Cube4fun League V Zawiercie 2022

May 21 - 22, 2022
Zawiercie, Poland

Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji w Zawierciu

Stanisława Moniuszki 10, 42-400 Zawiercie

Sport hall

Cube4fun League V Zawiercie 2022 website


Piotr Tokarski and Radosław Drozdowicz
WCA Delegates
Grzegorz Łuczyna, Jakub Hamkało, and Karol Zakrzewski
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.
Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 4:00 PM UTC and closed Sunday, May 15, 2022 at 4:00 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Tymon Kolasiński won with an average of 5.54 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Szymon Malinowski finished second (8.00) and Łukasz Burliga finished third (8.07).

Adam Brestovanský - Slovakia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 28 8.84 11.16 Slovakia 10.4310.3713.6812.688.84
Second round 10 7.50 8.67 Slovakia 8.958.249.548.827.50
First round 19 8.86 9.89 Slovakia 12.158.8610.609.109.96
2x2x2 Cube Final 5 2.31 2.89 Slovakia 4.732.823.042.312.80
Second round 15 2.96 3.65 Slovakia 2.965.933.953.353.66
First round 5 2.32 2.70 Slovakia 9.322.442.672.323.00
4x4x4 Cube First round 38 43.32 50.61 Slovakia 48.7646.8656.2156.8143.32

Adam Chodyniecki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 4 7.13 8.24 Poland 8.368.757.617.139.18
Semi Final 5 7.56 8.32 Poland 7.877.569.708.838.25
Second round 8 6.93 8.22 Poland 8.196.938.858.288.18
First round 5 7.65 8.25 Poland 8.138.827.657.8012.57
2x2x2 Cube Second round 48 4.26 6.68 Poland 4.268.934.626.48DNF
First round 31 3.39 4.34 Poland 3.553.394.975.684.49
4x4x4 Cube First round 22 37.44 40.42 Poland 40.6744.5937.4439.5641.03
5x5x5 Cube Final 15 1:16.58 DNF Poland 1:31.231:16.58DNF1:33.81DNF
First round 15 1:08.80 1:21.54 Poland 1:41.881:17.361:08.801:24.861:22.40
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 20 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNSDNS
Pyraminx Second round 18 2.88 5.57 Poland 4.744.637.767.332.88
First round 12 2.43 4.50 Poland 5.136.544.322.434.06
Skewb Second round 16 3.56 5.60 Poland 7.025.589.613.564.21
First round 14 3.83 5.28 Poland 5.897.125.973.983.83

Adam Gottscholl - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 66 13.87 15.45 Poland 17.5513.8714.5214.2718.73
First round 71 13.20 16.47 Poland 13.2020.6513.7519.1716.50

Adam Jagła - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 13 8.51 10.07 Poland 8.5611.948.5111.739.93
Semi Final 10 8.05 9.40 Poland 11.959.368.8410.018.05
Second round 12 7.69 9.00 Poland 9.859.619.627.697.76
First round 14 8.71 9.56 Poland 8.7110.079.249.3612.78
2x2x2 Cube Second round 23 3.60 4.30 Poland 3.653.603.715.54DNF
First round 7 1.87 2.83 Poland 3.25DNF1.872.792.45
4x4x4 Cube First round 103 DNF Poland DNFDNF
Pyraminx Final 7 1.42 2.78 Poland 1.421.903.682.754.87
Second round 7 2.25 3.61 Poland 2.765.003.684.382.25
First round 6 2.01 3.34 Poland 3.453.273.902.013.30
Skewb Final 9 3.65 5.59 Poland 7.524.863.654.398.03
Second round 14 4.47 5.28 Poland 8.075.824.474.835.19
First round 23 3.54 6.61 Poland 7.853.546.916.656.28

Adam Sokołowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 142 51.46 55.18 Poland 55.4651.4655.0955.0057.00
2x2x2 Cube First round 123 13.83 18.24 Poland 20.7113.8318.7146.2615.29

Aleksander Sołonczak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 100 19.21 25.94 Poland 25.8733.6628.3919.2123.56
2x2x2 Cube Second round 35 4.68 5.11 Poland 7.585.234.815.304.68
First round 41 4.22 4.81 Poland 5.624.255.574.614.22
4x4x4 Cube First round 67 1:19.33 Poland 1:44.671:19.33
5x5x5 Cube First round 46 2:25.41 Poland 3:01.692:25.41
Pyraminx Second round 40 5.17 9.32 Poland 9.107.9710.9110.895.17
First round 43 5.73 8.04 Poland 8.258.655.737.239.88
Skewb Second round 19 4.96 6.62 Poland
First round 30 4.90 6.91 Poland 5.615.759.364.9023.34

Amit Yampolsky - Israel WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 76 14.46 18.28 Israel 14.4621.4217.0022.5216.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 53 4.70 5.33 Israel 6.214.815.594.705.58
4x4x4 Cube First round 74 1:38.96 Israel 2:31.591:38.96
Pyraminx First round 77 7.71 12.67 Israel 21.5110.4712.747.7114.80

Antoni Chomiuk - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 101 25.38 26.16 Poland 27.1925.3825.4133.4825.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 112 6.36 14.43 Poland 9.516.3620.7813.01DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 86 1:56.42 Poland 1:56.422:30.56
Pyraminx First round 83 10.42 14.03 Poland 13.6815.9815.3913.0310.42
Skewb First round 60 12.37 14.06 Poland 16.1112.9113.6612.3715.62

Antoni Krupiński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 87 18.57 21.86 Poland 22.3727.2223.6218.5719.60
2x2x2 Cube First round 66 1.11 6.09 Poland 4.681.119.29DNF4.29

Antoni Prowda - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 134 37.54 45.62 Poland 48.7637.5453.5450.0738.04
2x2x2 Cube First round 111 6.83 14.29 Poland DNF6.8313.5919.479.81

Antoni Trześniewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 80 15.91 19.03 Poland 18.7915.9120.2218.0922.42
2x2x2 Cube First round 100 1.69 10.70 Poland 13.931.6916.119.248.93
4x4x4 Cube First round 76 1:41.52 Poland 1:41.52DNF

Antonín Tomis - Czech Republic WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 25 9.45 11.07 Czech Republic 11.7414.1910.9610.519.45
Second round 38 10.38 11.60 Czech Republic 13.5410.3810.5321.3710.74
First round 51 12.46 13.57 Czech Republic 13.4312.4613.8815.1313.41
4x4x4 Cube First round 70 1:24.13 Czech Republic 1:24.131:34.81

Bartosz Ingram - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 86 19.69 21.65 Poland 19.6925.7423.6020.0521.31
2x2x2 Cube First round 75 4.24 6.80 Poland 6.935.674.248.137.81
4x4x4 Cube First round 65 1:18.81 Poland 1:18.811:20.35
5x5x5 Cube First round 47 2:30.57 Poland 2:30.572:53.24
Pyraminx First round 55 7.89 9.66 Poland 11.7910.877.897.9410.17
Skewb First round 63 9.24 15.64 Poland 16.4913.779.2416.6619.01

Bartosz Sojka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 137 46.19 47.84 Poland 46.1946.5148.03DNF48.98
2x2x2 Cube First round 124 12.15 19.94 Poland 55.2912.1521.3718.7619.70

Bartłomiej Krawczyk - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 89 18.96 22.25 Poland 24.4323.3418.9624.1819.22
2x2x2 Cube First round 72 5.88 6.41 Poland 8.355.886.256.896.08
Skewb First round 65 11.84 16.58 Poland 11.8420.5018.8716.2614.61

Bartłomiej Owczarek - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 5 7.53 8.42 Poland 9.708.887.538.437.94
Semi Final 2 6.65 8.11 Poland 11.738.456.658.787.09
Second round 3 7.30 7.73 Poland 7.707.387.30DNF8.12
First round 3 7.05 7.90 Poland 7.058.318.217.198.74
2x2x2 Cube Final 4 1.78 2.11 Poland 1.941.852.532.761.78
Second round 5 2.06 3.05 Poland 2.794.763.063.312.06
First round 3 1.45 2.03 Poland 2.171.452.051.88DNF
4x4x4 Cube Final 16 29.63 DNF Poland 33.2241.91DNF29.63DNF
First round 13 33.67 37.01 Poland 37.4733.6739.1035.9137.64
5x5x5 Cube Final 7 1:04.90 1:08.11 Poland 1:18.941:08.991:07.241:04.901:08.09
First round 7 59.60 1:08.29 Poland 1:07.9159.601:10.001:20.051:06.95
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 6 2:42.11 DNF Poland 2:42.11DNFDNF
Second round 13 3:03.81 DNF Poland DNFDNF3:03.81
First round 10 2:13.12 DNF Poland DNF2:13.12DNF
Pyraminx Final 14 2.56 4.73 Poland 2.562.976.31DNF4.92
Second round 13 2.98 4.88 Poland
First round 8 2.37 3.86 Poland
Skewb Final 3 3.04 3.24 Poland 3.043.353.303.653.08
Second round 2 2.32 3.31 Poland 6.464.322.902.322.72
First round 4 3.49 3.97 Poland 3.664.354.983.493.91

Cyprian Czuba - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 51 9.65 12.83 Poland 12.969.6511.4515.4414.08
First round 63 11.90 14.74 Poland 16.86DNF13.4313.9211.90
5x5x5 Cube First round 16 1:16.36 1:21.90 Poland 1:25.931:16.651:24.011:25.041:16.36

Cyprian Doza - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 52 11.12 12.94 Poland 12.0911.1215.2413.6013.12
First round 48 11.35 13.24 Poland 14.9415.3211.3511.9112.87
2x2x2 Cube Final 12 2.65 3.48 Poland 3.86DNF2.653.652.93
Second round 9 2.49 3.46 Poland 3.732.993.673.902.49
First round 19 2.64 3.73 Poland 4.782.643.783.413.99
4x4x4 Cube First round 36 47.00 49.95 Poland 49.6852.2047.9754.7247.00
5x5x5 Cube First round 33 1:36.81 1:41.30 Poland 1:46.771:36.811:45.931:38.381:39.58
Pyraminx Final 5 1.52 2.51 Poland 1.771.522.935.212.82
Second round 8 2.50 3.71 Poland 2.503.364.485.413.28
First round 14 1.48 4.58 Poland 5.316.043.581.484.84
Skewb Second round 44 5.83 13.01 Poland 19.2913.806.2818.955.83
First round 17 4.86 5.89 Poland 6.196.389.525.094.86

Daniel Samoszyn - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 33 10.73 12.02 Poland 11.7410.7311.6815.3912.64
Second round 50 10.05 12.76 Poland 10.8610.0514.5612.8516.82
First round 56 10.32 13.92 Poland 10.3213.6312.8815.2515.27
2x2x2 Cube Second round 46 1.93 5.79 Poland 6.301.937.543.548.13
First round 6 2.16 2.72 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 34 45.15 49.84 Poland 48.1945.1552.991:42.9348.35
5x5x5 Cube First round 26 1:21.83 1:32.37 Poland 1:34.391:39.771:21.831:28.761:33.96
Pyraminx Final 9 2.37 3.17 Poland 2.392.374.454.292.83
Second round 9 3.18 4.11 Poland 3.184.744.284.583.47
First round 7 2.67 3.36 Poland 3.192.876.022.674.03
Skewb Final 7 3.19 4.32 Poland 3.714.463.194.824.80
Second round 8 2.97 4.82 Poland 4.626.425.492.974.34
First round 15 4.82 5.32 Poland 5.655.384.826.824.92

