Couffoul'Events 2024

Note: The competitor limit for this competition is 80 and it has already been reached. If you register, your registration will be placed on a waiting list. It may not be approved unless a spot frees up.

4x4x4 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

Sorted by: single, sort by average

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Arthur Garcin 2014GARC27 France 3:43.39 60 2:30.83 70
2 Jonathan Dammann 2021DAMM01 France 5:34.88 115 2:58.87 108
3 Manu Dutheil 2018DUTH01 France 4:18.53 240
4 Adrien Neveu 2018NEVE02 France 4:38.56 280
5 Pavlo Bondar (Павло Бондар) 2018BOND03 Ukraine 6:27.45 157 4:45.88 295
6 Konstantin Jaehne 2015JAEH01 Germany 5:57.81 135 4:49.65 301
7 Wilfrid Py 2016PYWI01 France 6:54.73 174 5:02.93 321
8 Marius Chaudesaygues 2022CHAU04 France 5:08.88 335
9 Étienne Aubry 2018AUBR01 France 10:53.00 269 5:56.87 434
10 Achim Spies 2021SPIE01 Germany 8:33.73 736
11 Maxime Lefebvre 2019LEFE02 France 9:13.27 828
12 Rémi Esturoune 2010ESTU01 France 9:53.90 901
13 Thibault Vilbois 2018VILB01 France 15:42.00 1290
14 Arthur Provot 2018PROV01 France 16:28.00 1320
Alexandre Schoeffel 2019SCHO04 France
Alexis Tremellat 2022TREM02 France
Arthur Cambon 2021CAMB01 France
Clément Pellay 2022PELL03 France
Diego Fraile 2013FRAI01 France
Guillaume Erbibou 2008ERBI01 France
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