GLS IV 2023

Jul 15 - 16, 2023
Gdańsk, Poland

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 48 w Gdańsku

ul. Burzyńskiego 10, 80-462 Gdańsk
GLS IV 2023 website

Adam Polkowski

Adam Polkowski and Mateusz Kanarski
WCA Delegates
Krzysztof Bober and Przemysław Rogalski
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Gdańska Liga Speedcubingu to speedcuberska inicjatywa z najdłuższymi tradycjami i niezwykłą historią. Od 2008 roku w różnych lokalizacjach nasze wspaniałe miasto gościło aż 54 turnieje w oficjalnej formule World Cube Association, w, których łącznie wzięło udział kilka tysięcy zawodników z całego kraju.

Gdańsk Speedcubing League is an speedcubing initiative with long tradition and extraordinary history. Since 2008 in several different locations our city hosted 54 official WCA competitions, where few thousands of competitors could have done their attempts.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Monday, June 19, 2023 at 5:00 PM UTC and closed Friday, July 7, 2023 at 4:00 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Adam Chodyniecki won with an average of 7.26 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Tomasz Pietruszka finished second (8.00) and Adam Kędziorski finished third (8.03).

Ada Zajder - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 41 10.99 12.17 Poland 12.8110.9911.6917.8412.00
First round 39 11.45 12.30 Poland 15.7612.2911.4512.7511.86
2x2x2 Cube First round 28 3.09 4.06 Poland 4.423.585.644.183.09
4x4x4 Cube First round 37 53.07 56.44 Poland 1:06.4253.5556.8653.0758.92
Clock First round 55 14.45 Poland DNF14.45
Megaminx First round 45 2:45.80 Poland 2:45.802:47.97
Pyraminx First round 26 3.33 6.01 Poland 3.336.257.125.955.82
Skewb First round 22 4.21 6.73 Poland

Adam Chodyniecki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 1 6.54 7.26 Poland 6.547.259.996.987.55
Second round 2 5.30 7.27 Poland 7.328.398.455.306.11
First round 2 6.89 7.40 Poland 7.767.2610.067.196.89
2x2x2 Cube First round 21 2.66 3.70 Poland 3.414.593.1010.172.66
4x4x4 Cube Final 1 27.39 28.19 Poland 27.6134.0127.3928.5128.44
First round 3 30.10 31.91 Poland 32.6731.6731.3830.1053.12
Clock Final 10 6.32 DNF Poland 7.46DNFDNFDNF6.32
First round 9 6.57 6.84 Poland 7.116.576.666.767.21
Megaminx Final 11 49.70 1:05.23 Poland 1:07.371:01.441:32.4549.701:06.87
First round 9 53.46 1:04.58 Poland 1:02.991:04.211:06.5453.461:14.29
Pyraminx Final 12 4.37 5.02 Poland DNF4.704.375.514.84
First round 12 2.41 4.46 Poland 4.933.858.604.602.41
Skewb Final 10 4.26 6.11 Poland 7.436.314.265.536.49
First round 10 3.68 4.46 Poland 4.234.624.543.684.94

Adam Janiszewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 32 8.74 11.38 Poland 9.4912.9413.8211.728.74
First round 28 9.40 11.12 Poland 11.819.8412.3111.709.40
2x2x2 Cube First round 18 1.63 3.53 Poland 3.563.663.363.681.63
4x4x4 Cube First round 33 44.64 52.48 Poland 44.6456.9147.8256.4353.18
Clock First round 52 13.64 Poland DNF13.64
Megaminx First round 17 1:15.53 1:16.89 Poland 1:17.281:15.531:17.601:15.801:31.68
Pyraminx First round 39 7.31 7.96 Poland 8.968.417.897.317.59
Skewb Final 9 3.92 4.98 Poland 5.365.363.925.274.30
First round 8 4.02 4.33 Poland

Adam Kędziorski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 3 7.44 8.03 Poland 7.447.778.657.6810.59
Second round 4 6.65 7.78 Poland 6.888.696.658.338.14
First round 5 7.29 8.47 Poland 7.4210.0210.597.967.29
2x2x2 Cube Final 10 2.09 3.84 Poland 4.354.993.402.093.76
First round 9 2.27 2.84 Poland 2.912.272.752.875.71
4x4x4 Cube Final 7 28.90 34.04 Poland 38.2336.7435.9529.4428.90
First round 1 26.24 30.36 Poland 26.2437.0926.3532.8931.85
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 10 1:49.81 DNF Poland 2:23.981:49.81DNF
First round 10 2:04.37 DNF Poland 2:04.37DNFDNF
Clock First round 14 6.61 7.56 Poland 10.876.677.718.296.61
Megaminx Final 12 59.29 1:11.14 Poland 1:19.271:17.561:06.171:09.6959.29
First round 11 59.73 1:08.52 Poland 1:17.101:10.601:11.411:03.5559.73
Pyraminx Final 3 1.88 2.82 Poland 1.883.083.306.802.07
First round 1 2.18 2.29 Poland 2.432.202.892.182.25
Skewb First round 15 3.69 5.41 Poland 4.418.327.594.223.69

Adam Polkowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 29 9.16 11.11 Poland 9.9512.2311.1412.499.16
First round 30 9.70 11.41 Poland 11.8411.549.7010.8512.57
2x2x2 Cube First round 65 5.71 6.22 Poland 7.225.716.945.755.98
4x4x4 Cube First round 18 35.20 43.16 Poland 44.1035.2040.7944.59DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNSDNS
Megaminx First round 18 1:14.12 1:18.26 Poland 1:16.761:18.341:22.411:14.121:19.68

Adam Roik - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 58 12.28 14.63 Poland 15.19DNF12.2815.7112.98
First round 58 12.57 14.40 Poland 14.9512.5715.1316.5113.13
2x2x2 Cube First round 74 5.23 7.69 Poland 6.588.385.238.128.96
4x4x4 Cube First round 59 1:17.60 Poland 1:17.601:25.32
Pyraminx First round 32 6.14 6.86 Poland 6.836.4511.507.316.14
Skewb First round 73 17.16 18.87 Poland 24.4018.4418.4619.7117.16

Adam Steuer - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 81 20.70 23.01 Poland 21.3720.7025.7321.9326.42
2x2x2 Cube First round 58 5.11 5.68 Poland 5.365.115.3010.116.39
Pyraminx First round 96 9.85 20.57 Poland DNF9.8528.9618.3914.36

Adam Zakrzewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 33 9.21 11.46 Poland 12.4312.1610.539.2111.68
First round 36 11.43 12.21 Poland 11.8011.4315.1711.7413.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 40 3.16 4.67 Poland 4.385.625.764.013.16
4x4x4 Cube First round 47 1:02.67 Poland 1:02.671:05.95
Clock First round 21 7.47 9.27 Poland 8.457.67DNF7.4711.69
Megaminx First round 36 2:04.39 Poland 2:06.272:04.39
Pyraminx First round 29 5.52 6.39 Poland 5.526.037.395.7510.30
Skewb First round 33 6.22 7.63 Poland 6.828.156.227.938.79

Adrian Rodziewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 54 11.44 13.94 Poland 15.2011.4414.5412.08DNF
First round 44 11.10 12.69 Poland DNF11.9713.8212.2811.10
2x2x2 Cube First round 36 3.52 4.53 Poland 3.525.263.904.4211.06
4x4x4 Cube First round 50 1:04.89 Poland 1:57.991:04.89
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNS
Clock First round 22 8.43 9.90 Poland 8.4410.4114.0310.858.43
Megaminx First round 46 2:46.39 Poland 2:46.393:13.99
Pyraminx First round 80 8.77 15.28 Poland 16.8113.9815.418.7716.46
Skewb First round 49 7.57 9.91 Poland 10.7310.597.578.4214.46

Alan Żeromski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 48 11.85 13.18 Poland 14.2414.9913.0512.2411.85
First round 54 11.56 14.11 Poland 12.9214.9716.9214.4411.56
2x2x2 Cube First round 111 4.12 DNF Poland DNFDNF4.124.954.32
4x4x4 Cube First round 42 47.61 58.15 Poland 47.611:04.8656.5254.301:03.62
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 4 56.90 DNF Poland 1:23.01DNF56.90
First round 5 1:01.20 DNF Poland 1:01.961:01.20DNF
Pyraminx First round 58 8.55 10.73 Poland 12.008.758.5515.7011.44
Skewb First round 39 6.07 8.34 Poland 9.639.299.616.136.07

Aleksander Bilan - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 104 31.36 41.31 Poland 31.7131.3644.2651.0947.96
2x2x2 Cube First round 108 17.63 26.63 Poland 17.6325.9226.2027.7629.49
Pyraminx First round 99 27.52 34.60 Poland 27.5235.9230.90DNF36.98
Skewb First round 87 22.02 DNF Poland DNF31.9643.66DNF22.02

Alexander Pastirčák - Slovakia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 72 17.62 20.32 Slovakia 26.5617.6222.4917.7620.71
First round 73 17.35 18.55 Slovakia 17.3519.2718.9417.4421.35
2x2x2 Cube First round 68 5.20 6.52 Slovakia 5.797.317.055.206.72
4x4x4 Cube First round 52 1:08.61 Slovakia 1:08.611:12.88
Clock First round 60 17.51 Slovakia 21.0817.51
Megaminx First round 34 1:59.66 Slovakia 2:12.021:59.66
Pyraminx First round 41 6.66 8.38 Slovakia 7.5112.569.036.668.60
Skewb First round 28 6.81 7.23 Slovakia 6.817.777.257.207.24