Dawid Grześkowiak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 123 31.32 36.57 Poland 41.2431.3234.6033.8645.24
2x2x2 Cube First round 130 6.27 DNF Poland 7.976.27DNF7.84DNF
Pyraminx First round 85 10.23 14.05 Poland 16.8514.6618.3310.6510.23
Skewb First round 78 20.45 25.23 Poland 27.1724.72DNF20.4523.80

Dawid Wójcik - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 14 10.13 10.61 Poland 11.1710.1310.4612.0310.21
Semi Final 12 9.22 9.74 Poland 9.6011.0310.289.359.22
Second round 15 7.46 9.21 Poland 12.337.469.109.489.06
First round 20 8.00 9.97 Poland 9.999.5710.358.0010.55
2x2x2 Cube Final 8 2.60 3.13 Poland 5.143.492.602.823.08
Second round 7 2.77 3.30 Poland 2.775.433.113.393.40
First round 23 1.97 3.92 Poland 3.441.974.783.556.80
4x4x4 Cube First round 18 32.63 39.07 Poland 39.5944.6032.6342.9534.66
5x5x5 Cube Final 13 1:10.01 1:16.96 Poland 1:10.011:20.801:15.631:32.141:14.45
First round 12 1:09.37 1:15.64 Poland 1:28.661:13.371:11.071:22.471:09.37
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Second round 3 1:08.27 DNF Poland DNF1:08.27DNF
First round 3 52.10 DNF Poland 1:07.89DNF52.10
Pyraminx Final 6 1.54 2.53 Poland 1.541.953.282.374.29
Second round 4 2.64 3.22 Poland 3.472.683.793.522.64
First round 5 2.00 3.06 Poland 3.014.673.322.002.84
Skewb Final 14 5.68 6.16 Poland 6.296.445.765.6811.58
Second round 11 3.67 5.04 Poland 6.114.554.453.676.99
First round 13 5.21 5.26 Poland

Dawid Wójcik - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 69 12.34 16.28 Poland 18.1312.3419.7415.3215.40
First round 74 15.99 17.54 Poland 17.7716.6918.1818.1515.99

Dominik Żabiński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 124 27.20 36.96 Poland 39.1732.9727.2038.7443.96
2x2x2 Cube First round 121 11.47 17.45 Poland 14.6116.1011.4723.0921.64
4x4x4 Cube First round 95 2:17.93 Poland 2:17.932:31.94
5x5x5 Cube First round 52 3:31.15 Poland 3:50.663:31.15
Pyraminx First round 106 21.36 29.90 Poland DNF24.7732.0521.3632.88

Elżbieta Łabaj - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 59 12.72 14.87 Poland 14.6712.7216.2615.5014.43
First round 61 13.04 14.66 Poland 16.0013.8414.1316.5213.04
2x2x2 Cube First round 68 5.49 6.10 Poland 5.826.436.386.105.49
4x4x4 Cube First round 64 1:17.98 Poland 1:19.031:17.98
Pyraminx First round 54 8.56 9.55 Poland 12.459.6510.088.568.91
Skewb First round 59 9.69 13.58 Poland 16.549.6914.8310.0815.83

Emil Adamczyk-Wolny - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 146 57.39 1:04.72 Poland 1:04.4757.391:02.841:10.961:06.86

Fabian Toboła - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 42 10.30 12.90 Poland 18.7514.2911.4013.0110.30
Second round 47 8.38 12.38 Poland 12.278.3812.4412.4212.58
First round 42 12.64 12.99 Poland 13.2112.6412.9712.8014.41
2x2x2 Cube Second round 43 4.81 5.74 Poland 5.875.585.777.664.81
First round 42 4.43 4.93 Poland 4.435.155.174.4814.81
4x4x4 Cube First round 27 40.83 44.68 Poland 49.4047.8644.4940.8341.70
5x5x5 Cube First round 21 1:24.06 1:29.10 Poland 1:38.821:31.191:30.991:25.131:24.06
Pyraminx First round 57 7.65 9.83 Poland 10.7311.737.659.349.43

Felix Rejent - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 103 19.87 26.93 Poland 25.4730.4019.8732.7824.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 78 5.34 6.91 Poland 7.667.015.346.058.24
4x4x4 Cube First round 91 2:05.07 Poland 2:17.352:05.07
Pyraminx First round 86 8.88 14.17 Poland 11.0311.958.8819.52DNF
Skewb Second round 41 6.10 10.23 Poland 12.436.10DNF8.529.75
First round 41 5.03 9.23 Poland 15.577.9913.486.215.03

Filip Błaszkowicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 111 30.83 31.33 Poland 31.3331.9130.8331.8130.84
2x2x2 Cube First round 93 5.11 8.76 Poland 9.1710.475.119.197.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 88 1:57.75 Poland 1:57.75DNF
Pyraminx First round 70 9.87 11.88 Poland 12.729.8712.4616.7410.47
Skewb First round 66 9.70 17.27 Poland 20.899.7015.4119.4716.93

Filip Ludwig - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 132 36.66 45.08 Poland 49.1036.6642.3943.76DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 108 9.36 13.60 Poland 9.3620.539.89DNF10.39
4x4x4 Cube First round 101 2:49.15 Poland 2:49.152:55.46
Pyraminx First round 84 11.68 14.03 Poland 15.6913.8913.3511.6814.86
Skewb First round 80 17.81 26.14 Poland 17.8132.2930.6928.3219.42

Filip Rudnicki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 48 10.15 14.15 Poland 14.4611.8716.9516.1210.15
Second round 42 10.62 11.95 Poland 13.1911.3211.3310.6217.42
First round 52 11.48 13.60 Poland 13.9913.8511.4812.9617.53
2x2x2 Cube Second round 40 4.46 5.42 Poland 5.676.135.175.424.46
First round 36 3.58 4.63 Poland 4.483.803.588.715.62
4x4x4 Cube First round 57 1:07.50 Poland 1:09.791:07.50
5x5x5 Cube First round 41 2:07.86 Poland 2:07.86DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 20 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNS
Pyraminx Second round 48 7.67 12.18 Poland 12.337.6715.7212.5811.64
First round 44 6.10 8.20 Poland 11.1110.736.106.257.63

Filip Więcław - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 74 15.74 18.16 Poland 21.9215.7422.0916.7915.77
First round 72 14.13 16.54 Poland 19.6718.6714.1314.5016.45
2x2x2 Cube Second round 37 4.56 5.32 Poland 4.565.174.965.827.95
First round 24 2.62 3.92 Poland 4.212.622.754.795.90
4x4x4 Cube First round 87 1:56.86 Poland DNF1:56.86
5x5x5 Cube First round 48 2:32.15 Poland 3:09.692:32.15
Pyraminx Second round 44 7.56 10.47 Poland 10.237.569.1713.0412.00
First round 47 7.70 8.57 Poland 9.3412.477.708.577.80
Skewb Second round 38 7.24 9.89 Poland 8.7510.947.249.9812.02
First round 45 5.05 9.74 Poland 10.7510.897.7410.725.05

Franciszek Jentkiewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 58 12.55 14.52 Poland 18.1112.5513.8314.6615.07
First round 58 12.32 14.54 Poland 15.5013.7314.4017.7412.32
2x2x2 Cube Second round 34 3.95 5.01 Poland 7.275.423.963.955.65
First round 21 2.64 3.85 Poland 5.383.242.644.633.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 66 1:18.92 Poland 1:27.691:18.92
Pyraminx Second round 30 4.94 8.11 Poland 6.847.619.8910.644.94
First round 41 5.41 7.99 Poland 9.678.605.417.078.30
Skewb Second round 43 9.04 11.13 Poland 9.6512.249.0411.5019.34
First round 44 8.11 9.66 Poland 11.8110.769.678.558.11

Franciszek Krupinski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 81 2.02 7.55 Poland 10.922.029.277.665.72

Franciszek Krzak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 139 45.37 49.65 Poland 49.7747.7755.3545.3751.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 122 10.76 17.70 Poland 31.2910.7618.8113.1621.12
Pyraminx First round 97 14.95 17.00 Poland 16.4817.4214.9517.1118.52

Franciszek Świtek - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 144 45.46 57.81 Poland 59.771:01.7751.901:09.0245.46
2x2x2 Cube First round 120 2.46 17.33 Poland 13.972.4620.8822.2517.13

Fryderyk Janiak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 27 8.82 11.15 Poland 13.4110.408.8211.3211.73
Second round 26 8.10 10.76 Poland 11.2913.759.978.1011.01
First round 13 8.06 9.55 Poland 14.1010.089.988.068.58
2x2x2 Cube Second round 19 3.39 4.01 Poland 6.354.293.933.393.80
First round 26 3.03 4.02 Poland 3.033.394.52DNF4.15
4x4x4 Cube First round 23 38.53 42.67 Poland 44.4843.4042.3238.5342.30
5x5x5 Cube First round 28 1:23.96 1:34.80 Poland 1:37.121:29.731:23.961:46.381:37.55
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 2 46.49 DNF Poland 50.11DNF46.49
Second round 2 51.29 54.20 Poland 53.2151.2958.10
First round 1 36.02 DNF Poland DNF1:02.5236.02
Pyraminx Second round 37 5.63 8.79 Poland 7.937.1112.3511.345.63
First round 32 4.84 6.50 Poland 7.616.608.794.845.28
Skewb Final 15 3.45 6.17 Poland 7.496.253.454.787.98
Second round 10 3.93 5.02 Poland 7.785.404.025.633.93
First round 9 4.12 4.36 Poland

Gabriel Rejdych - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 11 6.82 9.28 Poland 16.759.458.126.8210.26
Semi Final 6 7.65 8.33 Poland 10.077.658.648.467.89
Second round 5 7.54 7.83 Poland 8.057.727.547.7212.21
First round 16 7.42 9.78 Poland 7.429.977.6111.7612.97
2x2x2 Cube Final 9 1.60 3.32 Poland 3.593.442.935.121.60
Second round 6 2.47 3.06 Poland 2.493.632.473.074.44
First round 18 1.90 3.66 Poland 4.021.904.953.183.77
4x4x4 Cube Final 7 33.25 34.46 Poland 34.5334.3134.5336.9733.25
First round 6 28.28 32.58 Poland 28.2830.1836.0935.0832.49
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 7 3:18.90 DNF Poland DNFDNF3:18.90
Second round 8 2:33.74 DNF Poland DNFDNF2:33.74
First round 14 3:01.72 DNF Poland DNFDNF3:01.72
Pyraminx Second round 22 5.10 6.31 Poland 5.107.995.765.367.81
First round 28 4.14 6.07 Poland 6.854.739.046.624.14
Skewb Second round 39 6.32 9.91 Poland 13.4310.866.327.2011.67
First round 37 6.28 8.49 Poland 6.329.5211.026.289.64

Grzegorz Chudzik - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 38 10.13 12.58 Poland 13.1710.1313.2012.6011.96
Second round 31 10.60 11.15 Poland 10.6011.5411.1910.7312.40
First round 34 9.07 11.58 Poland 11.779.0712.8511.3211.64
2x2x2 Cube Final 16 2.77 4.72 Poland 4.142.775.57DNF4.46
Second round 13 2.16 3.62 Poland 2.902.164.345.533.63
First round 44 3.10 5.05 Poland 3.104.934.126.09DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 33 47.31 48.56 Poland 47.4247.6947.3150.5654.46
5x5x5 Cube First round 36 1:38.59 1:46.86 Poland 1:39.181:50.761:50.651:51.991:38.59
Pyraminx Final 13 3.11 4.54 Poland
Second round 12 3.44 4.57 Poland 3.445.743.986.083.99
First round 24 3.55 5.46 Poland 7.824.527.313.554.56
Skewb Final 6 3.33 4.12 Poland 4.563.893.91DNF3.33
Second round 15 2.88 5.43 Poland 4.99DNF5.156.152.88
First round 8 3.55 4.04 Poland 3.553.844.194.107.63

