Edén Bogotá 2024

Pyraminx Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Dennis Rosero 2010ROSE03 Colombia 4.77 2757 2.52 1819
2 Eduard Esteban García Domínguez 2011EDUA01 Colombia 5.76 4987 2.77 2422
3 Juan Sebastian Mendez Llanos 2017LLAN01 Colombia 6.06 5806 3.39 4478
4 Luna Sofía Bernal Sanguino 2023SANG01 Colombia 14.22 52047 9.85 51920
5 Jeison Sanchez 2014SANC17 Colombia 16.61 65584 9.53 49291
Samuel Andrés Vergara Castro Colombia
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