Dolmen Open 2011

Jul 2 - 3, 2011
Gennes, France

Salle des Loisirs

Route de Louerre, 49350
Dolmen Open 2011 website

Gaël Dusser

Gaël Dusser
WCA Delegate
Philippe Virouleau

The registration is free. Hotel accommodations can be found at People who come by train will have to take a train to "Angers", and then a bus to "Gennes". They can also contact Gaël by calling the 06 59 07 81 10, or contact Philippe by calling the 06 12 66 62 44.

Main event
Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) won with an average of 8.92 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Anton Piau finished second (12.86) and Pierre Lemerle finished third (14.44).

World records: Mario Laurent‎ 3x3x3 Fewest Moves 31.67 (average).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 8.33 8.92 NR France 9.698.4411.638.638.33
2 Anton Piau 11.38 12.86 France 13.3013.5911.6911.3820.06
3 Pierre Lemerle 13.34 14.44 France 14.1114.6313.3414.5814.88

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Anton Piau 3.46 4.42 France 4.153.464.085.037.16
2 Philippe Virouleau 3.97 5.30 France 5.816.304.933.975.16
3 Nicolas Fruy 4.50 5.76 France 4.505.835.657.035.81

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Pierre Lemerle 50.13 56.66 France 59.2755.6358.4755.8850.13
2 Philippe Virouleau 53.34 57.99 France 58.2555.411:00.3053.341:07.06
3 Anton Piau 54.19 58.70 France 1:04.6158.8859.6357.5854.19

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 1:29.09 1:40.20 France 1:37.381:40.211:29.091:43.001:57.15
2 Philippe Virouleau 1:40.02 1:45.33 France 1:47.931:44.411:40.021:47.961:43.65
3 Anton Piau 1:46.93 1:57.18 France 2:01.962:00.381:46.931:49.212:04.96

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Hippolyte Moreau 2:25.22 DNF France 2:25.22DNFDNF
2 Clément Gallet 2:32.69 France 2:32.69
3 Gaël Dusser 7:04.38 France 7:04.38

3x3x3 Fewest Moves

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Clément Gallet 27 DNF France 2732DNF
2 Mario Laurent 28 31.67 WR France 283631
3 François Courtès 31 DNF France 3431DNS

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 15.11 18.78 France 15.1118.3420.3418.9619.05
2 Anton Piau 18.41 25.83 France 30.0026.9122.9418.4127.65
3 Gaël Dusser 23.02 26.12 France 29.4423.0227.8325.6824.84


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Guillaume Erbibou 1.38 1.76 France 1.38DNF1.402.431.44
2 Valentin Doussin 1.69 1.77 France 1.841.721.695.611.75
3 Gaël Dusser 1.52 1.78 France 1.811.661.863.581.52

Master Magic

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Gaspard Leleux 3.88 4.66 France 4.067.755.084.843.88
2 Clément Gallet 3.90 4.87 France 5.345.213.906.754.05
3 Valentin Doussin 6.38 8.14 France 8.408.697.336.3813.43
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