Grzegorz Łuczyna - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 68 13.33 16.25 Poland 15.6519.6117.6313.3315.48
First round 69 12.30 16.39 Poland 15.7221.9012.3015.5217.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 109 3.43 13.99 Poland 3.437.768.70DNF25.51
4x4x4 Cube First round 54 1:04.85 Poland 1:27.771:04.85
5x5x5 Cube First round 43 2:17.38 Poland 2:25.412:17.38
Pyraminx First round 59 6.12 9.92 Poland 15.386.1212.039.538.20

Gustaw Rejent - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 88 16.07 22.16 Poland 22.0523.9826.5420.4616.07
2x2x2 Cube First round 73 3.31 6.48 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 83 1:50.71 Poland 2:05.611:50.71
Pyraminx Second round 45 7.39 10.52 Poland 14.247.3913.2710.787.51
First round 38 6.35 7.54 Poland 11.508.976.686.986.35
Skewb First round 88 5.22 DNF Poland 11.085.2211.11DNFDNF

Hanna Sęk - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 145 48.20 1:00.73 Poland 1:03.261:04.121:01.3157.6148.20
2x2x2 Cube First round 117 11.22 16.18 Poland 16.2911.2218.4018.7413.84
Pyraminx First round 101 18.16 23.19 Poland 24.6020.6829.5424.2818.16
Skewb First round 77 22.06 24.75 Poland 28.1022.0636.5923.0423.12

Ignacy Malinowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 62 10.05 15.22 Poland 10.0514.9414.4116.3217.20
First round 59 12.86 14.58 Poland 14.2212.8615.9115.7213.80
2x2x2 Cube First round 64 4.19 6.02 Poland 4.816.1410.614.197.10
4x4x4 Cube First round 46 52.53 54.86 Poland 52.6458.4753.461:06.0352.53
5x5x5 Cube First round 40 2:05.99 Poland 2:05.992:21.74
Pyraminx Second round 36 5.86 8.73 Poland 8.429.278.5111.105.86
First round 49 5.77 8.99 Poland 10.0910.289.277.605.77
Skewb Final 13 5.69 6.08 Poland 7.165.695.886.086.27
Second round 13 4.29 5.23 Poland 6.284.746.324.294.68
First round 18 3.78 6.07 Poland 6.393.788.555.875.95

Ignacy Rataj - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 110 24.00 30.04 Poland 29.4329.2832.6331.4224.00
2x2x2 Cube First round 98 5.38 10.39 Poland 16.935.3811.2511.618.32
4x4x4 Cube First round 102 2:52.10 Poland DNF2:52.10
Pyraminx First round 79 9.53 13.21 Poland 16.3415.5214.299.829.53
Skewb First round 71 15.72 18.67 Poland 18.1520.6225.8915.7217.23

Ignacy Wesołowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 70 16.22 16.61 Poland 16.2516.2217.3516.2224.43
First round 65 11.16 15.43 Poland 17.3011.1617.1514.3714.76
2x2x2 Cube First round 63 5.02 5.91 Poland 13.865.235.766.735.02
4x4x4 Cube First round 93 2:12.10 Poland 2:12.10DNF
Pyraminx First round 69 7.00 11.85 Poland 12.0713.5615.847.009.91
Skewb First round 67 10.02 18.03 Poland 10.0213.3823.4717.2326.11

Igor Nowak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 54 11.06 13.28 Poland 14.3812.4011.0613.0715.80
First round 60 13.28 14.63 Poland DNF15.7213.2813.6314.53
2x2x2 Cube First round 77 5.94 6.89 Poland 9.596.656.097.925.94
4x4x4 Cube First round 51 54.58 1:04.10 Poland 59.341:10.501:02.471:14.2154.58
5x5x5 Cube First round 38 1:50.27 Poland 1:54.091:50.27
Pyraminx First round 51 4.65 9.30 Poland 9.9012.086.514.6511.50
Skewb First round 49 6.54 10.27 Poland 11.899.5313.386.549.38

Jakub Galimski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 90 19.67 22.31 Poland 22.6919.6721.6822.9322.55
2x2x2 Cube First round 94 3.21 9.24 Poland DNF3.214.9010.1112.71
4x4x4 Cube First round 98 2:27.10 Poland 2:27.102:29.14
Pyraminx First round 91 11.64 15.28 Poland 12.9018.36DNF11.6414.57
Skewb First round 56 7.20 12.63 Poland 7.2015.1817.3910.7411.98

Jakub Grzyb - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 46 11.67 13.68 Poland 14.5014.0513.7313.2711.67
Second round 45 9.47 12.28 Poland 12.6313.049.4711.1614.96
First round 66 13.65 15.54 Poland 14.6413.7019.7913.6518.27
2x2x2 Cube Second round 21 2.90 4.16 Poland 3.665.195.293.632.90
First round 30 3.44 4.26 Poland 3.443.493.865.435.77
4x4x4 Cube First round 25 41.90 44.31 Poland 52.4144.6343.7044.6141.90
5x5x5 Cube First round 19 1:20.10 1:24.94 Poland 1:33.981:20.281:34.911:20.101:20.57
Pyraminx Second round 32 5.53 8.26 Poland 8.906.149.749.855.53
First round 37 4.28 7.42 Poland 9.4515.567.834.284.97
Skewb Second round 32 6.99 8.87 Poland 10.826.997.7310.458.44
First round 36 7.34 8.29 Poland 7.348.867.848.1710.71

Jakub Hamkało - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 17 9.39 10.04 Poland 9.5211.059.549.3911.68
Second round 24 8.13 10.43 Poland 11.7110.6010.258.1310.45
First round 26 8.65 10.80 Poland 10.899.2517.408.6512.26
2x2x2 Cube Second round 36 2.97 5.14 Poland 5.812.975.594.02DNF
First round 10 2.65 3.15 Poland 3.302.65DNF2.773.39
4x4x4 Cube First round 21 38.65 40.05 Poland 40.0044.6939.4840.6838.65
5x5x5 Cube Final 11 1:09.68 1:13.02 Poland 1:15.571:10.761:09.681:12.721:24.51
First round 8 1:05.46 1:09.44 Poland 1:14.931:05.801:09.971:05.461:12.56
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Second round 4 1:36.09 DNF Poland DNF1:36.09DNF
First round 8 1:54.31 DNF Poland DNF1:54.31DNS
Skewb Final 11 5.49 5.72 Poland 5.715.495.586.145.86
Second round 12 3.69 5.11 Poland 6.894.133.694.776.44
First round 28 3.57 6.73 Poland 8.713.576.968.075.16

Jakub Hibszer - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 12 8.78 9.50 Poland 9.7710.458.789.788.95
Semi Final 13 8.40 9.81 Poland 9.5210.359.969.968.40
Second round 9 6.89 8.65 Poland 9.018.418.526.8910.90
First round 11 8.00 9.40 Poland 10.799.679.248.009.30
2x2x2 Cube Final 10 1.96 3.42 Poland 3.673.891.965.662.70
Second round 2 1.58 2.67 Poland 2.631.582.933.072.46
First round 14 2.63 3.38 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 37 46.65 50.48 Poland 46.6556.5552.1451.7447.55
5x5x5 Cube First round 32 1:17.69 1:36.73 Poland 1:17.691:47.471:37.101:39.611:33.49
Pyraminx Final 2 1.53 2.19 Poland 1.722.052.793.031.53
Second round 1 1.94 2.86 Poland 1.942.453.165.472.96
First round 2 1.51 2.41 Poland 2.722.312.191.513.56

Jakub Jakowienko - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 133 34.00 45.39 Poland 34.001:02.2036.7658.0941.33
2x2x2 Cube First round 119 12.22 17.22 Poland 18.2316.4718.3412.2216.95
Pyraminx First round 74 10.31 12.06 Poland 14.8510.5412.6313.0110.31
Skewb First round 79 17.78 25.83 Poland 26.5927.1423.7742.6817.78

Jakub Kasperski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 129 39.25 42.98 Poland 52.2140.7241.4039.2546.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 85 5.15 8.01 Poland 6.495.1510.228.369.17

Jakub Mrázek - Slovakia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 61 11.20 15.19 Slovakia 14.7215.4711.2016.9215.39
First round 57 12.64 14.23 Slovakia 13.0914.9315.4214.6812.64
2x2x2 Cube First round 67 3.21 6.09 Slovakia 5.116.516.656.653.21
5x5x5 Cube First round 45 2:22.74 Slovakia 2:23.092:22.74

Jakub Nosek - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 140 46.34 51.26 Poland 1:14.9554.5746.3452.4046.80
2x2x2 Cube First round 125 17.04 21.32 Poland 30.0117.0425.1120.5518.30

Jakub Pańka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 61 1.70 5.87 Poland 6.191.707.915.276.15
Pyraminx First round 88 11.74 14.39 Poland 17.47DNF11.7413.2012.49
Skewb First round 69 13.92 18.38 Poland 26.0221.1619.9114.0613.92

Jakub Rezmer-Dywan - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 85 17.33 20.98 Poland 22.4720.3621.6117.3320.98
2x2x2 Cube First round 79 5.86 6.91 Poland 6.515.866.299.177.93
4x4x4 Cube First round 71 1:31.63 Poland 1:31.631:49.81
5x5x5 Cube First round 57 3:57.27 Poland DNF3:57.27
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 20 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 90 11.00 15.04 Poland DNF11.0014.2616.9513.91
Skewb First round 72 12.04 19.01 Poland 18.5117.3721.15DNF12.04

Jakub Sykulski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 67 14.76 15.99 Poland 17.6914.7616.6815.8315.47
First round 73 14.84 16.57 Poland 16.8514.8415.3017.5618.84
2x2x2 Cube Second round 44 4.90 5.78 Poland 5.566.448.454.905.35
First round 40 4.08 4.75 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 63 1:17.08 Poland 1:17.081:34.61
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 8 4:16.42 DNF Poland 4:16.42DNFDNF
Second round 14 3:31.11 DNF Poland DNF3:31.11DNF
First round 15 3:33.69 DNF Poland 5:51.063:33.69DNF
Pyraminx Second round 38 8.48 8.90 Poland 8.798.819.108.489.88
First round 36 3.80 7.40 Poland 7.087.983.8010.147.14
Skewb Second round 46 9.69 DNF Poland 16.74DNF9.69DNF40.62
First round 25 5.75 6.61 Poland 14.645.757.336.486.03

Jakub Tomala - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 143 45.82 55.30 Poland 45.8255.6057.811:00.3152.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 131 11.15 DNF Poland 18.8511.15DNF16.49DNF
Pyraminx First round 103 19.48 24.84 Poland 25.1919.4825.87DNF23.47

Jakub Turczyk - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 105 25.57 28.97 Poland 31.7527.8228.9330.1625.57
2x2x2 Cube Second round 47 4.46 5.99 Poland 5.896.624.465.467.01
First round 47 3.47 5.08 Poland 4.235.653.475.366.28
Pyraminx Second round 28 5.86 7.23 Poland 5.867.757.518.666.44
First round 35 5.02 7.35 Poland 7.748.948.115.026.21
Skewb First round 68 13.58 18.26 Poland 22.9525.2815.4013.5816.44

