Don't DNS Denton 2024

5x5x5 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Noah Swor 2017SWOR01 United States 7:37.81 27 6:49.20 78
2 Ryan Pilat 2016PILA03 United States 14:17.00 69 8:04.96 114
3 Joshua Gao 2023GAOJ02 United States 8:30.01 126
4 Christopher Chi 2014CHIC01 United States 12:33.00 245
5 Nathan Benson 2022BENS01 United States 12:36.00 248
6 Jeremy Sheng 2019SHEN10 United States 14:00.00 294
7 Fletcher Berry 2018BERR01 United States 15:27.00 351
8 Michael Conard 2013CONA01 United States 30:00.00 716
9 Matthew Bidwell 2018BIDW02 United States 32:11.00 747
AJ Kamal 2016KAMA04 United States
Casey Ngo 2017NGOC03 United States
Daniel Karnaukh 2014KARN02 United States
James Wang 2015WANG87 United States
Luke Cowan 2022COWA02 United States
Owen Widdis 2015WIDD01 United States
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