Crazy Cologne Cubing 2024

5x5x5 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Andrey Che 2015CHEA01 Russia 51.35 113 44.58 95
2 Matěj Grohmann 2015GROH02 Czech Republic 51.66 123 47.63 196
3 Henri Gerber 2014GERB01 Germany 52.18 143 50.34 340
4 Malte Ihlefeld 2016IHLE01 Germany 58.14 449 51.93 447
5 Magnus Lensch 2019LENS01 Germany 58.56 472 49.55 287
6 Alejandro Daniel Salceda Corvera 2016CORV01 Mexico 59.32 523 55.07 694
7 Amber Regoor 2019REGO03 Netherlands 1:00.84 630 55.33 713
8 Ivo Stoutjesdijk 2019STOU02 Netherlands 1:00.91 634 53.02 523
9 Jonas Pilhöfer 2019PILH01 Germany 1:00.94 639 56.16 792
10 Yash Budhiraja 2018BUDH01 India 1:01.25 653 55.51 730
11 Mattheo de Wit 2015WITM01 Netherlands 1:02.59 767 56.67 836
12 Fabian Browa 2019BROW09 Germany 1:02.66 773 54.26 613
13 Linus Kunath 2017KUNA01 Germany 1:04.19 915 59.50 1124
14 Finn Ickler 2012ICKL01 Germany 1:04.89 997 54.72 657
15 Ricardo Olea Catalán 2017CATA04 Germany 1:08.39 1388 1:03.87 1745
16 Noah Kraft 2016KRAF01 Germany 1:09.82 1571 1:03.98 1759
17 Javid Nabizade 2015NABI01 Azerbaijan 1:10.14 1613 1:03.06 1615
18 Jona Weeda 2023WEED01 Netherlands 1:11.46 1799 1:05.40 2015
19 Justin Vinckenbosch 2016VINC03 Belgium 1:11.77 1839 1:05.75 2073
20 Fabian Damke 2018DAMK01 Germany 1:12.34 1935 1:02.98 1601
21 Vojtěch Grohmann 2021GROH01 Czech Republic 1:12.53 1974 1:08.41 2554
22 Jan Bentlage 2010BENT01 Germany 1:14.86 2311 1:07.94 2481
23 Imanuel Leonid Müller 2022MULL02 Germany 1:16.10 2521 1:08.52 2570
24 Christian Beemelmann 2017BEEM02 Germany 1:16.65 2619 1:09.25 2698
25 Achim Spies 2021SPIE01 Germany 1:18.41 2955 1:02.73 1565
26 Jeremy Mrzyglocki 2019MRZY01 Germany 1:18.42 2956 1:08.14 2513
27 Frederik Hutfleß 2014HUTF01 Germany 1:18.92 3054 1:09.17 2686
28 Felix Christian Schmidt 2022SCHM01 Germany 1:20.54 3354 1:11.01 3015
29 Elias Lampert 2021LAMP01 Austria 1:22.46 3730 1:17.04 4396
30 Johanna Szczesny 2022SZCZ03 Germany 1:23.01 3843 1:13.41 3537
31 Sébastien Auroux 2008AURO01 Germany 1:23.90 4018 1:15.01 3919
32 Maja von Borstel 2017BORS02 Germany 1:24.31 4103 1:11.20 3053
33 Cai Giesinger 2022GIES01 Austria 1:24.58 4160 1:20.15 5098
34 Konstantin Jaehne 2015JAEH01 Germany 1:24.76 4202 1:17.45 4485
35 Lara Moser 2021MOSE02 Germany 1:25.68 4400 1:20.75 5264
36 Paul Neumann 2017NEUM01 Germany 1:28.58 5055 1:24.47 6267
37 Mael Ouledkraim 2023OULE01 France 1:30.29 5433 1:20.71 5250
38 Justus Leander Cramer 2022CRAM02 Germany 1:30.77 5540 1:22.29 5670
39 Mika Luke Völkel 2019VOLK04 Germany 1:31.11 5626 1:20.98 5326
40 Simone Bentlage 2014OHLE01 Germany 1:32.08 5875 1:21.01 5338
41 Nils Benedict Schönenberg 2022SCHO06 Germany 1:33.20 6127 1:15.98 4141
42 Skye Perryn 2021PERR02 Germany 1:34.57 6465 1:20.10 5088
43 Axel Häck 2008HACK01 Germany 1:35.94 6796 1:29.77 7664
44 Frederik Ambrosi 2023AMBR04 Germany 1:37.75 7229 1:26.58 6823
45 Aurelia Röpke 2023ROPK01 Germany 1:39.17 7620 1:31.66 8161
46 Linh Son Luu 2021LUUL01 Germany 1:40.45 7943 1:29.37 7541
47 Lion Jäschke 2023JASC01 Germany 1:40.65 7985 1:28.28 7247
48 Marlon Starsch 2022STAR03 Germany 1:43.88 8753 1:38.16 9953
49 Tim Kalle Wenkel 2022WENK01 Germany 1:48.91 9936 1:43.49 11278
50 Theresa L. Biermann 2021BIER01 Germany 1:51.12 10424 1:39.12 10198
51 Elias Malomgré 2017MALO02 Belgium 1:52.21 10680 1:39.31 10248
52 Leonard Griebel 2021GRIE01 Germany 1:56.58 11640 1:34.93 9090
53 Yanniko Zhechev 2023ZHEC01 Belgium 1:59.50 12239 1:52.41 13474
54 Eoin Dowling 2017DOWL01 Ireland 2:00.99 12515 1:43.37 11254
55 Fritz Gerling 2022GERL01 Germany 2:08.41 13829 1:54.06 13821
56 Christian Schüssler 2019SCHU08 Germany 2:13.19 14636 2:02.83 15677
57 Christian Sachgau 2018SACH03 Germany 2:32.10 17004 2:12.40 17685
58 Anton Henning von Gregory 2023GREG02 Germany 2:52.16 18474 2:15.50 18286
59 Jonas Sachgau 2018SACH04 Germany 3:56.31 20098 2:33.25 21298
Nanno Venhorst 2022VENH01 Netherlands 2:06.15 16422
Luis Wildt 2019WILD02 Germany 2:09.49 17107
Emil Jenz 2024JENZ01 Germany 2:38.87 22185
Arne Ritterskamp 2023RITT02 Germany 3:09.03 25822
Ulrich Spies 2021SPIE02 Germany 3:20.25 26895
Ben Krug 2023KRUG02 Germany
Lasse Breucking 2023BREU01 Germany
Tobias Schunn 2023SCHU27 Germany
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