Jakub Waliszewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 83 16.34 19.91 Poland 22.5616.3426.2817.9819.19
2x2x2 Cube First round 90 4.88 8.46 Poland 9.077.864.8817.398.46
4x4x4 Cube First round 96 2:22.00 Poland 2:22.00DNF
Pyraminx First round 81 11.29 13.75 Poland 11.7613.9511.2915.5519.92

Jan Grabowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 118 28.47 34.41 Poland 34.5636.4432.2344.7728.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 96 4.97 9.70 Poland 11.9314.914.978.858.31
Pyraminx First round 98 16.13 18.52 Poland 17.3417.8120.4216.1322.78

Jan Krzanowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 53 10.93 13.12 Poland 15.9710.9314.9811.8912.49
First round 44 10.12 13.17 Poland 13.8513.6410.1212.0215.28
2x2x2 Cube First round 59 3.77 5.70 Poland 4.283.776.166.836.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 35 47.67 49.87 Poland 54.3850.0347.7147.6751.88
5x5x5 Cube First round 39 1:54.68 Poland 1:54.682:00.26
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 20 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx Second round 27 5.88 7.22 Poland 6.135.888.5311.046.99
First round 31 6.14 6.37 Poland 6.146.2810.296.156.68
Skewb Second round 22 4.38 7.09 Poland 10.164.38DNF4.746.37
First round 21 2.91 6.47 Poland 6.872.917.506.266.27

Jan Křížka - Czech Republic WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 109 24.35 30.01 Czech Republic 31.1030.9341.5228.0024.35
2x2x2 Cube First round 69 3.50 6.30 Czech Republic 6.825.433.506.6512.12
4x4x4 Cube First round 73 1:37.84 Czech Republic 1:37.841:43.62
5x5x5 Cube First round 55 3:41.76 Czech Republic 3:41.763:51.92
Pyraminx First round 104 13.67 25.44 Czech Republic 21.3413.6726.3128.66DNF
Skewb First round 53 10.47 12.06 Czech Republic 13.1310.9516.9712.0910.47

Jan Tokarz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 55 9.59 13.67 Poland 22.069.5914.7714.0312.22
First round 54 12.37 13.72 Poland 15.8112.3714.7112.4713.98
2x2x2 Cube Second round 32 4.05 4.99 Poland 8.405.785.124.054.07
First round 12 2.58 3.30 Poland 2.583.722.803.375.63
4x4x4 Cube First round 53 1:03.05 Poland 1:07.791:03.05
Pyraminx Second round 33 7.18 8.34 Poland 7.517.929.6010.907.18
First round 40 4.33 7.74 Poland 7.308.209.897.734.33

Jarosław Chodyniecki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 136 41.70 46.91 Poland 41.7045.9250.3548.8046.02
2x2x2 Cube First round 113 8.51 14.83 Poland 17.348.5131.9616.8810.26
Skewb First round 86 28.52 49.37 Poland 56.9028.52DNF53.5937.62

Juliusz Grzegorz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 39 10.58 12.71 Poland 14.1011.4613.5513.1210.58
Second round 33 9.22 11.19 Poland 12.9810.0319.0310.579.22
First round 27 8.82 10.85 Poland 10.2613.438.828.8617.26
2x2x2 Cube First round 58 4.06 5.59 Poland 7.324.065.565.625.59
4x4x4 Cube First round 62 1:15.60 Poland 1:36.451:15.60
5x5x5 Cube First round 56 3:42.24 Poland DNF3:42.24
Pyraminx First round 73 8.50 12.02 Poland 13.4711.3011.298.5016.04
Skewb Second round 33 7.75 8.87 Poland 9.079.428.1113.597.75
First round 50 9.84 11.16 Poland 9.8410.2211.1014.1212.15

Kacper Dłubała - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 8 7.11 8.75 Poland 7.119.938.009.488.76
Semi Final 11 6.45 9.48 Poland 9.7510.198.5110.476.45
Second round 11 8.03 8.83 Poland 11.098.848.039.358.30
First round 10 6.96 9.21 Poland 8.0310.9510.356.969.25
4x4x4 Cube Final 8 33.78 35.43 Poland 34.65DNF33.7835.1536.48
First round 4 26.74 32.21 Poland 37.5428.0926.7434.2434.31

Kacper Krzywonos - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 131 39.52 43.96 Poland 39.5245.8441.9947.3944.05
2x2x2 Cube First round 115 14.77 15.92 Poland 26.9514.9115.9616.9014.77
5x5x5 Cube First round 59 DNF Poland DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 102 17.96 24.40 Poland 26.2028.1017.9618.9138.76

Kacper Matuszyński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 92 21.65 23.39 Poland 23.0321.6525.3021.8327.82
2x2x2 Cube First round 84 1.99 7.94 Poland 11.071.997.637.348.85
Pyraminx First round 72 8.24 11.97 Poland 12.9810.708.2416.1212.24
Skewb First round 61 9.30 14.59 Poland 9.3013.5316.9135.3313.33

Kacper Mol - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 130 34.71 43.69 Poland 57.1934.7137.9042.9850.19
2x2x2 Cube First round 65 2.96 6.03 Poland 11.142.967.246.534.33
Pyraminx First round 95 7.78 16.21 Poland 19.9314.5221.787.7814.19
Skewb First round 74 12.95 21.13 Poland 14.6831.4728.3012.9520.40

Kacper Nawrocki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 34 11.23 12.02 Poland 11.2312.7612.3312.4911.23
Second round 32 9.18 11.18 Poland 11.9411.5610.0511.989.18
First round 22 8.52 10.61 Poland 10.2112.638.529.3112.31
2x2x2 Cube First round 52 3.97 5.23 Poland 5.594.393.977.365.72
4x4x4 Cube First round 47 55.58 59.07 Poland 55.5858.251:20.2159.3459.63

Kacper Paweł Dworak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 56 11.74 13.71 Poland 15.0013.0315.2611.7413.11
First round 46 9.87 13.22 Poland 11.1416.559.87DNF11.97
2x2x2 Cube Second round 24 3.89 4.42 Poland 4.774.444.664.153.89
First round 49 2.45 5.15 Poland 8.392.456.753.525.17
4x4x4 Cube First round 44 49.86 53.56 Poland 49.8656.7756.4452.4751.78

Karol Kantor - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 40 11.59 12.83 Poland 13.1713.3213.9212.0111.59
Second round 46 9.52 12.33 Poland 14.549.5211.5510.9015.00
First round 49 12.13 13.42 Poland 12.9212.1313.7914.5813.54
2x2x2 Cube Second round 45 5.04 5.78 Poland 5.046.717.665.465.16
First round 27 2.71 4.04 Poland 2.742.714.466.414.93
4x4x4 Cube First round 45 50.90 54.64 Poland 1:05.1550.9058.1852.8652.87
5x5x5 Cube First round 35 1:25.29 1:45.71 Poland 1:56.981:25.291:49.031:50.351:37.76
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Second round 11 2:44.49 DNF Poland 4:11.562:44.49DNF
First round 16 4:28.21 DNF Poland 4:28.21DNFDNF
Pyraminx Second round 31 5.92 8.14 Poland 7.2510.
First round 46 6.43 8.44 Poland 8.698.608.026.439.21
Skewb Second round 21 5.74 6.86 Poland 6.557.896.135.748.89
First round 31 4.68 7.06 Poland 4.685.899.306.438.87

Karol Zakrzewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 10 6.90 8.91 Poland 7.856.9011.998.7610.13
Semi Final 15 8.45 9.94 Poland 10.399.6411.669.798.45
Second round 13 7.86 9.16 Poland 13.678.948.927.869.63
First round 8 7.81 8.71 Poland 8.899.347.819.467.90
4x4x4 Cube Final 3 29.78 31.53 Poland 29.7830.2633.3031.0433.42
First round 8 27.99 35.04 Poland 38.7236.4935.2933.3527.99
Pyraminx Second round 25 3.59 6.70 Poland 6.136.337.657.963.59
First round 25 3.90 5.55 Poland 6.684.887.233.905.10

Karolina Zatorska - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 115 28.08 33.79 Poland 32.7735.8337.6432.7728.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 101 4.71 10.75 Poland 10.138.694.7113.4222.45
4x4x4 Cube First round 82 1:50.43 Poland 2:23.901:50.43
5x5x5 Cube First round 54 3:37.12 Poland 3:52.173:37.12
Pyraminx First round 94 8.89 15.76 Poland 23.6216.2918.398.8912.60

Klyment Diachun - Ukraine WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 26 9.74 11.14 Ukraine 10.9011.5512.8210.979.74
Second round 34 10.69 11.31 Ukraine 12.1510.6910.8110.9612.27
First round 35 10.21 11.66 Ukraine 10.5113.1011.3610.21DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 56 1:06.89 Ukraine 1:06.89DNF

Konrad Kowalski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 31 10.65 11.52 Poland 10.6511.7211.7611.0712.49
Second round 41 11.01 11.91 Poland 11.0112.7811.2312.9711.71
First round 36 10.49 11.67 Poland 11.1812.8810.4910.9413.00
2x2x2 Cube First round 57 4.07 5.50 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 31 40.34 46.60 Poland 50.2740.3443.0246.5155.66
5x5x5 Cube Final 14 1:11.59 1:21.76 Poland 1:11.591:19.571:21.581:27.351:24.14
First round 14 1:14.22 1:20.59 Poland 1:20.021:21.321:20.431:14.221:25.73
Pyraminx First round 61 6.16 10.21 Poland 10.1916.768.996.1611.46
Skewb First round 24 5.53 6.61 Poland 6.636.9914.005.536.20

Konrad Leśniak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 49 14.38 15.25 Poland 16.2914.6617.6314.3814.79
Second round 49 10.82 12.61 Poland 15.8712.9910.8211.7913.04
First round 43 11.13 13.11 Poland 14.3413.7211.2811.1315.04
2x2x2 Cube Second round 28 2.70 4.78 Poland 4.634.325.392.706.20
First round 32 2.62 4.36 Poland 4.282.624.235.624.57
4x4x4 Cube First round 41 43.90 51.07 Poland 43.9057.6357.4646.1049.66
5x5x5 Cube First round 25 1:23.29 1:31.96 Poland 1:43.441:37.321:27.931:23.291:30.63
Pyraminx Second round 35 8.21 8.52 Poland 8.758.4110.008.408.21
First round 34 4.93 7.30 Poland 4.938.977.868.585.45
Skewb Second round 26 5.76 7.54 Poland 7.898.256.575.768.17
First round 33 5.41 7.27 Poland 9.086.947.615.417.27

Krystian Czudej - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 65 14.00 15.42 Poland 17.1814.0014.6115.4516.21
First round 64 13.77 15.18 Poland 16.2415.4714.9613.7715.12
2x2x2 Cube First round 62 5.06 5.88 Poland 6.715.066.575.076.01
4x4x4 Cube First round 49 55.16 59.15 Poland 1:04.8255.9756.6655.161:09.72
5x5x5 Cube First round 44 2:19.89 Poland 2:19.892:21.68
Pyraminx Second round 29 4.80 7.82 Poland 8.658.709.986.114.80
First round 30 5.26 6.20 Poland 6.7810.
Skewb Second round 40 7.06 9.93 Poland 10.9611.747.6811.157.06
First round 40 7.31 8.74 Poland 10.0310.058.447.767.31

