ulysse Merlin 7.74 8.10 France
2 Malo Coraboeuf 7.25 8.27 France 7.259.597.618.368.84
3 Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 7.52 8.71 France 10.057.527.939.468.75

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Malo Coraboeuf 2.24 3.12 France 3.443.812.392.243.54
2 Bastien Ferraud 2.75 3.36 France 2.842.812.754.424.94
3 Ulysse Merlin 2.79 3.47 France 2.793.152.824.754.45

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Bastien Ferraud 35.49 36.71 France 35.8838.0336.9037.3635.49
2 Malo Coraboeuf 35.14 36.83 France 42.5236.6235.5638.3135.14
3 Anton Piau 34.05 38.59 France 47.7737.7734.0537.1540.86

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Malo Coraboeuf 53.93 1:07.16 France 1:14.151:00.4253.931:16.191:06.92
2 Anton Hebert-Baron 1:06.38 1:09.39 France 1:11.231:12.481:09.091:07.841:06.38
3 Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 1:07.31 1:14.28 France 1:15.661:19.901:14.441:07.311:12.73

6x6x6 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Anton Hebert-Baron 2:07.49 2:12.64 France 2:11.302:07.492:19.14
2 Corentin Monard 2:37.49 2:40.34 France 2:43.312:40.222:37.49
3 Anton Piau 2:32.07 2:41.27 France 2:32.072:45.582:46.15

7x7x7 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Anton Hebert-Baron 3:20.84 3:32.26 France 3:46.783:29.163:20.84
2 Bastien Ferraud 3:28.58 3:40.18 France 3:37.873:54.083:28.58
3 Corentin Monard 3:49.80 4:01.90 France 3:54.033:49.804:21.88

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Malo Coraboeuf 56.34 DNF France 1:24.4856.34DNF
2 Bastien Ferraud 1:31.91 DNF France DNFDNF1:31.91
3 Julien Blin 1:39.01 DNF France DNF2:02.221:39.01

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Ulysse Merlin 12.25 14.61 France 13.5515.6916.7714.6012.25
2 Anton Hebert-Baron 12.30 14.78 France 15.6312.5916.1318.0312.30
3 Malo Coraboeuf 11.61 15.54 France 14.3217.4316.5911.6115.72


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Ulysse Merlin 27.78 NR 35.41 France 35.9236.0635.7127.7834.61
2 Malo Coraboeuf 47.64 54.95 France 51.7447.641:01.1757.4755.63
3 Anton Hebert-Baron 1:07.18 1:10.65 France 1:07.181:14.801:08.611:08.55DNF


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Ilian Chambreuil 3.32 4.63 France 4.035.953.323.926.66
2 Clément Valot 3.86 5.47 France 4.625.843.866.085.94
3 Gaspard Borgne Hubert 5.43 5.89 France 5.435.725.686.267.82


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Lev Azaria Doron 5.26 6.14 France 5.565.268.265.327.53
2 Julien Blin 5.43 6.33 France 6.116.456.447.735.43
3 Malo Coraboeuf 4.52 6.82 France 7.277.618.095.594.52


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Bastien Ferraud 9.77 12.16 France 12.9910.6614.409.7712.82
2 Anton Piau 11.76 15.92 France 14.5816.1717.0245.1011.76
3 Evan Nicollas 14.95 20.25 France 17.9024.8521.2514.9521.60
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