Amelia Zakrzewska - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 77 17.62 23.51 Poland 20.7329.9331.6019.8717.62
First round 83 16.52 25.17 Poland 42.5325.7025.7016.5224.12
2x2x2 Cube First round 85 6.09 10.05 Poland 7.8814.537.736.0916.10
4x4x4 Cube First round 54 1:11.32 Poland 1:11.321:32.68
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 54 13.87 Poland 13.87DNF
Megaminx First round 22 1:11.33 1:23.03 Poland 1:11.331:29.071:36.631:26.301:13.73
Pyraminx First round 62 9.17 11.54 Poland 12.139.1711.7712.0110.85
Skewb First round 81 19.22 26.52 Poland 31.5824.7423.2446.4719.22

Andrzej Jędrzejak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 61 14.48 15.38 Poland 14.8614.9316.3614.4819.24
First round 53 12.56 14.01 Poland 14.9014.4112.5615.0312.71
2x2x2 Cube First round 55 3.78 5.46 Poland 5.994.525.886.183.78
4x4x4 Cube First round 62 1:28.11 Poland 1:35.851:28.11
Clock First round 77 45.34 Poland DNF45.34
Pyraminx First round 21 3.80 5.31 Poland 3.804.945.915.495.51
Skewb First round 63 10.01 14.31 Poland 16.1814.7413.9514.2510.01

Aniela Konopacka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 78 20.68 23.57 Poland 23.3126.4924.5422.8720.68
First round 77 17.69 22.27 Poland 21.6217.6923.2523.0522.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 83 6.16 9.35 Poland 6.1611.8010.237.1310.70

Anna Łebkowska - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 120 1:11.37 1:41.64 Poland 2:01.051:11.371:27.671:59.271:37.98

Anonymous - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 16 8.70 9.50 Poland 10.3610.149.208.709.15
First round 13 8.47 9.76 Poland 9.7011.019.719.888.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 14 2.41 3.24 Poland 3.644.202.412.933.16
4x4x4 Cube Final 12 37.45 39.47 Poland 39.5337.4539.4839.3945.50
First round 11 32.46 38.40 Poland 32.4634.141:19.4840.5740.48
Clock Final 2 5.06 6.22 Poland 5.065.767.065.83DNF
First round 3 5.16 5.68 Poland 5.955.365.749.865.16
Megaminx First round 26 1:24.79 1:30.93 Poland 1:41.531:28.531:32.281:31.991:24.79
Pyraminx First round 31 5.32 6.84 Poland 5.429.076.045.329.36
Skewb First round 23 4.97 6.77 Poland 8.184.977.085.487.74

Anonymous - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 12 8.52 9.03 Poland 9.039.1410.408.938.52
First round 27 8.65 11.04 Poland 10.078.7014.358.65DNF
2x2x2 Cube Final 6 1.88 2.50 Poland 2.501.884.081.893.11
First round 8 1.89 2.15 Poland 1.892.211.972.275.35
4x4x4 Cube Final 11 36.00 38.17 Poland 44.5336.0036.4938.3539.66
First round 9 29.44 37.27 Poland 29.4436.1436.6443.5139.04
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 3 23.28 DNF Poland DNF29.2523.28
First round 3 21.83 DNF Poland DNF33.4921.83
Clock First round 34 10.17 12.17 Poland 12.1610.1717.0814.0810.26
Megaminx Final 2 39.85 46.92 Poland 39.8558.0346.2850.6543.82
First round 5 52.73 57.30 Poland 55.1058.7452.7358.051:00.10
Pyraminx First round 61 9.00 11.43 Poland 9.0011.2115.9710.8412.23
Skewb First round 48 8.54 9.71 Poland 14.9410.038.549.0910.01

Anonymous - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 65 13.52 16.13 Poland 13.7916.6718.6817.9313.52
First round 57 12.71 14.34 Poland 14.0516.1514.6714.3112.71
2x2x2 Cube First round 57 4.93 5.62 Poland 7.365.085.785.994.93
4x4x4 Cube First round 46 1:00.66 Poland 1:01.091:00.66
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 44 11.01 DNF Poland DNF11.01DNFDNFDNF
Skewb First round 56 5.90 10.84 Poland 12.609.8413.635.9010.09

Artur Kubicki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 50 9.17 13.33 Poland 16.1913.329.1714.1412.52
First round 60 11.71 14.68 Poland 14.6711.7115.5115.2014.17
2x2x2 Cube First round 34 3.90 4.48 Poland 4.076.365.223.904.15
4x4x4 Cube First round 44 53.70 1:00.57 Poland 53.701:00.9956.751:04.821:03.98
Clock First round 32 10.83 11.73 Poland 11.3012.5111.3810.8313.85
Megaminx First round 38 2:19.70 Poland 2:48.122:19.70
Pyraminx First round 37 6.26 7.55 Poland 6.267.447.019.108.20
Skewb First round 45 8.46 9.18 Poland 8.948.7814.988.469.83

Bartosz Dąbrowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 80 19.82 24.10 Poland 28.7921.6527.2619.8223.40
First round 87 22.79 26.62 Poland 28.8222.7923.2834.2127.76
2x2x2 Cube First round 79 6.96 8.61 Poland 12.029.318.676.967.86
4x4x4 Cube First round 77 2:30.29 Poland 3:05.502:30.29
Clock First round 65 19.95 Poland 21.8919.95
Pyraminx First round 73 10.82 13.09 Poland 12.3516.9110.8214.7812.14
Skewb First round 74 17.59 20.32 Poland 23.7518.0119.2029.1317.59

Bartosz Łebkowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 39 10.26 12.09 Poland 10.2611.7512.49DNF12.03
First round 50 10.98 13.57 Poland 11.4014.1915.1315.1310.98
2x2x2 Cube Final 12 1.60 DNF Poland DNFDNF3.061.602.26
First round 7 1.87 2.08 Poland 2.411.924.571.901.87
4x4x4 Cube First round 56 1:11.89 Poland 1:11.891:24.31
Clock First round 42 7.57 DNF Poland 8.87DNF7.578.28DNF
Pyraminx First round 33 5.00 6.89 Poland 9.388.686.135.005.85
Skewb First round 32 4.64 7.62 Poland 7.184.6410.7310.385.30

Blanka Kozak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 83 24.59 26.52 Poland 27.0724.5938.3726.4526.04
First round 84 23.92 25.40 Poland 27.4830.8324.2624.4623.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 69 6.07 6.62 Poland 6.076.439.307.166.28
4x4x4 Cube First round 79 2:44.10 Poland 2:44.102:56.12
Clock First round 62 18.19 Poland 18.1926.31
Pyraminx First round 63 10.41 11.64 Poland 10.6313.1910.4111.0913.24
Skewb First round 70 11.44 17.41 Poland 23.2513.8722.5011.4415.87

Cezary Mach - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 28 9.43 11.10 Poland 9.4310.57DNF10.1412.59
First round 42 10.13 12.59 Poland 12.1411.8313.8010.13DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 50 3.35 5.01 Poland 3.996.824.237.963.35
4x4x4 Cube First round 36 44.30 55.74 Poland 54.5359.8944.3054.5458.14
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 12 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNS
First round 11 2:23.22 DNF Poland 3:25.752:23.22DNF
Clock First round 35 11.13 12.46 Poland 11.1311.9713.0213.0012.40
Megaminx Final 7 52.20 1:00.07 Poland 1:00.251:08.181:04.7855.1852.20
First round 4 52.55 54.88 Poland 56.5255.0853.0552.5559.39
Pyraminx First round 27 3.69 6.08 Poland DNF6.526.255.463.69
Skewb Final 1 2.45 2.81 Poland 2.45DNF2.772.633.04
First round 6 2.21 2.99 Poland 2.674.812.213.143.16

Dawid Mroczkowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 97 28.77 34.91 Poland 30.5747.0236.5928.7737.57
2x2x2 Cube First round 77 7.09 8.36 Poland 8.329.497.0910.817.28
Clock First round 76 42.93 Poland 42.93DNF
Pyraminx First round 76 9.12 14.03 Poland 13.3014.069.1223.5014.72
Skewb First round 84 29.22 40.22 Poland 51.01DNF29.9639.6829.22

Dominik Różacki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 82 22.89 25.67 Poland 27.1725.5733.8824.2722.89
First round 88 24.92 27.69 Poland 26.7329.2727.3229.0224.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 86 6.61 10.25 Poland 11.8014.8810.108.856.61

Dominik Żabiński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 95 26.25 32.45 Poland 27.7739.1638.5830.9926.25
2x2x2 Cube First round 89 9.07 12.34 Poland 17.3710.409.249.07DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 67 1:38.09 Poland 1:38.092:02.61
Clock First round 33 9.64 11.85 Poland 9.6412.4811.2611.8214.15
Megaminx First round 52 DNF Poland DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 92 14.92 19.64 Poland 23.9223.8116.6818.4414.92
Skewb First round 77 16.19 21.50 Poland 16.1923.9422.4922.0919.91