Krystian Węgrzyn - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 71 14.92 17.12 Poland 17.6314.9218.2515.4830.81
First round 68 14.99 16.37 Poland 14.9915.0617.9117.6116.43
2x2x2 Cube First round 45 3.68 5.07 Poland 5.817.013.685.443.97
4x4x4 Cube First round 59 1:11.77 Poland 1:11.771:24.48
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 1 42.01 DNF Poland 42.01DNFDNF
Second round 1 45.89 DNF Poland DNFDNF45.89
First round 2 42.43 DNF Poland 42.43DNFDNF
Pyraminx Second round 19 3.88 5.67 Poland 6.675.
First round 23 3.10 5.29 Poland 6.557.
Skewb Second round 30 7.69 8.25 Poland 11.758.937.828.017.69
First round 43 7.26 9.42 Poland 14.677.268.729.659.90

Kryštof Prudil - Czech Republic WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 44 11.41 13.26 Czech Republic 13.8713.0011.4112.9014.46
Second round 39 8.92 11.73 Czech Republic 10.6112.0014.338.9212.57
First round 39 10.69 12.34 Czech Republic 12.1410.6912.7413.7612.15
2x2x2 Cube Second round 41 4.09 5.48 Czech Republic DNF4.094.814.876.75
First round 48 1.34 5.13 Czech Republic 6.091.346.334.185.13
4x4x4 Cube First round 32 40.28 46.73 Czech Republic 49.71DNF40.2842.8847.61
5x5x5 Cube First round 30 1:26.53 1:35.55 Czech Republic 1:31.032:12.371:39.241:26.531:36.39
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 20 DNF DNF Czech Republic DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 68 6.86 11.83 Czech Republic 12.2515.4111.406.8611.83
Skewb First round 57 5.51 12.68 Czech Republic 5.5122.2717.1510.6010.28

Krzysztof Gosławski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 126 36.02 40.96 Poland 45.8236.0238.7140.5543.63

Krzysztof Styrczula - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 104 23.83 27.77 Poland 23.8327.66DNF29.1026.56
2x2x2 Cube First round 89 6.37 8.29 Poland 6.626.378.4610.609.79
4x4x4 Cube First round 103 DNF Poland DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 87 12.85 14.24 Poland 17.3215.1413.9912.8513.59
Skewb First round 85 19.42 37.93 Poland 25.9719.4237.63DNF50.20

Krzysztof Wyrzykowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 41 11.65 12.84 Poland 11.6515.5313.4412.4812.60
Second round 40 11.27 11.82 Poland 13.1312.7011.4211.2711.34
First round 55 10.89 13.84 Poland 13.4411.4210.8916.6717.79
4x4x4 Cube First round 48 51.62 59.12 Poland 51.621:01.781:01.1058.3157.95
5x5x5 Cube First round 58 3:59.39 Poland 3:59.39DNF
Pyraminx Second round 47 6.00 11.61 Poland 12.179.1913.4815.626.00
First round 39 7.07 7.67 Poland 7.078.327.157.578.30
Skewb Second round 31 6.16 8.31 Poland 8.409.1510.256.167.39
First round 38 7.28 8.70 Poland 7.5610.2710.637.288.26

Krzysztof Żerucha - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube First round 31 1:28.61 1:35.65 Poland 1:28.611:34.601:36.131:36.231:37.31

Ksawery Balcer - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 84 17.11 20.88 Poland 22.0020.9519.6917.1123.76
2x2x2 Cube Second round 29 4.06 4.81 Poland 8.424.064.584.884.98
First round 33 2.73 4.36 Poland 4.155.452.734.514.43
4x4x4 Cube First round 79 1:45.28 Poland 1:45.281:50.15
Pyraminx Second round 42 8.15 10.02 Poland 8.1514.3112.449.358.26
First round 50 5.56 9.29 Poland 7.7310.115.5610.3510.03
Skewb Second round 23 4.86 7.27 Poland 9.397.544.868.086.20
First round 22 5.55 6.58 Poland 5.875.557.117.006.88

Leon Pisarik - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 91 17.93 23.29 Poland 28.9817.9320.7634.1220.13
2x2x2 Cube First round 74 2.24 6.69 Poland 7.782.246.906.916.27
4x4x4 Cube First round 81 1:48.18 Poland 1:48.182:09.33
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 16 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
First round 12 2:54.80 DNF Poland DNFDNF2:54.80
Pyraminx First round 80 10.36 13.54 Poland 15.2118.3610.3612.2413.18
Skewb Second round 42 7.58 10.30 Poland 10.609.5910.72DNF7.58
First round 48 4.83 10.23 Poland 11.578.1717.2510.944.83

Maciej Dziwoki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 135 33.79 46.61 Poland 52.3046.1949.2244.4233.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 116 2.05 15.96 Poland 12.202.0521.7517.7217.95
4x4x4 Cube First round 103 DNF Poland DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 99 14.84 19.01 Poland DNF16.9624.7415.3414.84

Maciej Kasperski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 107 26.66 29.63 Poland 28.9732.7032.4826.6627.43
2x2x2 Cube First round 54 3.32 5.37 Poland 4.467.033.3210.444.62
4x4x4 Cube First round 97 2:23.61 Poland 2:23.612:37.53
Pyraminx First round 63 8.24 10.79 Poland 16.1510.818.638.2412.92
Skewb First round 76 16.42 23.40 Poland 24.3725.7030.6616.4220.14

Maciej Majka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 78 15.60 18.87 Poland 17.3819.2519.9815.6034.50
2x2x2 Cube First round 88 1.39 8.29 Poland 8.041.398.189.028.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 68 1:20.95 Poland 1:20.951:24.08
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Second round 12 2:45.99 DNF Poland DNF2:45.99DNF
First round 13 2:55.30 DNF Poland DNFDNF2:55.30
Pyraminx First round 75 9.19 12.14 Poland 14.1110.9712.809.1912.66

Maciej Rogut - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 114 17.23 32.64 Poland 17.2340.5538.5629.3530.01
2x2x2 Cube First round 82 3.48 7.68 Poland 10.173.4815.116.356.52
4x4x4 Cube First round 100 2:42.69 Poland 2:42.69DNF

Magdalena Pabisz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 7 7.99 8.54 Poland 9.848.807.998.348.48
Semi Final 3 5.10 8.12 Poland 9.678.678.317.385.10
Second round 6 7.48 7.97 Poland 8.777.487.937.938.06
First round 6 7.04 8.44 Poland
2x2x2 Cube Final 3 1.86 2.09 Poland
Second round 1 1.82 2.46 Poland
First round 2 1.43 2.00 Poland 1.571.432.094.332.33
4x4x4 Cube Final 6 31.09 33.00 Poland 31.2736.9532.3531.0935.37
First round 7 30.56 33.50 Poland 34.7534.5538.1930.5631.20
5x5x5 Cube Final 4 52.40 1:00.45 Poland 1:03.201:08.3358.9552.4059.19
First round 4 53.28 1:01.35 Poland 56.751:03.381:03.911:07.6553.28
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Second round 7 1:56.52 DNF Poland 1:56.52DNFDNF
First round 9 2:02.07 DNF Poland DNFDNF2:02.07
Pyraminx Final 4 1.57 2.45 Poland 1.572.
Second round 3 2.53 3.21 Poland 3.353.893.003.272.53
First round 4 2.49 3.05 Poland 3.412.494.072.583.17
Skewb Final 2 2.66 3.20 Poland 3.422.662.853.923.33
Second round 4 2.28 3.90 Poland 3.885.034.813.012.28
First round 7 3.07 4.02 Poland 3.633.914.753.074.53

Maksymilian Kulas - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 60 12.14 15.09 Poland 12.1413.0418.5713.66DNF
First round 40 11.32 12.63 Poland 13.2811.3212.0113.2012.67
2x2x2 Cube Final 7 2.21 2.93 Poland
Second round 14 3.26 3.62 Poland
First round 9 1.99 3.08 Poland 1.992.253.543.513.48
4x4x4 Cube First round 39 48.72 50.62 Poland 50.2150.5648.7251.1052.82
5x5x5 Cube First round 37 1:48.04 Poland 1:48.041:48.48
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 16 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
First round 17 5:02.11 DNF Poland 5:02.11DNFDNS
Pyraminx Final 11 2.60 3.71 Poland 2.603.234.664.563.35
Second round 11 3.74 4.55 Poland 4.394.278.014.983.74
First round 11 3.34 4.49 Poland 3.563.345.784.148.00
Skewb Final 5 3.12 4.02 Poland 5.283.303.485.553.12
Second round 5 2.94 4.10 Poland 5.102.944.803.204.29
First round 1 2.62 3.84 Poland 3.222.625.224.084.23

Maksymilian Sęk - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 102 22.92 26.52 Poland 27.2726.8122.9227.9225.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 71 4.46 6.39 Poland 4.466.437.8610.934.87
Pyraminx Second round 41 7.03 9.36 Poland 10.087.0314.8010.827.19
First round 42 6.88 7.99 Poland 7.7510.877.856.888.36
Skewb Second round 47 11.45 DNF Poland 13.47DNFDNF11.4514.28
First round 47 6.26 9.90 Poland 9.7417.9112.436.267.53

Maksymilian Świeca - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 106 25.04 29.01 Poland 39.9532.5825.7025.0428.75
2x2x2 Cube First round 107 4.01 13.60 Poland 16.424.0116.7439.617.64
Pyraminx First round 78 9.34 13.04 Poland 16.0113.1921.759.919.34
Skewb First round 84 9.16 28.87 Poland 20.349.1645.47DNF20.80

Marcel Politowicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 37 11.19 12.56 Poland 13.1913.2311.2711.1913.51
Second round 37 10.33 11.56 Poland 11.8610.3310.5512.2615.02
First round 41 10.99 12.72 Poland 12.4610.9912.0913.60DNF
2x2x2 Cube Second round 39 4.67 5.38 Poland 4.946.254.678.404.95
First round 38 3.88 4.73 Poland 4.693.884.704.795.57
4x4x4 Cube First round 50 53.19 1:02.96 Poland 53.481:13.751:01.6653.191:19.79
5x5x5 Cube First round 42 2:15.74 Poland 2:31.622:15.74
Pyraminx Second round 34 5.44 8.49 Poland 6.72DNF6.4512.315.44
First round 27 4.71 5.85 Poland 5.586.036.844.715.94
Skewb Second round 28 5.17 7.94 Poland 9.875.177.576.859.41
First round 34 6.63 7.65 Poland 7.587.088.306.63DNF

Marcin Delkowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 94 20.39 24.31 Poland 28.5424.1323.6025.2020.39
2x2x2 Cube First round 97 6.76 10.05 Poland 6.7612.518.0013.019.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 89 2:00.90 Poland 2:00.902:28.72
Pyraminx First round 100 17.16 20.24 Poland 17.2917.1621.5721.8524.27
Skewb First round 82 26.40 28.02 Poland DNF26.4026.4628.9928.60

Marta Sandra Duraj - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 149 44.12 DNF Poland 44.12DNFDNF59.6359.12
2x2x2 Cube First round 99 9.80 10.39 Poland 16.2110.399.8010.799.99
Pyraminx First round 93 7.10 15.62 Poland 14.6518.757.1024.8113.45

Mateusz Brodzik - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 93 21.35 24.15 Poland 23.5729.2526.4621.3522.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 86 5.06 8.25 Poland 9.559.115.067.707.95
4x4x4 Cube First round 69 1:22.09 Poland 1:22.091:23.01
Pyraminx Second round 39 7.44 8.96 Poland 7.449.0610.5410.007.82
First round 45 4.01 8.43 Poland 9.9510.374.018.087.26
Skewb Second round 25 6.36 7.48 Poland
First round 20 4.32 6.40 Poland 4.517.277.428.634.32

