Gaithersburg Back to School 2024

Clock Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Tamar Ozsvath 2022OZSV04 United States 4.27 112 3.65 182
2 Shaun Mack 2018MACK04 United States 4.30 119 3.58 161
3 Wesley Chase 2022CHAS02 United States 4.47 145 3.69 191
4 Eric Hsu 2017HSUE02 United States 4.63 177 3.57 155
5 Griffin Kim 2023KIMG01 United States 4.63 177 4.01 286
6 Drew Duong 2022DUON08 United States 4.70 190 3.93 258
7 Anvesh Reddy Chinnapu 2023CHIN15 India 4.81 211 3.31 97
8 David John Gomez 2022GOME10 United States 5.04 263 4.05 303
9 Ledger Ramirez 2022RAMI15 United States 5.52 382 4.29 367
10 Hassan Khanani 2018KHAN26 United States 5.56 392 4.52 455
11 Wilson Dawson 2022DAWS04 United States 6.06 557 4.24 354
12 Anderson Hong 2022HONG10 United States 6.12 579 5.42 825
13 Nina Ozsvath 2022OZSV03 United States 6.81 843 6.11 1232
14 Makai Guay 2024GUAY01 United States 6.81 843 6.16 1263
15 Ariunsaikhan Erdenebileg 2022ERDE06 Mongolia 7.09 996 5.45 842
16 Panashe Sharma 2022SHAR36 United States 7.20 1057 5.48 865
17 Leland Pak 2023PAKL02 United States 7.32 1126 5.76 1025
18 Declan Wilhelm 2016WILH03 United States 7.49 1227 6.25 1332
19 Brad Hoffman 2016HOFF06 United States 7.57 1268 6.05 1194
20 Kayden Schreiber 2022SCHR02 United States 7.67 1327 7.08 1934
21 Collin Sayers 2018SAYE01 United States 7.83 1420 6.54 1537
22 Brayden Adams 2018ADAM06 United States 7.86 1444 6.56 1558
23 Joaquín Villablanca 2022VILL09 Chile 8.21 1674 7.64 2369
24 Somil Varshney 2022VARS04 United States 8.74 2017 7.82 2540
25 Pierce Tickle 2022TICK01 United States 9.10 2270 7.61 2336
26 Daniel Goodman 2013GOOD01 United States 9.37 2474 7.34 2136
27 Sam Popp 2019POPP01 United States 9.59 2640 7.75 2466
28 Mohan Sehgal 2023SEHG01 United States 9.99 2946 8.43 3092
29 Caden Oxenrider 2023OXEN01 United States 10.33 3209 8.97 3602
30 Rich Tayag 2019TAYA01 United States 10.92 3697 9.83 4477
31 Blake Thompson 2010THOM03 United States 10.97 3743 8.29 2975
32 Caleb Jacobson 2023JACO16 United States 11.61 4228 9.98 4635
33 Daniel Greigg 2015GREI01 United States 11.73 4321 8.88 3513
34 Stone Payne 2018SIMP06 United States 12.84 5211 11.17 5797
35 Will Callan 2012CALL01 United States 13.32 5608 11.49 6117
36 Roberto Carcamo 2020CARC01 United States 14.05 6176 12.22 6783
37 Hiro Fukui 2022FUKU01 United States 15.85 7377 8.47 3120
38 Benson Kim 2023KIMB02 United States 15.93 7438 13.03 7560
39 Umit Omural 2021OMUR01 United States 16.80 8015 14.58 8840
40 Matthew Wang 2023WANG30 United States 17.39 8365 15.97 9996
41 Will Venuti 2022VENU02 United States 17.59 8502 12.64 7183
42 Joshua Luke Harris 2020HARR03 United States 17.61 8512 16.54 10421
43 Adam Miller 2022MILL10 United States 18.06 8778 15.04 9233
44 Samuel Brooks Dowdy 2022DOWD02 United States 18.15 8834 14.35 8654
45 Nolan Ethridge 2022ETHR01 United States 18.40 8985 13.42 7887
46 Duncan Kimmett 2022KIMM08 United States 18.63 9109 16.74 10564
47 Neel Nilesh Bhatt 2024BHAT04 Mozambique 18.83 9225 16.47 10353
48 Silas Rhoads 2024RHOA01 United States 19.04 9347 14.21 8543
49 Daniel Miller 2022MILL11 United States 20.79 10229 19.52 12350
50 Elana Nightingale Dawson 2024DAWS04 United States 20.90 10283 15.52 9624
51 Everett Minder 2023MIND02 United States 21.84 10744 17.12 10838
52 Jundy Lacuata 2017LACU02 United States 22.94 11188 16.96 10734
53 Shashwat Sharma 2022SHAR45 United States 31.33 13512 26.03 15448
54 Emily Manwaring 2022MANW01 United States 48.39 14976 39.71 18690
Holden Cressman 2024CRES03 United States 16.84 10648
Ayush Garg 2023GARG06 India 21.11 13265
Raj Bhagat 2023BHAG05 United States 21.68 13564
Ian Fanning 2022FANN01 United States 23.49 14450
Tyler Wensky 2023WENS01 United States 25.67 15324
Paulo Korowajczuk Nader 2022NADE05 Brazil 27.17 15846
Emmet Guertin 2022GUER04 United States 30.18 16763
Sarah Kim 2023KIMS02 United States 35.22 17969
Shvant Gode 2022GODE02 United States 56.47 19834
Adhrit Bhalaki 2024BHAL01 United States
Aidan Royal Knepel 2023KNEP01 United States
Corrina Ramirez United States
Gary Miller 2023MILL57 United States
Ilan Miller 2022MILL19 United States
Julia Korowajczuk Nader 2023NADE01 Brazil
Logan Bert United States
Lukas Tetteh 2024TETT01 United States
Medhansh V. Pappula United States
Muhammad Saad Sanoor 2023SANO02 India
Nardia Din United States
Santiago Cangahuala 2023CANG01 United States
Silas Keith Lopez 2024LOPE38 United States
Timothy McCabe United States
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