Dominika Dziczek - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 43 11.55 12.48 Poland 11.5513.3911.8112.9912.64
First round 47 10.68 13.18 Poland 13.8710.6812.9912.6914.07
2x2x2 Cube First round 63 3.31 5.98 Poland 4.959.213.317.035.97
Megaminx First round 42 2:29.45 Poland 2:29.452:34.11
Pyraminx First round 48 6.76 9.24 Poland 9.859.128.766.76DNF
Skewb First round 46 6.27 9.28 Poland 13.816.3413.156.278.36

Dominika Warchoł - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 51 11.51 13.45 Poland 13.9111.5114.3013.5512.88
First round 62 13.65 15.09 Poland 14.2615.9916.9515.0113.65
2x2x2 Cube First round 44 4.10 4.77 Poland 4.105.324.154.845.62
4x4x4 Cube First round 38 48.59 56.93 Poland 1:05.2948.591:00.1353.8456.81
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 7 1:25.33 DNF Poland DNF1:25.33DNF
First round 7 1:51.03 DNF Poland DNFDNF1:51.03
Clock Final 4 5.84 6.76 Poland 6.815.846.886.59DNF
First round 6 5.75 6.44 Poland 5.756.766.187.266.39
Megaminx First round 25 1:27.63 1:30.57 Poland 1:27.631:38.551:27.941:29.321:34.44
Pyraminx First round 67 9.78 12.44 Poland 9.7820.3410.8716.479.97
Skewb First round 65 4.19 14.45 Poland 4.19DNF6.6412.6724.05

Edyta Kopeć - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 110 45.71 49.52 Poland 49.4956.7451.7247.3445.71
2x2x2 Cube First round 104 20.43 22.43 Poland 23.6421.8621.7820.4331.21
Pyraminx First round 82 15.51 16.71 Poland 15.5116.5718.0020.6815.56

Ernest Zakrzewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 71 16.28 20.26 Poland 19.8724.5220.0616.2820.85
First round 76 17.52 21.33 Poland 22.0423.1521.4917.5220.47
4x4x4 Cube First round 69 1:41.01 Poland 1:41.011:42.47
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF

Eryk Schroeder - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 92 24.24 30.59 Poland 37.9228.1928.2224.2435.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 98 12.05 15.67 Poland 13.1520.9723.0112.9012.05
Pyraminx First round 78 13.39 15.03 Poland 15.8314.7313.3916.0414.54

Filip Brokos - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 68 10.85 18.04 Poland 21.2124.2710.8514.4218.49
First round 49 12.78 13.55 Poland 16.4212.7814.1113.4213.13
2x2x2 Cube First round 45 4.66 4.79 Poland 4.904.744.724.974.66
4x4x4 Cube First round 49 1:04.04 Poland 1:04.041:04.68
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNS
Clock First round 39 5.76 DNF Poland DNF6.916.645.76DNF
Pyraminx First round 45 7.60 8.85 Poland 7.6013.707.758.5510.25
Skewb First round 37 3.04 8.20 Poland 11.159.723.045.599.29

Filip Szostak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 10 8.86 10.70 Poland 11.6412.328.869.8010.66
Second round 6 7.09 8.59 Poland 9.897.0910.347.668.23
First round 10 7.48 9.25 Poland 10.5012.568.897.488.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 29 3.26 4.19 Poland 4.593.264.183.805.18
4x4x4 Cube First round 14 33.73 39.84 Poland 33.7346.8536.3742.3240.83
Pyraminx First round 28 4.13 6.37 Poland 4.137.716.296.476.35
Skewb First round 35 6.75 7.94 Poland 11.769.116.926.757.78

Franciszek Guzowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 106 38.17 44.48 Poland 38.1747.7445.6249.3040.09
Skewb First round 80 20.99 26.25 Poland 26.5335.7721.1331.0920.99

Gabriel Rejdych - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 5 6.63 8.51 Poland 8.7011.206.796.6310.05
Second round 3 7.12 7.72 Poland 7.738.377.777.657.12
First round 6 6.96 8.58 Poland 8.289.647.829.636.96
2x2x2 Cube Final 9 1.85 3.72 Poland
First round 10 2.50 2.96 Poland DNF3.392.522.982.50
4x4x4 Cube Final 3 25.81 31.18 Poland 26.0533.7033.9025.8133.79
First round 4 26.86 32.01 Poland 26.8631.8529.7634.4235.26
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 14 2:44.15 DNF Poland DNFDNF2:44.15
Clock Final 9 5.30 DNF Poland 5.307.1910.92DNFDNF
First round 2 4.34 5.49 Poland 5.837.205.035.614.34
Megaminx First round 14 1:05.75 1:10.80 Poland 1:08.301:22.001:13.201:05.751:10.91
Pyraminx First round 19 2.51 5.23 Poland 2.519.024.635.066.01
Skewb First round 31 5.58 7.47 Poland 6.297.528.595.5810.70

Grzegorz Pacewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
4x4x4 Cube First round 48 1:04.03 Poland 1:07.491:04.03
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 5 1:23.67 DNF Poland DNF1:23.671:31.01
First round 4 57.62 DNF Poland 57.62DNFDNF
Clock First round 57 16.40 Poland 17.2216.40

Ignacy Bratkowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 85 23.95 28.38 Poland 33.4433.3723.9524.7527.02
First round 90 25.45 29.55 Poland DNF28.7828.5225.4531.36

Ignacy Brokos - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 99 31.34 37.95 Poland 36.9931.3448.7136.3540.51
2x2x2 Cube First round 93 8.44 13.88 Poland 15.348.4415.5617.0610.73
Clock First round 31 8.99 11.34 Poland 10.7310.9612.328.9912.72
Pyraminx First round 66 10.67 12.24 Poland 12.6811.2310.6712.8019.26
Skewb First round 68 10.23 16.82 Poland 24.2216.7616.3517.3410.23

Ignacy Makowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 108 41.30 45.01 Poland 43.9551.3841.3041.8249.26
2x2x2 Cube First round 100 13.09 16.33 Poland 18.7221.6016.0714.2013.09
4x4x4 Cube First round 78 2:37.82 Poland 2:37.823:18.17
Megaminx First round 47 3:02.55 Poland 3:03.103:02.55
Pyraminx First round 74 6.35 13.51 Poland 16.4811.3014.9214.326.35
Skewb First round 85 28.50 43.72 Poland 54.8928.5044.7636.5749.83

Ignacy Samselski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 36 10.62 11.96 Poland 13.7210.6212.5812.5510.75
First round 26 10.61 11.02 Poland 14.1410.6111.0711.3610.63
2x2x2 Cube First round 19 2.89 3.57 Poland 2.893.613.734.173.37
4x4x4 Cube First round 25 39.96 47.52 Poland 45.5646.8739.961:23.5250.13
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 1:40.22 DNF Poland 1:44.021:40.22DNF
First round 6 1:48.50 2:13.13 Poland 1:48.502:19.742:31.15
Clock First round 15 6.51 7.96 Poland 6.518.107.678.12DNF
Megaminx Final 10 1:01.41 1:04.10 Poland 1:08.051:01.411:12.651:02.261:01.98
First round 12 1:02.67 1:10.12 Poland 1:13.161:02.671:14.761:09.191:08.02
Pyraminx First round 14 2.65 4.83 Poland 7.542.654.295.474.74
Skewb Final 7 2.99 3.87 Poland 4.813.669.013.132.99
First round 5 1.87 2.92 Poland 1.872.543.963.093.12

Ignacy Wesołowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 47 12.57 13.14 Poland 12.5713.52DNF12.7513.15
First round 56 11.33 14.28 Poland 12.2619.3111.3317.6912.88
2x2x2 Cube First round 31 3.51 4.36 Poland 4.093.514.844.166.48
4x4x4 Cube First round 66 1:36.37 Poland 1:55.561:36.37
Clock First round 58 16.99 Poland 16.9917.18
Pyraminx First round 101 10.68 DNF Poland 15.8610.6821.02DNSDNS

Jakub Cyrzan - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 102 17.16 20.62 Poland 18.7517.1623.8021.2921.82
Megaminx First round 52 DNF Poland DNFDNF

Jakub Grabowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 42 10.48 12.35 Poland 12.6811.8812.4814.1410.48
First round 64 13.14 15.22 Poland 16.9214.7423.9714.0013.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 48 3.81 4.94 Poland
Clock First round 61 17.62 Poland 17.62DNF
Skewb First round 17 3.74 5.91 Poland 5.616.003.746.137.97

Jakub Hibszer - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 14 7.66 9.29 Poland 7.668.329.969.879.69
First round 11 8.57 9.48 Poland 8.5710.8710.778.708.98
2x2x2 Cube First round 13 2.69 3.11 Poland 2.912.712.696.033.71
4x4x4 Cube First round 23 43.50 47.40 Poland 46.5643.5047.9247.7353.96
Clock First round 41 7.39 DNF Poland 7.39DNF7.979.32DNF
Pyraminx Final 1 1.85 2.32 Poland
First round 2 1.52 2.33 Poland 2.121.522.553.842.32