Mateusz Dusza - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 73 14.69 17.24 Poland 17.6314.6916.7123.4317.38
First round 75 17.09 18.14 Poland 17.0925.9218.4918.6817.26

Mateusz Kotwica - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 45 11.91 13.39 Poland 15.0813.0913.6513.4411.91
Second round 48 10.99 12.43 Poland 13.8616.0810.9911.4112.01
First round 53 12.32 13.66 Poland 13.2213.7114.0412.3217.39
2x2x2 Cube Second round 18 3.36 3.98 Poland 3.403.943.365.274.59
First round 34 2.50 4.54 Poland 2.503.885.235.004.75
4x4x4 Cube First round 42 37.30 52.06 Poland 37.3052.9456.0347.2157.13
5x5x5 Cube First round 22 1:27.74 1:30.08 Poland 1:27.741:27.951:51.101:29.661:32.63
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 20 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx Final 16 2.43 5.16 Poland 6.042.437.144.415.04
Second round 10 3.34 4.53 Poland 3.344.
First round 13 4.03 4.53 Poland 4.354.724.534.034.78
Skewb Second round 34 6.10 9.12 Poland 11.268.749.956.108.68
First round 32 4.89 7.26 Poland 6.454.8912.916.259.09

Mateusz Mączka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 63 12.39 15.23 Poland 17.3212.3926.0313.1815.20
First round 62 12.19 14.67 Poland 16.0517.5712.1913.7714.20
2x2x2 Cube First round 55 4.12 5.37 Poland 5.585.145.384.127.61
4x4x4 Cube First round 58 1:09.04 Poland 1:09.041:10.29
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 15 4:05.17 DNF Poland DNF4:05.17DNF
First round 18 5:16.11 DNF Poland 5:16.11DNFDNS
Pyraminx First round 65 6.26 11.25 Poland 12.3115.186.2610.0011.44

Michał Denkiewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 79 16.20 18.94 Poland 19.1016.2018.9618.9418.93
2x2x2 Cube Second round 26 4.45 4.76 Poland 7.744.634.874.454.79
First round 51 3.67 5.20 Poland 3.786.676.853.675.14
4x4x4 Cube First round 77 1:43.33 Poland 1:45.791:43.33
Pyraminx First round 60 8.60 10.02 Poland 11.0615.8510.128.608.88
Skewb First round 54 4.46 12.16 Poland 4.4613.4311.80DNF11.25

Mikołaj Tyra - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 36 8.58 12.20 Poland 12.3311.6312.7512.648.58
Second round 29 9.34 10.95 Poland 11.269.349.4112.1813.73
First round 28 8.67 10.86 Poland 11.5411.2912.368.679.76
2x2x2 Cube Second round 50 5.76 DNF Poland 5.925.76DNSDNSDNS
First round 20 3.17 3.83 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 30 42.25 46.53 Poland 51.4442.2548.1144.2147.26
5x5x5 Cube First round 18 1:20.50 1:24.23 Poland 1:22.761:20.501:38.741:25.611:24.32
Pyraminx Second round 49 4.09 DNF Poland 5.984.09DNFDNSDNS
First round 15 4.24 4.69 Poland 4.395.475.314.384.24
Skewb First round 29 3.46 6.88 Poland 10.443.465.886.058.72

Miłosz Jaśkiewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 98 18.84 25.00 Poland 30.6625.5122.2627.2418.84

Moulik Sharma - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 96 23.49 24.85 India 23.7026.4326.5024.4323.49
4x4x4 Cube First round 92 2:08.71 India 2:10.532:08.71
Pyraminx First round 96 13.35 16.92 India 20.7124.8513.6116.4513.35
Skewb Second round 37 7.24 9.68 India 9.789.647.249.6216.02
First round 39 6.47 8.74 India 11.517.6512.617.076.47

Nikodem Ciepłucha - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 64 13.43 15.32 Poland 17.3814.0614.5213.4317.67
First round 67 11.92 16.19 Poland 16.1917.5814.7918.7011.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 70 4.77 6.34 Poland 8.245.784.776.197.05
4x4x4 Cube First round 61 1:14.45 Poland 1:14.451:24.10
5x5x5 Cube First round 53 3:34.57 Poland DNF3:34.57
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 20 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 58 7.72 9.89 Poland 11.178.0310.487.7211.94
Skewb First round 70 15.36 18.63 Poland 15.3623.4116.8615.6227.02

Nikodem Trzop - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 122 29.44 36.32 Poland 36.7737.4429.4443.1534.75
2x2x2 Cube First round 83 3.03 7.81 Poland 6.473.0316.507.819.14

Oliwia Hikiel - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 121 26.33 36.29 Poland 40.2234.5734.07DNF26.33
2x2x2 Cube First round 104 8.67 12.71 Poland 12.889.8321.6415.438.67
4x4x4 Cube First round 99 2:39.84 Poland 2:39.84DNF
Pyraminx First round 56 8.82 9.78 Poland 11.5814.928.858.928.82
Skewb First round 81 15.98 26.52 Poland 31.3327.5430.4321.5915.98

Omer Yusuf Gonen - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 57 12.37 14.49 Poland 12.3715.2113.4717.7614.78
First round 45 12.21 13.18 Poland 12.2112.6615.4314.4412.45
2x2x2 Cube First round 56 1.24 5.49 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 60 1:12.08 Poland 1:12.08DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 20 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 107 15.87 37.64 Poland 28.2940.8243.8215.8754.59
Skewb First round 83 18.94 28.34 Poland 31.2030.7333.3723.0918.94

Oskar Hanuszkiewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 30 10.36 11.50 Poland 12.3411.5810.5912.3810.36
Second round 23 8.07 10.41 Poland
First round 17 7.93 9.85 Poland 10.879.599.097.9314.05
2x2x2 Cube Final 14 3.41 3.93 Poland 3.583.464.745.023.41
Second round 12 1.61 3.58 Poland 3.411.614.22DNF3.10
First round 17 2.37 3.47 Poland 3.972.373.533.483.40
4x4x4 Cube First round 19 34.51 39.25 Poland 37.6734.5140.4357.1339.66
5x5x5 Cube First round 34 1:33.18 1:41.72 Poland 1:44.431:36.571:33.181:57.761:44.15
Pyraminx Final 10 2.30 3.42 Poland 3.092.304.124.143.04
Second round 14 2.79 4.97 Poland 2.796.207.224.953.76
First round 17 3.44 4.77 Poland 3.443.866.475.644.81
Skewb Final 4 2.69 3.78 Poland 2.693.324.424.153.88
Second round 6 2.95 4.31 Poland 4.534.107.192.954.29
First round 2 2.57 3.97 Poland 3.182.573.965.294.78

Paweł Duraj - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 43 11.16 12.96 Poland 11.8215.0813.5413.5311.16
Second round 30 10.30 11.08 Poland 10.7311.2010.3012.1911.30
First round 38 10.69 12.09 Poland 11.3612.3412.5610.6914.58
2x2x2 Cube Second round 33 4.43 4.99 Poland 5.634.734.434.608.27
First round 37 3.77 4.71 Poland 5.614.603.937.503.77
4x4x4 Cube First round 40 43.58 50.83 Poland 52.2152.2658.5748.0343.58
5x5x5 Cube First round 29 1:25.42 1:35.09 Poland 1:43.331:39.401:25.421:26.681:39.19
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 3 1:10.14 DNF Poland 1:10.14DNF1:32.73
Second round 5 1:45.32 DNF Poland 1:53.55DNF1:45.32
First round 4 57.80 1:32.89 Poland 1:51.651:49.2357.80
Pyraminx Second round 24 5.34 6.61 Poland 5.346.197.016.956.69
First round 29 3.39 6.14 Poland 6.485.767.593.396.18
Skewb Second round 27 5.65 7.92 Poland 5.658.1610.456.858.76
First round 19 3.33 6.14 Poland 4.613.337.437.566.39

Piotr Ludwig - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 150 1:24.29 DNF Poland 2:42.93DNFDNF2:13.011:24.29
2x2x2 Cube First round 127 25.91 31.33 Poland 25.91DNF37.7027.2029.10

Piotr Olszewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 35 8.93 12.16 Poland 10.1012.878.9313.8113.51
Second round 22 8.74 10.40 Poland 12.058.7410.328.83DNF
First round 25 9.08 10.70 Poland 10.0513.899.9312.119.08
2x2x2 Cube Second round 20 2.56 4.02 Poland 2.562.815.706.143.56
First round 16 2.43 3.41 Poland 5.472.433.253.183.79
4x4x4 Cube First round 17 33.10 38.68 Poland 39.8033.1034.6541.59DNF
5x5x5 Cube Final 6 59.36 1:05.23 Poland 1:03.721:06.271:13.0759.361:05.71
First round 9 1:01.73 1:10.12 Poland 1:17.731:14.221:01.731:06.531:09.61
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 16 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
First round 11 2:24.20 DNF Poland DNFDNF2:24.20
Pyraminx Final 8 2.33 2.90 Poland 3.682.333.772.622.40
Second round 6 2.07 3.41 Poland 4.312.473.446.352.07
First round 9 1.66 3.87 Poland 5.202.643.771.66DNF
Skewb Second round 17 4.45 5.77 Poland 4.705.227.384.459.26
First round 11 2.48 4.98 Poland 4.675.205.062.486.15

Piotr Rejdych - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 127 36.65 42.33 Poland 38.5940.0848.3236.651:11.15
2x2x2 Cube First round 103 7.38 11.53 Poland 15.537.3812.5912.289.72

Piotr Tokarski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 18 8.24 10.11 Poland 10.3011.6010.089.968.24
Second round 20 8.88 9.61 Poland 19.758.959.7310.158.88
First round 21 8.40 10.21 Poland 11.9110.518.4010.269.86
2x2x2 Cube Final 1 1.70 2.03 Poland 2.352.221.871.701.99
Second round 4 2.39 3.04 Poland 2.495.062.923.702.39
First round 4 1.86 2.58 Poland 2.611.862.762.412.71
4x4x4 Cube First round 26 36.42 44.43 Poland 44.8948.7446.3242.0936.42
5x5x5 Cube First round 23 1:23.06 1:30.81 Poland 1:37.331:24.661:45.871:23.061:30.43
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 5 2:22.52 DNF Poland DNF2:22.52DNF
Second round 6 1:52.71 DNF Poland DNF1:52.71DNF
First round 6 1:36.21 DNF Poland 2:36.42DNF1:36.21
Pyraminx Second round 17 3.54 5.45 Poland 3.545.174.926.257.82
First round 21 4.32 4.97 Poland 5.865.124.794.325.01

Przemysław Kaleta - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 9 7.01 8.82 Poland 7.019.369.697.4110.56
Semi Final 4 6.31 8.28 Poland 6.3114.029.597.817.43
Second round 4 6.81 7.74 Poland 8.947.757.326.818.16
First round 9 8.23 8.74 Poland 8.579.738.438.239.21
4x4x4 Cube Final 5 30.91 31.84 Poland 32.8331.0031.6930.91DNF
First round 2 27.02 28.59 Poland 27.0227.4727.8630.4533.14
5x5x5 Cube Final 3 55.49 1:00.18 Poland 57.081:06.6558.1655.491:05.29
First round 2 54.77 56.90 Poland 58.4054.7755.2357.3058.18

