Cube Weekend St. Michielsgestel 2018
- Date
- Mar 24 - 25, 2018
- City
- St. Michielsgestel, Netherlands
- Venue
- Address
- Esscheweg 78, 5271 NA Sint Michielsgestel
- Website
- Cube Weekend St. Michielsgestel 2018 website
- Contact
- Organizers
- Heleen van der Ree and Sandra de Geeter
- WCA Delegate
- Ron van Bruchem
- Information
Kubusweekend in St.Michielsgestel, van vrijdagavond 23 t/m zondag 25 maart 2018. Een compleet weekend met 2 overnachtingen, maaltijden, snacks en natuurlijk een wedstrijd. 40-84 deelnemers. Kosten 100 euro. Lees vóór je aanmelding de uitgebreide informatie op
Cube weekend in St. Michielsgestel from Friday evening 23 to Sunday 25 March 2018. A complete weekend with 2 overnight stays, meals, snacks and the competition. 40-84 participants. Costs 100 euros. Before you register, please read the detailed information on
- Events
- Main event
- Competitors
- 39
- Registration period
Online registration opened Thursday, November 23, 2017 at 4:00 PM UTC and closed Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 6:00 PM UTC.
- Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
- Highlights
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.
Philipp Weyer won with an average of 7.31 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Sebastian Weyer finished second (8.47) and Mika Smulders finished third (9.10).