Jakub Kowalski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 53 12.48 13.84 Poland 14.2214.3112.9812.4816.66
First round 69 14.30 16.04 Poland 15.3717.7314.30DNF15.01
2x2x2 Cube First round 46 4.05 4.86 Poland 4.054.774.996.464.81
Clock First round 45 12.20 Poland DNF12.20
Skewb First round 47 6.96 9.42 Poland 25.077.416.9611.319.54

Jakub Turczyk - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 66 15.94 16.79 Poland 15.9416.8117.4317.1316.44
First round 68 12.70 15.99 Poland 17.5712.7014.9917.2215.76
2x2x2 Cube First round 43 4.09 4.77 Poland 4.094.504.874.945.14
4x4x4 Cube First round 34 50.62 54.17 Poland 52.7352.4457.3550.621:10.66
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Clock Final 1 5.33 5.56 Poland 5.595.455.63DNF5.33
First round 8 4.83 6.79 Poland 4.83DNF6.367.706.32
Pyraminx First round 16 3.99 5.04 Poland 4.766.505.215.143.99
Skewb First round 53 6.45 10.38 Poland 12.0111.397.7414.176.45

Jakub Łebkowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 87 26.89 30.68 Poland 33.9936.7327.2130.8526.89
First round 89 22.64 29.11 Poland 32.4728.32DNF26.5522.64
2x2x2 Cube First round 73 5.54 7.61 Poland 6.325.549.337.1810.23
Clock First round 63 18.23 Poland 21.3018.23
Pyraminx First round 79 11.01 15.22 Poland 11.0114.7517.9718.7312.93

Jan Adamczyk - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 102 32.35 39.84 Poland 36.2840.9832.3542.2643.93
2x2x2 Cube First round 99 11.70 16.03 Poland 17.5114.9011.7017.5015.68

Jan Bulczak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 32 10.47 11.80 Poland 17.0610.4712.9111.6310.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 62 5.63 5.88 Poland 5.636.065.855.737.90

Jan Kutela - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 69 15.50 19.01 Poland 19.6219.2020.2115.5018.20
First round 75 17.10 21.07 Poland 17.1021.9222.6219.2322.05
2x2x2 Cube First round 80 4.84 8.66 Poland 7.769.898.3315.894.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 68 1:40.24 Poland 1:40.241:56.69
Megaminx First round 51 3:41.19 Poland 3:41.19DNF
Pyraminx First round 72 11.66 13.02 Poland 20.0711.6612.2312.9413.89
Skewb First round 61 12.02 13.09 Poland 16.8512.1613.6113.4912.02

Jan Wojcieszkiewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 107 38.73 44.69 Poland 41.5455.1949.1838.7343.35

Janusz Łebkowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 117 43.76 54.65 Poland 56.6455.8352.4055.7343.76
2x2x2 Cube First round 96 10.17 14.56 Poland 10.2628.4914.4110.1719.00
Clock First round 73 30.54 Poland 30.54DNF
Pyraminx First round 85 13.53 17.94 Poland 13.53DNF15.8423.3414.63

Jarosław Chodyniecki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 109 41.58 47.42 Poland 47.5448.3146.4154.4441.58
2x2x2 Cube First round 101 12.40 19.21 Poland 12.4017.5025.1622.6117.51
Pyraminx First round 83 14.94 17.30 Poland 18.3151.3117.5414.9416.05
Skewb First round 88 26.33 DNF Poland DNFDNF34.98DNF26.33

Joanna Kierznikiewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 56 12.92 14.27 Poland 13.4412.9214.4314.9416.85
First round 61 13.46 14.79 Poland 13.4615.6919.8514.8313.86
2x2x2 Cube First round 67 6.11 6.43 Poland 6.788.
4x4x4 Cube First round 58 1:15.90 Poland 1:15.901:27.36
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 17 7.82 8.32 Poland 8.2711.367.998.717.82
Megaminx First round 44 2:39.36 Poland 2:39.363:08.90
Pyraminx First round 75 10.14 13.61 Poland 12.1510.1422.3215.3813.31
Skewb First round 40 6.24 8.37 Poland 10.317.726.248.029.36

Julian Helowicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 74 18.07 20.90 Poland 20.7018.0721.0422.9620.96
First round 72 17.08 17.47 Poland 18.8517.0817.3617.6117.43
2x2x2 Cube First round 78 6.67 8.49 Poland 6.678.929.139.057.49
4x4x4 Cube First round 71 1:56.17 Poland 1:56.17DNF
Clock First round 59 17.39 Poland 18.5117.39
Megaminx First round 50 3:37.56 Poland 3:37.56DNF
Pyraminx First round 60 7.41 11.33 Poland 11.8511.3110.837.4112.82
Skewb First round 78 13.49 22.78 Poland 25.1125.4117.8125.7513.49

Jędrzej Gradziński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 91 22.62 30.10 Poland 31.0532.6131.9022.6227.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 72 4.63 7.58 Poland 7.517.517.724.6313.33
4x4x4 Cube First round 70 1:55.68 Poland 1:55.682:07.94
Clock First round 53 13.67 Poland 13.6714.20
Pyraminx First round 68 8.94 12.51 Poland 11.968.9411.4614.1215.99
Skewb First round 52 7.20 10.24 Poland 10.348.7911.5911.987.20

Kacper Górecki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 19 9.04 10.02 Poland 10.0014.989.0410.459.60
First round 20 9.64 10.63 Poland 9.649.7513.3111.7210.42
2x2x2 Cube First round 27 2.62 4.06 Poland 5.092.62DNF4.132.97
4x4x4 Cube First round 31 46.72 51.39 Poland 46.7248.7148.6156.8459.95
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 13 2:43.83 DNF Poland DNFDNF2:43.83
Clock First round 20 7.24 8.69 Poland 8.437.2416.819.418.23
Megaminx First round 29 1:22.54 1:36.95 Poland 1:34.251:22.541:39.271:37.34DNF
Pyraminx First round 34 4.29 7.03 Poland 4.298.2610.115.817.02
Skewb Final 8 3.66 4.95 Poland 6.866.124.293.664.44
First round 9 3.29 4.34 Poland 6.084.343.773.294.91

Kamil Chorzelewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 60 11.95 15.07 Poland 11.9516.9114.7614.6615.80
First round 48 10.83 13.38 Poland 14.9718.8310.8313.0712.11
2x2x2 Cube First round 54 4.36 5.30 Poland
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNSDNS
Pyraminx First round 70 10.44 12.68 Poland 11.0016.0410.9924.0610.44
Skewb First round 76 13.62 21.43 Poland 25.6314.5324.1338.0713.62

Kamil Przybylski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 57 13.19 14.45 Poland 13.9913.9022.1213.1915.45
First round 51 11.86 13.74 Poland 13.7511.8628.7213.0014.47
4x4x4 Cube First round 45 57.06 1:01.62 Poland 1:03.4757.9357.061:03.461:10.24
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 2 21.75 DNF Poland DNF22.9121.75
First round 1 20.19 23.05 Poland 20.1925.9323.02
Clock First round 50 13.32 Poland 13.32DNF
Pyraminx First round 71 9.87 12.70 Poland 9.8710.9312.98DNF14.20
Skewb First round 64 9.96 14.33 Poland 14.5216.739.9623.6011.73

Kamil Szczygielski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 73 19.25 20.46 Poland 20.7429.7119.5119.2521.13
First round 70 15.99 16.84 Poland 17.6017.2216.9016.4115.99
2x2x2 Cube First round 66 4.50 6.39 Poland 7.165.346.678.284.50
4x4x4 Cube First round 63 1:28.68 Poland 1:28.681:37.73
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNS
Clock First round 51 13.37 Poland 13.37DNF
Pyraminx First round 52 6.27 10.16 Poland 6.2710.0314.0312.058.39
Skewb First round 36 6.45 8.06 Poland 8.116.458.777.29DNF

Karolina Put - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 111 44.90 51.12 Poland 55.1949.04DNF49.1244.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 95 11.11 14.47 Poland 13.9416.5311.1119.2612.95
4x4x4 Cube First round 82 2:59.64 Poland 3:01.502:59.64
Pyraminx First round 95 16.15 20.50 Poland 23.5718.1519.7816.15DNF
Skewb First round 79 21.21 25.46 Poland 30.5721.8325.9528.6021.21

Kazimierz Cieślak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 75 16.80 21.36 Poland 24.3716.8021.9817.7328.68
First round 78 19.35 22.69 Poland 22.1621.5924.3219.3526.98
2x2x2 Cube First round 64 4.15 6.01 Poland 4.155.555.766.716.91
Pyraminx First round 38 6.28 7.59 Poland 7.157.588.046.289.30

Konrad Matyszek - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 18 9.30 9.84 Poland 9.829.3010.799.929.79
First round 22 9.93 10.68 Poland 10.629.9311.0010.5310.90

Krzysztof Bober - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 25 9.44 10.77 Poland 11.4411.5710.7410.129.44
First round 33 10.40 11.93 Poland 11.6211.3214.9212.8410.40
2x2x2 Cube First round 32 3.84 4.40 Poland 3.844.753.874.576.58
4x4x4 Cube First round 17 38.96 41.71 Poland 44.9238.9641.4842.5841.07
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 1 18.97 19.44 NR Poland 20.3218.9719.04
First round 2 20.42 DNF Poland DNF20.42DNF
Clock Final 6 5.28 7.57 Poland 8.2817.438.196.255.28
First round 10 5.93 6.85 Poland 6.537.745.938.996.28
Megaminx First round 33 1:49.59 Poland 1:49.592:03.04
Pyraminx First round 44 7.07 8.67 Poland 7.0713.547.8910.167.95
Skewb First round 38 3.57 8.27 Poland 9.556.853.5714.298.42