Przemysław Malinowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 147 1:04.69 1:14.75 Poland 1:15.341:23.121:05.801:04.691:25.73
Pyraminx First round 108 37.66 DNF Poland DNF45.58DNF37.6638.37
Skewb First round 87 47.45 49.65 Poland 51.1848.0249.8547.4551.07

Przemysław Rogalski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 20 9.50 10.63 Poland 9.7911.379.5012.6110.74
Second round 36 10.48 11.44 Poland 11.6711.4310.4811.2219.51
First round 50 8.90 13.44 Poland 12.4015.0114.348.9013.57
2x2x2 Cube Final 15 3.64 4.06 Poland 4.253.644.493.654.29
Second round 10 2.17 3.48 Poland
First round 15 2.96 3.38 Poland 2.973.462.963.709.76
4x4x4 Cube First round 29 44.50 46.21 Poland 44.5053.3246.6446.9945.01

Radosław Biel - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 81 12.55 19.36 Poland 14.29DNF16.9226.8812.55
2x2x2 Cube First round 95 3.64 9.45 Poland 11.053.648.08DNF9.21

Radosław Drozdowicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 47 12.50 13.22 Poland 13.1313.7114.6112.8212.50

Radosław Smędzik - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 72 13.67 17.19 Poland 14.7013.6714.0422.82DNF
First round 70 15.61 16.41 Poland 15.9720.2215.6116.7316.54
2x2x2 Cube First round 60 4.86 5.72 Poland 6.394.865.055.71DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 55 1:05.12 Poland 1:25.661:05.12
5x5x5 Cube First round 49 2:45.06 Poland DNF2:45.06
Skewb Second round 45 12.62 13.21 Poland 15.4214.0812.8512.6212.71
First round 52 7.99 11.50 Poland 11.5212.2011.0611.927.99

Rafał Waryszak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 21 8.14 10.64 Poland 9.8211.3211.5010.798.14
Second round 18 8.41 9.51 Poland 8.419.179.5710.239.80
First round 23 9.56 10.61 Poland 10.5913.319.569.9311.31
2x2x2 Cube First round 128 3.76 DNF Poland DNFDNF4.787.673.76
4x4x4 Cube Final 14 33.23 38.10 Poland 37.3533.2347.0038.7438.21
First round 11 35.27 36.71 Poland 36.6338.2636.3435.2737.15
Pyraminx Final 1 1.71 2.18 Poland 1.961.712.505.342.07
Second round 5 2.32 3.40 Poland
First round 3 2.47 2.94 Poland 4.212.473.472.842.50

Robert Ślesicki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 117 25.08 34.08 Poland 53.8239.5725.0833.6329.03
2x2x2 Cube First round 92 7.15 8.59 Poland 9.517.157.6113.298.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 85 1:55.62 Poland 1:57.161:55.62
Skewb Second round 36 7.94 9.53 Poland 7.949.2210.6411.358.72
First round 51 7.84 11.32 Poland 13.267.8418.6010.3410.35

Roman Sokolovskyi - Ukraine WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 77 14.50 18.33 Ukraine 17.5521.3017.3520.0914.50
2x2x2 Cube Second round 38 3.37 5.33 Ukraine 3.374.176.386.245.58
First round 46 4.17 5.07 Ukraine 4.174.495.445.485.28
4x4x4 Cube First round 75 1:39.02 Ukraine 1:39.021:40.07
5x5x5 Cube First round 51 3:16.35 Ukraine 3:18.693:16.35
Pyraminx First round 66 9.75 11.38 Ukraine 12.4010.179.7516.6011.56
Skewb First round 55 8.48 12.62 Ukraine 11.718.4813.7215.9412.42

Sebastian Nowicki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 29 9.81 11.19 Poland 10.8011.4411.3212.519.81
Second round 35 9.94 11.37 Poland 13.2511.809.9410.5311.77
First round 32 9.48 11.27 Poland 11.5011.749.4810.5712.35
2x2x2 Cube Second round 27 4.54 4.77 Poland 5.594.544.764.744.82
First round 39 2.70 4.75 Poland 4.782.704.944.974.52
4x4x4 Cube First round 24 38.64 43.52 Poland 38.6440.5346.9354.6843.11
5x5x5 Cube First round 24 1:19.77 1:30.87 Poland 1:32.761:24.471:35.381:19.771:45.15
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 16 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
First round 19 5:16.42 DNF Poland 5:16.42DNFDNS
Pyraminx First round 53 6.40 9.35 Poland 11.228.906.407.9311.98
Skewb Second round 29 6.49 8.18 Poland 7.229.607.716.499.85
First round 42 7.89 9.27 Poland 9.599.127.899.709.10

Sebastian Pałka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 95 22.33 24.61 Poland 24.9922.3325.4941.0023.34
2x2x2 Cube First round 91 3.67 8.55 Poland 9.713.678.9410.037.01
4x4x4 Cube First round 84 1:52.26 Poland 2:01.051:52.26

Stanisław Janecki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 97 22.50 24.96 Poland 22.9430.0622.5027.7524.20
2x2x2 Cube First round 105 8.83 12.81 Poland 16.719.558.8312.16DNF
Pyraminx First round 67 7.11 11.44 Poland 14.3911.587.1113.069.68
Skewb First round 73 5.84 19.90 Poland 21.1317.16DNF5.8421.41

Stanisław Ostaszewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 112 27.19 31.40 Poland DNF29.4332.2427.1932.54
2x2x2 Cube First round 80 4.63 7.43 Poland 7.19DNF6.069.034.63
Pyraminx First round 76 9.11 12.28 Poland 15.7814.889.1111.9010.05
Skewb First round 64 14.10 15.72 Poland 16.2114.1020.6514.7916.16

Szymon Brzana - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 16 9.56 12.39 Poland 12.2111.179.5613.9013.78
Semi Final 14 6.44 9.94 Poland 10.3210.708.8117.176.44
Second round 25 8.88 10.45 Poland 11.0310.0411.9210.278.88
First round 24 7.23 10.64 Poland 10.0211.1310.767.2311.13
2x2x2 Cube Final 11 2.40 3.47 Poland 2.403.
Second round 11 2.98 3.55 Poland 3.743.683.472.983.51
First round 13 3.20 3.37 Poland
4x4x4 Cube Final 15 36.30 39.53 Poland 39.8637.8442.1840.9036.30
First round 10 34.51 36.42 Poland 49.1538.0935.3435.8234.51
5x5x5 Cube Final 8 1:05.79 1:09.41 Poland 1:22.851:05.791:10.521:07.121:10.60
First round 11 1:09.90 1:14.54 Poland 1:11.321:15.881:09.901:19.461:16.42
Pyraminx Final 12 2.96 3.85 Poland 2.963.505.344.483.58
Second round 15 4.13 5.17 Poland 4.135.2810.186.074.16
First round 26 4.61 5.68 Poland 5.274.616.794.977.91
Skewb Second round 18 4.22 6.62 Poland
First round 26 3.94 6.65 Poland 5.527.329.487.113.94

Szymon Juroszek - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 22 9.27 11.00 Poland 9.9510.5812.4613.019.27
Second round 21 8.88 10.13 Poland 10.7310.258.8811.029.40
First round 31 9.16 11.22 Poland 11.3511.6712.019.1610.65
2x2x2 Cube Second round 25 3.77 4.71 Poland 4.463.775.084.596.57
First round 43 2.71 4.98 Poland 6.392.713.796.514.77
4x4x4 Cube Final 12 27.37 36.68 Poland 38.2037.6846.7027.3734.16
First round 12 32.45 36.97 Poland 36.0435.7632.4540.8939.11
5x5x5 Cube Final 10 59.76 1:11.12 Poland 1:10.201:16.8359.761:10.781:12.37
First round 13 1:10.52 1:16.17 Poland 1:10.521:18.421:19.311:10.791:25.26
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 20 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNS
Pyraminx First round 62 6.25 10.46 Poland 12.2612.226.90DNF6.25
Skewb First round 27 5.09 6.65 Poland 5.726.609.195.097.64

Szymon Malinowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 2 7.74 8.00 Poland 8.217.977.748.427.82
Semi Final 8 7.43 8.65 Poland 7.438.608.999.198.35
Second round 7 6.41 8.09 Poland 9.227.948.506.417.84
First round 4 7.21 8.07 Poland 8.2712.
2x2x2 Cube Final 6 2.36 2.92 Poland 2.702.892.363.173.53
Second round 8 3.13 3.39 Poland 3.573.133.163.453.66
First round 25 2.95 3.95 Poland 4.642.953.933.277.19
4x4x4 Cube Final 4 28.11 31.74 Poland 30.7328.1132.9135.1931.58
First round 5 29.17 32.39 Poland 30.8434.8332.6733.6529.17
5x5x5 Cube Final 5 50.49 1:02.14 Poland 1:04.851:01.0850.491:06.691:00.50
First round 5 55.58 1:02.77 Poland 1:04.871:06.1455.5857.311:06.62
Skewb Final 10 3.07 5.63 Poland
Second round 7 4.10 4.55 Poland 5.634.594.264.104.80
First round 10 2.99 4.86 Poland 4.412.996.584.365.81

Szymon Prajsnar - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 47 11.39 13.95 Poland 11.3915.5614.0912.2121.29
Second round 43 10.41 11.98 Poland 13.1812.3910.5413.0110.41
First round 33 10.79 11.49 Poland 12.9210.7911.4411.1411.89
2x2x2 Cube Second round 49 3.25 7.33 Poland
First round 50 3.73 5.18 Poland 3.734.128.474.856.57
4x4x4 Cube First round 52 1:02.41 Poland 1:03.931:02.41
Pyraminx First round 71 6.72 11.95 Poland 13.2216.686.7212.3010.34
Skewb First round 58 9.43 13.04 Poland 12.7413.1013.279.4316.08

Sławomir Lisowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 120 26.22 34.95 Poland 43.3832.94DNF26.2228.53
Pyraminx First round 82 8.61 13.79 Poland 14.5516.228.6110.61DNF

Tobiasz Rychlik - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 50 9.66 DNF Poland 9.66DNF9.94DNF12.02
Second round 19 8.92 9.58 Poland 9.2613.199.598.929.90
First round 15 7.11 9.71 Poland 8.7713.019.047.1111.32
2x2x2 Cube First round 129 4.47 DNF Poland 4.51DNFDNF4.477.55
4x4x4 Cube Final 11 31.67 36.42 Poland 41.7436.3334.5831.6738.34
First round 9 32.90 36.20 Poland 39.3337.8335.9232.9034.85
5x5x5 Cube First round 59 DNF Poland DNFDNF
Pyraminx Second round 20 4.46 5.96 Poland 5.944.464.996.957.42
First round 22 3.38 4.98 Poland 7.693.574.613.386.75

Tomasz Jaśko - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 141 33.65 54.61 Poland 37.311:15.76DNF33.6550.75

