FMC Latin America 2023

Mar 25, 2023
Multiple Cities, Multiple Countries (Americas)

Multiple Cities

Multiple Locations

See the locations tab for more information about venue locations


João Vinícius de Andrade Santos

Agrupación Speedcubing Argentina, Asociacion Boliviana de SpeedCubing, Asociación Uruguaya de Speedcubing, Associação Brasileira de Cubo Mágico, Club de SpeedCubing Paraguay, SpeedCubing Venezuela, Speedcubing Chile, and Speedcubing Colombia
WCA Delegates
Andrés Hisashi Suzuki Cabrera, Areli Rubí Gordillo Martínez, Carlos Ricardo Chin Dzul, Cristian Ezequiel Vega, Dennis Rosero, Egdar Castillo, Elias Miguel Acosta Acosta, Enrymar Cisneros, Felipe Andres Rojas Garces, Gennaro Monetti, Giovane Rubin Fioravanti, Guido Dipietro, Guilherme Santana Campos, Gustavo Riveiro, Helar Gomez Chalco, Heron Sato, Jorge Miguel Trigo, José Antonio Gaete Rozas-Peña, José Leonardo Chaparro Prieto, João Vinícius de A. Santos, Kalani Oliveira, Luan Ferreira, Marlon de V. Marques, Michel Andre Gonzaga Quijano, Natán Riggenbach, Pedro Miranda Moreira, Rocio Rodriguez Rivera, Rodrigo Ugarte, Sergio Andres Guillen Ibarra, and Xavier Antonio Balderrama
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.


This competition will hold only 3x3x3 Fewest Moves event, and it will be held in multiple locations, across Latin America. Please pay attention to the date and time zone of your location!

Locations may be added until the 25th of February 23:59UTC so if there isn't a location near you yet contact your local Delegate in Latin America.


Esta competencia tendrá solo el evento 3x3x3 Menos Movimientos, y se llevará a cabo en múltiples ubicaciones en América Latina. ¡Preste atención a la fecha y zona horaria de su ubicación!

Se pueden agregar ubicaciones hasta el 25 de febrero a las 23:59 UTC, por lo que si aún no hay una ubicación cerca de usted, comuníquese con su Delegado local en América Latina.


Esta competição contará apenas com a modalidade 3x3x3 Menos Movimentos e será realizada em vários locais da América Latina. Preste atenção à data e fuso horário da sua localidade!

Os locais podem ser adicionados até 25 de fevereiro às 23h59 UTC, portanto, se ainda não houver um local próximo a você, entre em contato com o Delegado local na América Latina.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 3:00 AM UTC and closed Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 3:00 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Guido Dipietro won with a mean of 25.33 moves in the 3x3x3 Fewest Moves event. Anuar Miguel Abib Onofre finished second (27.33) and Alexandre Henrique Afonso Campos finished third (28.67).

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