Krzysztof Jendruszewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 103 33.98 41.09 Poland 43.5233.9839.4541.5742.25
2x2x2 Cube First round 88 7.60 12.14 Poland 9.8913.1435.7213.397.60
4x4x4 Cube First round 81 2:56.38 Poland 3:32.802:56.38
Clock First round 78 DNF Poland DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 90 17.09 19.14 Poland 19.4217.0918.4019.5926.56

Ksawery Przyłęcki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 86 25.36 28.56 Poland 29.5531.3627.1825.3628.94
First round 86 22.83 26.12 Poland 22.83DNF26.8527.8623.64
2x2x2 Cube First round 82 6.21 8.88 Poland 7.538.2911.686.2110.82
4x4x4 Cube First round 64 1:33.25 Poland 2:01.311:33.25
Clock First round 74 40.36 Poland DNF40.36
Skewb First round 72 11.19 18.27 Poland 36.6411.1918.7014.4721.65

Ksawier Kozak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 45 9.68 12.87 Poland 24.1310.919.6811.7215.97
First round 19 9.96 10.60 Poland 10.2412.299.9610.4611.10
2x2x2 Cube First round 23 2.69 3.87 Poland 3.333.944.335.822.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 53 1:09.92 Poland 1:29.521:09.92
Clock First round 64 18.79 Poland 18.7922.35
Pyraminx First round 53 6.75 10.27 Poland 10.4210.5810.1910.206.75
Skewb First round 51 7.48 10.14 Poland 11.4410.608.3916.827.48

Leon Przeciechowski-Adamski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 100 28.63 38.25 Poland 45.611:00.8428.6336.5332.60
2x2x2 Cube First round 97 11.73 15.44 Poland 13.6318.7811.7319.4313.91
Pyraminx First round 89 15.47 19.04 Poland 18.1221.9317.2321.7715.47

Maciej Hebel - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 24 8.61 10.68 Poland 11.0810.9111.098.6110.04
First round 14 8.77 9.95 Poland 10.409.498.779.9610.83
2x2x2 Cube Final 8 2.82 3.64 Poland 3.083.834.012.826.04
First round 11 2.54 2.98 Poland 5.602.952.543.442.56
4x4x4 Cube First round 20 38.66 44.47 Poland 38.6646.5843.7243.1047.26
Clock First round 30 8.58 11.16 Poland 13.8010.298.58DNF9.38
Pyraminx First round 36 5.24 7.54 Poland
Skewb First round 43 7.83 8.93 Poland 17.348.537.8310.178.10

Maciej Jabłoński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 17 9.52 9.68 Poland 9.559.5212.699.589.92
First round 21 9.47 10.67 Poland 10.789.4710.3812.9010.86
2x2x2 Cube First round 30 3.45 4.29 Poland 4.486.234.033.454.36
4x4x4 Cube First round 16 36.67 41.35 Poland 41.3336.6741.6341.1042.08
Clock First round 27 8.56 10.37 Poland DNF9.779.4511.908.56
Pyraminx Final 5 2.35 3.19 Poland 2.533.813.703.352.35
First round 3 2.28 2.94 Poland 4.042.692.703.422.28
Skewb First round 55 8.04 10.76 Poland 12.4914.748.048.9610.84

Maciej Mituła - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 88 10.33 DNF Poland DNF10.33DNF12.1411.81
First round 43 9.68 12.65 Poland 12.669.6815.8713.3811.91
2x2x2 Cube First round 26 3.63 4.05 Poland 3.634.364.254.123.79
4x4x4 Cube First round 40 53.33 58.10 Poland 53.3355.4859.491:01.1459.32
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNS
Pyraminx First round 49 6.89 9.41 Poland 7.769.3211.156.89DNF
Skewb First round 57 7.77 10.88 Poland 19.698.387.7712.3211.95

Maciej Rodziewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 96 30.43 33.75 Poland 45.1230.4336.8631.0833.30
2x2x2 Cube First round 76 6.70 8.21 Poland 7.3014.177.846.709.48
4x4x4 Cube First round 83 DNF Poland DNFDNF
Clock First round 75 40.98 Poland 40.98DNF
Megaminx First round 52 DNF Poland DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 64 5.69 11.73 Poland 5.6911.6710.1213.4117.68
Skewb First round 60 7.23 12.76 Poland 18.3813.519.5615.227.23

Maksymilian Jedynak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 46 10.31 12.97 Poland 13.0613.5715.3212.2910.31
First round 37 10.91 12.25 Poland 11.9011.4413.4114.8010.91
2x2x2 Cube First round 33 3.69 4.43 Poland 5.084.574.173.694.56
4x4x4 Cube First round 43 52.57 58.24 Poland 56.181:04.57DNF53.9752.57
Clock Final 7 6.66 8.10 Poland 6.668.367.44DNF8.50
First round 7 5.38 6.76 Poland 7.975.896.867.535.38
Megaminx First round 41 2:26.73 Poland 2:26.732:35.34
Pyraminx First round 40 6.63 8.16 Poland 6.639.1710.187.827.49
Skewb First round 24 2.56 6.78 Poland 6.608.842.567.086.66

Maksymilian Kulas - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 8 7.83 9.81 Poland 7.838.1611.339.9413.34
Second round 9 7.96 8.88 Poland
First round 17 8.71 10.10 Poland 12.888.719.199.9811.14
2x2x2 Cube Final 7 1.67 2.73 Poland 1.672.124.211.857.86
First round 3 1.43 1.84 Poland 2.951.561.432.171.79
4x4x4 Cube Final 9 32.59 37.02 Poland 38.4537.1932.5935.4352.06
First round 12 34.46 38.60 Poland 36.6543.1638.3040.8534.46
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 16 3:07.83 DNF Poland DNF3:07.83DNF
Clock Final 5 5.61 7.11 Poland 6.647.785.616.90DNF
First round 4 5.12 5.75 Poland 5.12DNF5.246.295.71
Megaminx Final 4 44.20 48.85 Poland 44.2051.6349.6850.4546.41
First round 3 43.95 51.41 Poland 49.741:01.9359.0145.4743.95
Pyraminx First round 15 2.03 4.86 Poland 7.29DNF2.824.482.03
Skewb Final 6 2.81 3.82 Poland 5.752.982.813.694.79
First round 7 2.08 3.21 Poland 2.083.682.683.275.04

Maksymilian Majcher - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 63 13.63 15.59 Poland 15.3816.9714.6113.6316.78
First round 67 14.40 15.81 Poland 14.9217.0015.5119.5814.40
2x2x2 Cube First round 35 4.10 4.51 Poland 4.404.685.674.454.10
4x4x4 Cube First round 57 1:15.26 Poland 1:15.26DNF
Megaminx Final 6 56.10 58.25 Poland 56.101:00.711:01.8756.8157.24
First round 7 55.18 1:01.54 Poland 55.181:02.011:07.791:03.9358.69

Marcin Wawiórko - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 62 11.71 15.41 Poland 16.6114.0211.7117.1615.59
First round 59 12.51 14.47 Poland 14.7812.5114.9113.7216.58
2x2x2 Cube First round 61 4.26 5.86 Poland 6.295.365.924.266.57
Megaminx First round 40 2:25.40 Poland 2:45.272:25.40
Pyraminx First round 51 6.10 9.67 Poland 6.108.6612.4511.179.19
Skewb First round 41 7.05 8.64 Poland 7.058.877.899.299.15

Mariia Hunchak (Марія Гунчак) - Ukraine WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 30 10.50 11.16 Ukraine 10.5810.5012.0610.8512.97
First round 18 8.15 10.25 Ukraine 9.258.1512.4311.0710.42
2x2x2 Cube First round 39 3.37 4.66 Ukraine 4.824.157.803.375.01
Skewb First round 21 5.40 6.45 Ukraine 5.407.025.616.727.28

Mariusz Kopeć - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 118 45.98 56.59 Poland 1:01.6255.7152.431:01.9145.98

Marta Radziwanowska - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 94 26.97 31.61 Poland 28.0539.8738.6826.9728.09
2x2x2 Cube First round 90 6.26 12.77 Poland 13.136.2615.459.7322.85
4x4x4 Cube First round 73 2:00.31 Poland 2:33.132:00.31
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 26 7.59 10.28 Poland 7.599.2610.01DNF11.58
Pyraminx First round 81 5.10 15.29 Poland 19.0410.5716.2520.235.10

Martyna Jarosz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 76 19.17 22.09 Poland 24.9523.2819.1721.9321.05
First round 82 21.60 23.90 Poland 23.1123.5825.0032.2021.60
2x2x2 Cube First round 70 5.31 6.66 Poland 5.318.265.978.935.76
4x4x4 Cube First round 60 1:21.42 Poland 1:25.111:21.42
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNS
Clock First round 56 14.96 Poland DNF14.96
Megaminx First round 49 3:16.22 Poland 3:17.673:16.22
Pyraminx First round 69 9.35 12.56 Poland 10.1113.31DNF14.279.35
Skewb First round 16 2.61 5.74 Poland 5.973.882.618.727.37

