Don't Inverloch Up 2024

Feb 10 - 11, 2024
Inverloch, Victoria, Australia

Inverloch Community Hub

16 A'Beckett Street, Inverloch VIC 3996

Community Centre


Speedcubing Australia

Speedcubing Australia
WCA Delegates
Beste Cifci, Divnoor Bajwa, Patrick Kleverlaan, and Tam Quan
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

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Speedcubing Australia Website

Speedcubing Australia acknowledges the traditional owners of this land, the Bunurong people, and pays respect to the elders, past and present for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Sunday, January 7, 2024 at 8:00 AM UTC and closed Saturday, February 3, 2024 at 12:59 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Phoenix Patterson won with an average of 7.74 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Lennon Hughes finished second (7.97) and Divnoor Bajwa finished third (8.92).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Phoenix Patterson 6.82 7.74 Australia 7.676.828.818.457.11
2 Lennon Hughes 7.09 7.97 Australia 7.097.977.418.539.54
3 Divnoor Bajwa 7.68 8.92 Australia 10.548.898.827.689.06

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Phoenix Patterson 1.06 1.35 Australia 1.063.311.281.641.14
2 Roman Rudakov 1.39 2.32 Australia 3.38DNF1.391.871.72
3 Harry Forbes 1.51 2.34 Australia 2.091.51DNF2.632.29

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Phoenix Patterson 29.86 33.41 Australia 38.9231.2731.4737.4829.86
2 Divnoor Bajwa 32.24 35.14 Australia 35.5040.0337.2832.2432.64
3 Lennon Hughes 32.81 35.20 Australia 39.4037.3433.0335.2432.81

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Divnoor Bajwa 59.19 1:08.28 Australia 1:05.77DNF1:16.7659.191:02.31
2 Phoenix Patterson 1:01.76 1:08.37 Australia 1:08.251:07.651:10.881:09.221:01.76
3 Zayd Chaudhry 1:04.27 1:09.07 Australia 1:17.781:09.811:04.271:11.101:06.29

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Michael Tripodi 23.82 DNF Australia 25.93DNF23.82
2 Tam Quan 30.35 DNF Australia DNF30.35DNF
3 Swami Srinivasan 41.67 DNF Australia 41.67DNFDNF


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Darcy Way 36.76 41.15 Australia 43.3237.9442.1836.7645.07
2 Tam Quan 41.23 45.77 Australia 41.2357.1345.2842.3649.67
3 Roman Rudakov 47.93 51.09 Australia 52.9447.9349.7755.3650.56


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Phoenix Patterson 1.67 2.09 Australia 1.672.172.191.923.12
2 Emmet Hobbs 1.65 2.58 Australia 1.652.692.442.61DNF
3 Zayd Chaudhry 1.93 3.39 Australia 1.936.143.042.664.46


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Phoenix Patterson 1.94 3.88 Australia 4.813.224.011.944.41
2 Michael Tripodi 3.13 5.19 Australia 5.683.796.273.136.11
3 Harry Forbes 2.50 5.37 Australia 9.396.084.552.505.49

4x4x4 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Michael Tripodi 2:39.29 DNF Australia DNF2:39.29DNF
2 Lennon Hughes 3:27.73 4:01.57 Australia 4:19.833:27.734:17.14
3 Swami Srinivasan 4:17.63 DNF Australia 5:28.144:17.63DNF

5x5x5 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Michael Tripodi 3:41.74 DNF Australia DNFDNF3:41.74
2 Lennon Hughes 10:47.00 DNF Australia DNF10:47.00DNS
3 Swami Srinivasan 11:25.00 DNF Australia DNF11:25.00DNS
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