Tomasz Pietruszka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 23 7.57 11.02 Poland 14.989.7311.8211.517.57
Second round 27 9.06 10.80 Poland 10.159.0611.0914.6111.16
First round 29 8.54 10.91 Poland 11.5211.538.5410.6610.56
2x2x2 Cube Second round 22 1.86 4.23 Poland 3.754.70DNF4.241.86
First round 8 1.57 2.88 Poland DNF1.572.114.342.20
4x4x4 Cube Final 13 34.07 37.90 Poland 34.0752.2639.2536.4038.06
First round 16 35.93 38.67 Poland 36.4437.2835.9343.0142.28
5x5x5 Cube Final 9 59.30 1:10.69 Poland 1:12.891:10.891:58.421:08.3059.30
First round 6 1:02.22 1:07.65 Poland 1:06.121:06.841:02.221:10.191:10.00
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 20 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx Second round 21 3.38 6.01 Poland 3.385.677.037.875.34
First round 20 3.94 4.95 Poland 5.404.315.153.946.40
Skewb Final 12 4.01 5.92 Poland 4.34DNF4.409.034.01
Second round 9 2.92 4.91 Poland 4.494.862.926.375.37
First round 5 3.05 4.00 Poland 3.58DNF3.943.054.47

Tomasz Semeniuk - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 116 29.95 33.89 Poland 35.74DNF35.2429.9530.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 102 5.14 11.32 Poland 13.6213.6111.039.315.14
4x4x4 Cube First round 94 2:15.14 Poland 2:16.032:15.14

Tymon Kolasiński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 1 4.63 5.54 Poland 5.486.106.305.034.63
Semi Final 1 4.36 6.15 Poland 7.194.366.288.054.98
Second round 1 5.05 6.19 Poland
First round 1 5.07 6.58 Poland 6.497.957.355.895.07
4x4x4 Cube Final 1 19.43 23.68 Poland 25.8023.5032.8119.4321.74
First round 1 21.23 23.60 Poland 26.6424.6022.8021.2323.39
5x5x5 Cube Final 1 36.29 42.05 Poland 36.2946.7741.7838.8945.48
First round 1 38.11 42.54 Poland 41.8438.1145.1740.6149.50
Pyraminx Final 3 1.43 2.32 Poland 1.491.435.543.791.68
Second round 2 1.64 3.00 Poland 2.183.323.633.501.64
First round 1 1.63 2.40 Poland

Tymon Sozański - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 82 14.62 19.62 Poland 21.1514.6216.7220.9824.55
2x2x2 Cube First round 76 5.28 6.87 Poland 9.375.287.266.396.96
4x4x4 Cube First round 78 1:44.94 Poland 1:56.421:44.94
5x5x5 Cube First round 50 3:16.31 Poland 3:30.963:16.31
Pyraminx First round 64 7.17 11.08 Poland 12.2510.577.1711.5211.16
Skewb Second round 35 8.19 9.27 Poland 8.939.668.199.2112.45
First round 46 6.86 9.85 Poland 13.716.8611.408.869.30

Vojtěch Horák - Czech Republic WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 15 10.31 11.87 Czech Republic 10.3112.1613.0712.6310.82
Semi Final 16 8.78 9.98 Czech Republic 9.948.7811.8410.739.26
Second round 14 7.79 9.18 Czech Republic 9.979.248.337.7912.36
First round 30 8.07 10.97 Czech Republic 11.1811.3910.348.0711.43
2x2x2 Cube Second round 42 3.03 5.63 Czech Republic 9.683.033.44DNF3.78
First round 29 3.28 4.25 Czech Republic 4.064.333.284.364.52
4x4x4 Cube First round 43 46.44 52.19 Czech Republic 48.6346.4453.8759.4754.07

Wiktor Smędzik - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 99 21.59 25.85 Poland 25.8821.5958.6023.7827.89
2x2x2 Cube First round 106 3.35 13.56 Poland 15.983.3511.0013.7027.13
4x4x4 Cube First round 90 2:03.94 Poland 2:03.942:33.27
Pyraminx Second round 26 2.67 7.21 Poland 8.038.976.756.842.67
First round 18 3.71 4.77 Poland 4.758.144.913.714.64

Wiktor Szafar - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 119 28.64 34.76 Poland 28.6430.2337.0642.6637.00
2x2x2 Cube First round 87 5.70 8.25 Poland 8.58DNF7.878.315.70
Pyraminx First round 105 10.41 28.97 Poland 37.6921.7127.5110.4138.25
Skewb First round 62 14.60 15.53 Poland 15.3914.6015.7715.4221.79

Wiktoria Waryszak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 108 27.71 29.81 Poland 31.6030.7228.9029.8227.71
2x2x2 Cube First round 118 10.46 17.02 Poland 24.1421.3710.4615.7013.99
4x4x4 Cube First round 72 1:36.11 Poland 1:47.051:36.11
Pyraminx First round 52 7.98 9.30 Poland

Witold Grzesiak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 113 20.91 32.37 Poland 29.0943.1820.9133.9534.07
2x2x2 Cube First round 110 5.01 14.14 Poland 16.63DNF8.2517.545.01
4x4x4 Cube First round 80 1:46.39 Poland 1:46.392:36.18
Pyraminx First round 89 12.98 14.44 Poland 13.1421.5916.2812.9813.90
Skewb First round 75 16.60 22.92 Poland 16.6027.2821.4729.5420.01

Witold Sołtysik - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 6 7.41 8.53 Poland 8.129.617.419.837.86
Semi Final 9 7.88 8.95 Poland 7.8810.018.7210.318.13
Second round 16 7.53 9.25 Poland 10.998.598.557.5310.62
First round 7 7.10 8.60 Poland 8.428.419.477.108.98
2x2x2 Cube Final 13 2.70 3.65 Poland 4.112.702.804.284.03
Second round 16 3.18 3.81 Poland 3.893.183.724.343.83
First round 35 3.88 4.54 Poland 4.275.306.104.043.88
4x4x4 Cube Final 10 34.23 36.27 Poland 34.2337.2236.2539.9135.33
First round 15 32.75 37.79 Poland 32.7534.2443.9340.4438.70
5x5x5 Cube First round 20 1:14.98 1:27.25 Poland 1:30.041:14.981:29.121:36.441:22.59
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 20 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNSDNS
Pyraminx Final 15 2.36 4.97 Poland 2.362.714.907.3110.34
Second round 16 3.09 5.43 Poland
First round 19 2.58 4.84 Poland 4.944.005.582.585.84
Skewb Second round 20 4.69 6.73 Poland 9.156.406.134.697.66
First round 12 4.19 5.06 Poland 5.665.

Witold Wesołowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 148 1:05.50 1:17.93 Poland 1:28.281:19.831:10.531:23.441:05.50
2x2x2 Cube First round 126 17.81 30.73 Poland 31.3246.0428.9231.9517.81

Wojciech Barciaga - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 19 7.94 10.39 Poland 11.478.467.9412.4811.23
Second round 17 8.55 9.30 Poland 9.739.0910.589.098.55
First round 12 6.67 9.47 Poland 9.8110.278.346.6710.45
2x2x2 Cube Second round 17 2.09 3.95 Poland 3.872.093.794.244.19
First round 22 3.12 3.89 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 20 35.85 39.32 Poland 35.9341.5835.8540.4543.04
5x5x5 Cube First round 17 1:03.78 1:23.80 Poland 1:33.721:25.061:15.591:03.781:30.76
Pyraminx Second round 46 7.96 10.55 Poland 14.798.9510.457.9612.25
First round 33 5.19 6.84 Poland 8.665.197.036.536.96
Skewb Final 8 2.90 5.30 Poland 2.987.872.9012.375.06
Second round 3 2.40 3.62 Poland 3.923.763.862.403.25
First round 3 3.43 3.97 Poland 4.283.434.423.973.65

Wojciech Maciszewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 138 45.48 48.53 Poland 51.6249.4546.8849.2645.48
2x2x2 Cube First round 114 11.85 14.89 Poland 21.1411.8512.7017.8314.13
Pyraminx First round 92 12.02 15.61 Poland 18.7115.56DNF12.0212.56

Wojciech Tułacz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 125 32.03 38.20 Poland 34.3836.1332.0344.0956.00

Wojtek Tomczak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 128 34.39 42.44 Poland 42.3343.4851.0241.5234.39

Łukasz Burliga - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 3 7.59 8.07 Poland 8.029.817.598.497.70
Semi Final 7 7.07 8.58 Poland 7.079.3510.057.219.18
Second round 2 7.17 7.57 Poland 7.587.907.247.177.92
First round 2 6.41 7.70 Poland 7.348.147.806.417.95
2x2x2 Cube Final 2 1.56 2.09 Poland 2.032.551.681.563.90
Second round 3 1.98 2.83 Poland
First round 1 1.48 1.79 Poland 1.541.481.992.861.83
4x4x4 Cube Final 2 26.82 30.30 Poland 31.8326.8232.0727.7131.35
First round 3 27.61 31.86 Poland 32.3632.2127.6132.2031.16
5x5x5 Cube Final 2 53.42 56.61 Poland 59.2754.8155.761:07.2353.42
First round 3 48.56 57.79 Poland 54.5956.771:02.0048.561:06.10
Pyraminx Second round 23 4.45 6.52 Poland 5.164.457.877.367.05
First round 16 4.04 4.72 Poland 4.955.174.046.314.04
Skewb Final 1 1.78 2.82 Poland 2.751.782.902.804.99
Second round 1 1.84 2.38 Poland 4.793.031.841.872.23
First round 6 2.49 4.01 Poland 2.495.903.902.925.21

Łukasz Dubicki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 24 9.09 11.02 Poland 11.199.0912.5710.0211.84
Second round 44 8.68 12.19 Poland 11.2512.5913.808.6812.72
First round 18 8.22 9.86 Poland 10.2310.8210.018.229.33
2x2x2 Cube Second round 31 3.78 4.98 Poland 9.304.744.425.783.78
First round 11 2.57 3.24 Poland 3.332.573.492.913.52
4x4x4 Cube Final 9 34.91 35.64 Poland 36.1535.4235.3634.9136.45
First round 14 33.24 37.44 Poland 35.9340.0833.2439.0637.34
5x5x5 Cube Final 12 1:11.67 1:16.43 Poland 1:15.211:21.211:12.881:27.821:11.67
First round 10 1:11.70 1:13.72 Poland 1:12.721:26.841:16.021:12.411:11.70
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Second round 10 2:38.35 DNF Poland 2:38.352:47.76DNF
First round 5 1:23.19 DNF Poland 2:18.21DNF1:23.19
Pyraminx Second round 50 5.62 DNF Poland 5.62DNF5.818.43DNF
First round 10 2.25 4.06 Poland 4.793.524.282.254.39
Skewb First round 16 3.95 5.42 Poland 3.959.945.395.225.64

Šimon Borovský - Slovakia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 32 10.65 11.83 Slovakia 10.6513.3911.2612.5311.71
Second round 28 8.47 10.82 Slovakia 10.2512.3813.018.479.83
First round 37 10.88 11.82 Slovakia 11.2713.4210.9610.8813.23
2x2x2 Cube Second round 30 3.72 4.88 Slovakia 3.724.855.916.943.87
First round 28 3.21 4.05 Slovakia
4x4x4 Cube First round 28 42.02 45.55 Slovakia 42.0245.9944.4946.1651.05
5x5x5 Cube First round 27 1:24.61 1:32.71 Slovakia 1:38.841:28.091:31.331:38.721:24.61
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 4 1:56.88 DNF Slovakia 1:56.88DNFDNF
Second round 9 2:36.48 DNF Slovakia 2:36.48DNF2:52.51
First round 7 1:39.30 DNF Slovakia DNFDNF1:39.30
Pyraminx Second round 43 7.03 10.10 Slovakia 10.2410.0511.1910.017.03
First round 48 5.99 8.89 Slovakia 7.599.0910.195.999.99
Skewb Second round 24 6.77 7.43 Slovakia 8.597.647.647.026.77
First round 35 4.95 8.14 Slovakia 8.274.9510.766.329.84
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