Mateusz Balcer - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 67 14.40 17.06 Poland 15.8517.3917.9318.5414.40
First round 65 14.12 15.77 Poland 14.1216.2720.1115.9615.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 81 4.82 8.73 Poland 12.677.595.934.8216.02

Mateusz Kanarski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 23 10.28 10.56 Poland 10.2811.7710.3410.8210.52
First round 46 10.92 13.11 Poland 15.9210.9214.6513.2411.45
2x2x2 Cube First round 51 4.67 5.05 Poland 4.855.495.994.824.67
4x4x4 Cube First round 51 1:06.46 Poland 1:13.181:06.46
Clock First round 25 8.27 10.13 Poland 9.4811.4610.6410.288.27
Pyraminx First round 42 6.84 8.46 Poland 8.428.429.548.546.84

Mateusz Szwugier - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 38 9.85 12.09 Poland 9.8512.3911.0214.8412.86
First round 34 10.25 11.97 Poland 10.2512.5612.6013.3410.76
2x2x2 Cube First round 17 2.63 3.43 Poland 2.632.745.013.374.18
4x4x4 Cube Final 10 34.26 37.29 Poland 38.1536.7134.2642.8337.00
First round 5 31.29 34.35 Poland 32.9232.7037.441:12.2531.29
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 6 1:23.88 DNF Poland 1:37.20DNF1:23.88
First round 9 2:02.92 DNF Poland DNF2:02.92DNF
Clock First round 23 8.13 10.00 Poland DNF8.1310.329.889.81
Megaminx First round 24 1:19.58 1:28.29 Poland 1:19.581:34.901:29.881:20.09DNF
Pyraminx Final 7 2.22 3.32 Poland 5.363.
First round 7 2.02 3.49 Poland 5.273.774.202.502.02
Skewb First round 29 5.65 7.26 Poland 7.765.658.407.886.14

Michał Denkiewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 44 9.53 12.84 Poland 17.4412.699.5313.3312.50
First round 45 9.88 12.87 Poland 13.679.8814.6012.2212.72
4x4x4 Cube First round 55 1:11.76 Poland 1:15.611:11.76
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNSDNS
Clock First round 28 8.48 10.42 Poland 9.108.4811.3311.2510.91
Megaminx First round 35 2:01.39 Poland 2:07.522:01.39
Pyraminx First round 22 3.14 5.51 Poland 3.588.156.443.146.52
Skewb Final 5 2.81 3.61 Poland 7.333.423.294.132.81
First round 2 1.86 2.36 Poland 1.862.282.023.922.78

Michał Kopeć - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 15 7.95 9.39 Poland 9.087.959.77DNF9.33
First round 9 7.36 9.19 Poland 9.0011.968.4810.087.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 16 3.08 3.38 Poland 3.153.423.565.403.08
4x4x4 Cube First round 21 43.38 46.30 Poland 52.5646.8546.6045.4643.38
Clock First round 36 10.00 12.60 Poland 14.8211.1915.5711.7810.00
Megaminx First round 27 1:12.03 1:32.58 Poland 1:33.271:25.251:12.031:58.541:39.21
Pyraminx First round 20 4.56 5.28 Poland 5.496.724.564.835.53
Skewb First round 20 4.65 6.15 Poland 6.346.455.664.658.66

Mikołaj Bułakowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 114 40.99 53.39 Poland 58.7246.011:03.8755.4440.99
2x2x2 Cube First round 91 12.05 13.76 Poland 16.3812.0512.5512.3424.18
Pyraminx First round 77 11.81 14.31 Poland 17.6611.8123.2712.5812.69

Olaf Kuźmiński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 7 6.63 9.14 Poland 6.639.4310.577.4310.65
Second round 1 5.83 6.60 Poland 6.387.286.185.837.25
First round 1 6.07 6.76 Poland 6.536.
2x2x2 Cube Final 5 1.50 2.45 Poland 3.121.502.172.064.44
First round 1 1.24 1.56 Poland 1.643.831.341.701.24
4x4x4 Cube Final 6 30.73 33.95 Poland 30.7334.6636.0232.4334.75
First round 10 31.68 37.43 Poland 31.6839.1934.6438.4641.96
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 38 8.29 14.98 Poland DNF8.948.2910.1725.82
Megaminx First round 19 1:07.55 1:18.94 Poland 1:21.341:13.441:07.551:22.041:22.09
Pyraminx Final 8 2.86 3.74 Poland 3.102.863.316.784.82
First round 6 2.16 3.37 Poland 2.863.744.793.502.16
Skewb First round 44 3.65 9.12 Poland 3.65DNF6.616.9613.78

Oliwier Kossak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 70 16.88 19.84 Poland 18.6323.2122.2016.8818.69
First round 74 15.47 19.54 Poland 21.7022.6119.3815.4717.55
Pyraminx First round 86 15.35 18.24 Poland 16.7317.3822.3220.6015.35

Oliwier Tkaczyk - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 9 8.09 10.24 Poland 8.098.3314.6011.5010.90
Second round 8 8.58 8.85 Poland 8.9011.789.048.608.58
First round 8 7.83 9.13 Poland 8.067.8311.26DNF8.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 38 2.35 4.60 Poland 5.317.563.644.862.35
4x4x4 Cube Final 4 29.76 32.71 Poland 36.1839.4832.0129.7629.95
First round 7 34.98 36.65 Poland 34.9839.2937.0235.8237.10
Clock Final 3 4.84 6.33 Poland
First round 5 4.48 6.17 Poland 5.125.6019.237.784.48
Megaminx Final 3 44.25 48.49 Poland 46.6949.4251.6044.2549.36
First round 2 47.32 50.98 Poland 53.9851.3247.7653.8647.32
Pyraminx First round 23 3.80 5.56 Poland 5.875.347.175.463.80
Skewb First round 25 5.67 6.81 Poland 9.705.675.727.627.10

Oskar Hanuszkiewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 4 6.70 8.45 Poland 8.316.709.077.969.53
Second round 7 7.40 8.64 Poland 11.837.668.687.409.58
First round 3 7.39 8.11 Poland 9.327.458.828.057.39
2x2x2 Cube Final 4 1.46 2.24 Poland 3.011.461.771.933.06
First round 4 1.68 1.95 Poland 2.021.681.872.041.97
4x4x4 Cube Final 5 27.45 33.86 Poland 34.1334.9327.4532.5337.76
First round 6 32.55 34.35 Poland 36.0333.8933.6235.5332.55
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNS
Clock First round 16 7.19 8.11 Poland 9.407.197.31DNF7.63
Megaminx Final 5 48.15 51.80 Poland 48.1554.8350.4852.2052.73
First round 8 55.25 1:01.76 Poland 55.251:03.231:00.091:01.971:05.54
Pyraminx Final 6 2.43 3.23 Poland 3.122.542.435.794.03
First round 5 2.52 3.27 Poland 5.842.523.383.622.80
Skewb Final 2 2.31 2.93 Poland 2.952.793.803.042.31
First round 4 2.18 2.84 Poland 2.543.772.182.973.01

Oskar Kaczmarek - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 26 9.54 11.07 Poland 10.8611.7210.6413.109.54
First round 35 11.44 12.01 Poland 12.9211.4412.4411.6411.96
2x2x2 Cube First round 25 2.93 4.02 Poland 5.034.833.333.902.93
4x4x4 Cube First round 41 53.98 58.13 Poland 53.9858.4758.5057.421:01.65
Pyraminx First round 47 7.75 8.89 Poland 7.7511.199.828.298.56

Patrycja Drażba - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 101 33.15 39.35 Poland 33.1548.5538.6643.3036.08
Pyraminx First round 46 7.88 8.87 Poland 8.977.888.0214.149.63
Skewb First round 67 12.09 16.31 Poland 21.5212.0917.3819.1112.44

Pawel Bilan - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 109 11.41 30.85 Poland 11.4132.7036.8323.03DNF
Pyraminx First round 98 12.68 21.44 Poland 22.2812.6824.93DNF17.10

Paweł Duchnowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 84 23.12 27.40 Poland 33.2823.1226.6428.9326.63
First round 85 22.27 25.83 Poland 25.0829.6322.2726.1026.30
2x2x2 Cube First round 71 5.40 6.76 Poland 7.135.407.807.056.10
4x4x4 Cube First round 76 2:17.81 Poland 2:17.81DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNSDNS
Clock First round 70 24.47 Poland 24.4730.24
Pyraminx First round 59 8.88 11.20 Poland 12.4610.5610.5812.468.88
Skewb First round 75 10.36 20.41 Poland 20.2513.8610.3627.1330.58

Paweł Rybak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 35 10.02 11.90 Poland 12.11DNF11.3110.0212.29
First round 40 10.02 12.34 Poland 10.0212.0711.6416.1913.30
2x2x2 Cube First round 37 3.96 4.56 Poland 4.413.965.664.085.18
4x4x4 Cube First round 30 49.70 51.00 Poland 49.7052.3550.461:03.3950.19
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 68 22.03 Poland DNF22.03
Megaminx First round 30 1:30.04 Poland 1:30.041:42.80
Pyraminx First round 56 7.85 10.47 Poland 9.4910.2511.687.8521.82
Skewb First round 59 7.47 11.49 Poland 12.6914.6611.287.4710.49

Piotr Brokos - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 98 30.41 37.19 Poland 34.6733.3247.5530.4143.57
2x2x2 Cube First round 75 6.16 7.86 Poland 8.166.1611.448.217.21
4x4x4 Cube First round 72 1:56.69 Poland 2:28.901:56.69
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNS
Clock First round 37 11.37 14.80 Poland 11.37DNF13.2213.4017.79
Pyraminx First round 65 8.77 12.01 Poland 17.0010.968.7711.0614.02
Skewb First round 62 11.17 13.99 Poland 12.6315.2611.1718.3414.08

Piotr Bzinkowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 64 14.87 15.71 Poland 15.1614.8716.0015.9817.48
First round 71 13.25 17.44 Poland 13.8713.2519.2119.2319.64
2x2x2 Cube First round 52 4.66 5.15 Poland 5.344.945.535.184.66
4x4x4 Cube First round 61 1:21.91 Poland 1:28.621:21.91
Pyraminx First round 50 7.19 9.49 Poland 18.1812.

Piotr Olszewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 11 7.76 8.96 Poland 12.488.829.607.768.47
First round 15 7.41 9.98 Poland 11.269.6013.827.419.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 20 2.19 3.60 Poland 4.303.182.193.334.54
4x4x4 Cube Final 8 34.52 36.39 Poland 38.8844.7335.5834.7134.52
First round 8 34.00 37.06 Poland 37.7036.4037.0834.0038.13
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Clock Final 11 6.44 DNF Poland 6.44DNF9.39DNFDNF
First round 11 3.93 6.87 Poland DNF5.726.383.938.52
Megaminx Final 9 1:00.10 1:03.06 Poland 1:04.921:03.391:10.581:00.101:00.86
First round 10 58.80 1:04.76 Poland 58.801:16.581:02.211:03.031:09.04
Pyraminx Final 2 2.06 2.41 Poland 2.522.062.475.122.23
First round 4 1.90 3.14 Poland 2.902.913.60DNF1.90
Skewb First round 30 6.13 7.32 Poland 7.287.996.138.716.69

Przemysław Kanarski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 93 26.29 31.18 Poland 37.4232.3127.6126.2933.63
2x2x2 Cube First round 94 11.57 14.39 Poland 13.4017.5111.5714.8414.94
4x4x4 Cube First round 80 2:53.55 Poland 3:25.742:53.55
Clock First round 67 21.40 Poland DNF21.40
Pyraminx First round 91 14.26 19.50 Poland 21.3714.2617.2635.6719.88
Skewb First round 83 23.03 35.43 Poland DNF28.7239.7237.8523.03

Przemysław Rogalski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 37 11.35 11.98 Poland 12.5616.0911.9311.3511.46
First round 29 9.12 11.13 Poland 12.269.1210.1912.2410.97
2x2x2 Cube First round 15 2.73 3.33 Poland 3.573.203.212.733.63
4x4x4 Cube First round 19 41.84 43.56 Poland 48.2041.8442.0043.6045.09
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 8 1:37.73 2:08.68 Poland 2:41.472:06.831:37.73
First round 8 1:51.67 DNF Poland DNF1:51.672:20.61
Clock Final 8 4.88 DNF Poland DNF4.8810.699.19DNF
First round 1 4.69 5.44 Poland 5.714.695.825.455.16
Megaminx Final 8 56.01 1:00.34 Poland 1:01.681:02.5656.011:02.6556.77
First round 6 58.64 1:00.10 Poland 1:04.781:00.1959.8958.641:00.23
Pyraminx Final 11 3.73 4.85 Poland 4.994.603.735.454.96
First round 10 2.43 3.52 Poland 4.252.473.834.392.43
Skewb First round 19 3.39 6.15 Poland 6.438.013.395.446.59

Rodion Tyzhnevyi - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 79 20.02 23.73 Poland 24.8621.6320.0224.6929.48
First round 80 20.59 22.73 Poland 24.5822.8720.7427.0920.59
2x2x2 Cube First round 87 7.61 10.43 Poland 10.189.9811.127.6111.39
Pyraminx First round 43 3.64 8.67 Poland 9.208.5710.738.233.64
Skewb First round 66 10.37 15.58 Poland 16.5716.4610.3722.8013.71

Rozalia Czerwionka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 110 35.36 38.97 Poland 35.3639.5436.7540.6345.92
Pyraminx First round 100 12.44 40.04 Poland 35.8546.3337.94DNF12.44

Samuel Czerwionka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 115 50.63 54.30 Poland 55.581:02.1154.2950.6353.03
2x2x2 Cube First round 112 20.96 DNF Poland 31.9733.4920.96DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 84 7.97 17.91 Poland 15.9023.3320.2717.577.97

Sebastian Baltrukas - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 49 12.51 13.29 Poland 12.5113.2415.3812.6214.02
First round 52 13.66 13.85 Poland 28.3313.6613.9413.7313.89
2x2x2 Cube First round 53 4.49 5.26 Poland 5.524.495.464.806.60
4x4x4 Cube First round 35 45.70 54.91 Poland 51.5645.7057.191:05.6055.99
Megaminx First round 43 2:37.28 Poland 2:37.283:29.45
Pyraminx First round 55 6.93 10.38 Poland 8.1315.0411.236.9311.78
Skewb First round 50 8.07 10.10 Poland 9.628.0711.3212.759.35

Sebastian Kierznikiewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 119 59.93 1:06.00 Poland 1:30.751:06.091:09.701:02.2259.93
2x2x2 Cube First round 92 7.27 13.88 Poland 7.2716.4712.4116.7512.76
Clock First round 47 12.62 Poland 14.3112.62
Pyraminx First round 88 8.64 18.59 Poland 18.738.6423.7222.7714.27
Skewb First round 69 15.23 16.86 Poland 19.6817.2917.3115.2315.97

Sebastian Kowalewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 55 11.08 14.26 Poland 13.4014.3611.0815.0315.12
First round 55 13.31 14.27 Poland 14.3013.5616.3813.3114.95
2x2x2 Cube First round 41 3.31 4.69 Poland 5.044.964.063.317.30
4x4x4 Cube First round 32 41.05 52.34 Poland 1:02.4243.3155.1658.5541.05
Clock First round 24 7.16 10.01 Poland 7.1610.369.54DNF10.14
Pyraminx First round 54 7.24 10.33 Poland 7.2411.9412.218.3910.66
Skewb First round 58 9.00 11.13 Poland 11.7718.279.0012.359.26

Sebastian Nowicki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 20 8.48 10.14 Poland 10.6510.648.4812.559.12
First round 23 8.96 10.74 Poland 10.9010.1111.2111.608.96
2x2x2 Cube First round 24 2.50 3.97 Poland 2.915.804.064.952.50
4x4x4 Cube First round 15 37.22 40.29 Poland 38.9637.22DNF41.1840.74
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 15 2:47.15 DNF Poland 2:47.15DNFDNF
Clock First round 19 7.36 8.59 Poland 9.168.7010.107.907.36
Megaminx First round 13 56.73 1:10.66 Poland 1:22.151:05.801:13.5756.731:12.61
Pyraminx First round 25 4.41 5.79 Poland 4.417.835.177.025.18
Skewb First round 34 6.65 7.87 Poland 9.407.706.656.759.16

Stefan Zajder - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 6 7.86 8.68 Poland 8.3610.529.088.607.86
Second round 10 8.18 8.88 Poland 9.279.638.188.249.14
First round 7 8.19 8.98 Poland 8.199.729.748.538.68
2x2x2 Cube Final 3 1.54 1.98 Poland 1.761.542.381.802.72
First round 6 1.77 2.05 Poland 2.071.772.022.05DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 24 43.62 47.49 Poland 50.6448.3045.5143.6248.65
Clock First round 29 8.20 10.95 Poland 8.2013.9311.9611.928.96
Megaminx First round 21 1:17.54 1:22.03 Poland 1:17.541:18.601:18.541:41.741:28.96
Pyraminx Final 9 2.90 3.88 Poland 2.904.744.104.363.19
First round 11 3.09 4.07 Poland
Skewb First round 14 4.57 5.25 Poland 4.579.834.615.385.77

Szymon Babina - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 81 22.04 25.59 Poland 28.8023.4027.6322.0425.74
First round 79 19.76 22.73 Poland 23.2019.7830.1519.7625.20
2x2x2 Cube First round 84 7.81 9.66 Poland 9.82DNF8.3610.817.81
4x4x4 Cube First round 74 2:05.12 Poland 2:05.122:22.80
Clock First round 72 28.92 Poland 28.9231.15
Megaminx First round 39 2:24.66 Poland 2:36.392:24.66
Pyraminx First round 93 11.36 20.15 Poland 23.0622.6614.7228.8511.36
Skewb First round 71 15.57 17.87 Poland 16.5615.5718.4518.6020.42

Szymon Jaworski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 40 9.59 12.10 Poland 12.5614.0511.149.5912.61
First round 41 10.92 12.40 Poland 13.8011.5811.8214.6910.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 42 3.50 4.70 Poland 5.103.505.834.564.44
4x4x4 Cube First round 39 53.40 57.80 Poland 57.6458.081:09.0457.6753.40
Clock First round 13 6.26 7.56 Poland 6.597.658.4513.306.26
Megaminx First round 37 2:06.06 Poland 2:14.082:06.06
Pyraminx First round 24 4.93 5.58 Poland 5.315.906.304.935.53
Skewb First round 26 5.36 7.15 Poland 5.368.386.227.267.97

Teodor Zajder - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 13 7.38 9.29 Poland 9.987.3810.307.6011.07
First round 4 7.08 8.22 Poland 8.1210.608.947.597.08
2x2x2 Cube Final 2 1.66 1.90 Poland 1.662.952.321.681.69
First round 2 1.58 1.74 Poland 1.581.861.711.663.02
4x4x4 Cube First round 22 43.01 46.40 Poland 48.7350.2247.0643.4243.01
Clock First round 43 7.78 DNF Poland 11.5710.60DNFDNF7.78
Megaminx First round 23 1:13.08 1:23.55 Poland 1:13.081:27.681:23.541:23.091:24.01
Pyraminx First round 18 3.81 5.19 Poland 5.403.815.986.744.20
Skewb Final 11 4.43 6.38 Poland 4.437.966.244.958.02
First round 12 3.31 4.98 Poland 3.624.796.753.316.54

Tomasz Pietruszka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 2 7.16 8.00 Poland 7.168.667.338.368.31
Second round 5 7.94 8.17 Poland 7.948.927.958.528.05
First round 12 8.32 9.72 Poland 9.138.3216.1110.279.75
2x2x2 Cube Final 1 1.12 1.77 Poland 1.123.351.562.111.64
First round 5 1.28 1.96 Poland
4x4x4 Cube Final 2 30.71 31.17 Poland 30.7131.3634.5531.0831.07
First round 2 25.54 30.71 Poland 30.7436.0730.8930.5125.54
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNS
Clock First round 18 7.27 8.51 Poland
Megaminx Final 1 41.31 44.46 Poland 43.7745.7941.3143.8151.00
First round 1 43.99 46.11 Poland 43.9948.1645.8547.8044.68
Pyraminx Final 4 2.43 2.99 Poland 2.433.
First round 9 2.59 3.49 Poland 4.382.596.093.212.89
Skewb Final 3 2.12 3.11 Poland 3.372.123.322.634.30
First round 3 1.50 2.57 Poland 1.502.612.323.412.79

Tomasz Stawowy - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 59 12.96 14.80 Poland 12.9614.5015.1314.7717.27
First round 66 11.12 15.78 Poland 11.1214.3918.3019.0714.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 60 4.09 5.78 Poland 5.924.097.205.595.82
4x4x4 Cube First round 26 45.63 48.84 Poland 45.6349.8248.3352.0548.38
Clock Final 12 6.91 DNF Poland 6.91DNFDNF13.60DNF
First round 12 6.64 7.23 Poland DNF6.647.876.846.97
Megaminx First round 32 1:47.93 Poland 1:47.932:19.15
Pyraminx First round 57 8.75 10.63 Poland 8.8116.6413.509.578.75
Skewb First round 27 5.77 7.18 Poland 5.777.446.7620.877.35

Vojtěch Grohmann - Czech Republic WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 34 10.22 11.81 Czech Republic 10.8510.2213.0412.3512.23
First round 24 8.08 10.80 Czech Republic 8.0811.1310.7710.5111.91
2x2x2 Cube First round 59 4.71 5.74 Czech Republic 4.87DNF4.715.357.00
4x4x4 Cube First round 29 43.76 49.84 Czech Republic 49.7943.7652.0247.701:38.40
Megaminx First round 16 1:07.00 1:13.37 Czech Republic 1:11.391:10.061:23.551:18.661:07.00
Pyraminx First round 13 2.61 4.66 Czech Republic 6.124.445.853.702.61
Skewb Final 4 2.06 3.47 Czech Republic 4.233.502.06DNF2.69
First round 1 1.37 2.11 NR Czech Republic 1.521.372.485.282.33

Wiktoria Krzebietke - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 52 12.68 13.52 Poland 14.1912.6813.5717.4612.79
First round 63 12.99 15.22 Poland 12.9917.0115.3615.3015.00
2x2x2 Cube First round 56 4.42 5.59 Poland 4.426.016.165.405.37
4x4x4 Cube First round 65 1:36.13 Poland 1:36.13DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNSDNS
Clock First round 71 26.23 Poland 52.7026.23
Skewb First round 54 8.92 10.65 Poland 8.9211.029.2212.3611.71

Wiktoria Lewandowska - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 112 47.07 51.13 Poland 47.3047.0753.9253.2252.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 106 15.14 23.06 Poland 21.5429.7522.0015.1425.63
Pyraminx First round 87 15.73 18.49 Poland 15.7318.7918.4019.1618.29

Witold Wesołowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 116 50.03 54.47 Poland 55.7051.26DNF56.4650.03
2x2x2 Cube First round 105 11.93 22.72 Poland 11.93DNF18.5115.2434.41
Clock First round 66 21.29 Poland DNF21.29
Skewb First round 86 18.71 DNF Poland 43.3018.71DNFDNFDNF

Zuzanna Bogusz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 105 42.14 43.84 Poland 50.7742.1443.4144.3543.75
2x2x2 Cube First round 107 12.36 23.50 Poland 12.3615.17DNF41.3913.95
4x4x4 Cube First round 75 2:15.96 Poland 2:16.922:15.96
Clock First round 69 22.93 Poland 25.9522.93
Megaminx First round 48 3:15.30 Poland 3:15.303:21.39
Pyraminx First round 94 12.48 20.17 Poland 23.3412.4815.5824.0721.59
Skewb First round 82 14.53 28.32 Poland 25.3138.2542.9821.4014.53

Zuzanna Kozicka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 21 8.40 10.15 Poland 11.1411.389.318.4010.01
First round 25 8.95 10.86 Poland 8.9510.1411.6110.8211.86
2x2x2 Cube First round 47 3.63 4.94 Poland 5.156.554.575.093.63
Clock First round 48 13.29 Poland 21.0613.29
Megaminx First round 20 1:17.69 1:21.62 Poland 1:17.691:20.571:40.241:24.961:19.34
Pyraminx First round 30 5.55 6.49 Poland
Skewb First round 13 2.82 5.11 Poland 4.587.152.825.655.09

Zygmunt Baranowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 22 9.80 10.45 Poland 10.229.8011.0110.2310.91
First round 16 7.55 10.10 Poland 9.357.5511.4011.239.72
2x2x2 Cube First round 22 2.80 3.76 Poland 4.253.944.823.082.80
4x4x4 Cube First round 28 45.17 49.64 Poland 48.0955.3555.8845.1745.47
Clock First round 48 13.29 Poland 13.2915.34
Megaminx First round 31 1:41.44 Poland 1:47.601:41.44
Pyraminx First round 35 5.40 7.21 Poland 6.457.108.075.4010.27
Skewb First round 42 5.83 8.77 Poland 10.5718.159.006.755.83

Łukasz Dubicki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 27 7.21 11.08 Poland 12.0011.057.2110.2012.81
First round 38 9.80 12.30 Poland 13.729.8011.6513.6611.58
2x2x2 Cube Final 11 2.00 4.09 Poland 4.204.453.632.005.34
First round 12 2.66 3.06 Poland 2.922.752.664.613.51
4x4x4 Cube First round 13 32.74 39.37 Poland 39.7643.8332.7441.2437.10
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 11 2:18.06 DNF Poland 2:18.06DNFDNF
First round 12 2:39.26 DNF Poland 2:39.26DNFDNF
Clock First round 40 7.03 DNF Poland 7.03DNF9.4610.56DNF
Megaminx First round 15 59.47 1:11.07 Poland 1:19.351:07.5759.471:13.701:11.95
Pyraminx Final 10 3.66 4.27 Poland 4.00DNF3.685.143.66
First round 8 2.36 3.49 Poland 3.663.194.813.612.36
Skewb Final 12 4.10 7.22 Poland 7.817.304.106.568.00
First round 11 3.20 4.91 Poland

Łukasz Jędrzejak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 113 49.34 52.16 Poland 1:14.5950.3755.7750.3549.34
2x2x2 Cube First round 103 15.48 22.38 Poland 23.4415.4823.0920.62DNF
Pyraminx First round 97 16.92 21.05 Poland 21.3116.9220.7632.7221.07

Łukasz Kurowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 31 9.44 11.30 Poland 9.6221.6812.3511.939.44
First round 31 9.71 11.41 Poland 9.7114.579.9912.5311.72
2x2x2 Cube First round 49 4.44 4.99 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 27 45.85 48.90 Poland 47.6745.8549.6349.4150.23
Clock First round 46 12.49 Poland 12.4914.32
Megaminx First round 28 1:12.82 1:36.54 Poland 1:39.761:12.821:18.321:51.55DNF
Pyraminx First round 17 2.49 5.06 Poland 2.497.593.506.605.08
Skewb First round 18 4.65 6.14 Poland 6.356.445.646.794.65
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