Glasgow Favourites Evening I 2024

6x6x6 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Bella Campbell 2018CAMP17 United Kingdom 2:10.73 1241 1:56.92 1005
2 Abhijeet Ghodgaonkar (अभिजीत घोडगावकर) 2013GHOD01 India 2:24.04 1949 2:12.07 1816
3 Sam Jones 2023JONE09 United Kingdom 2:26.75 2113 2:15.07 2012
4 Shiraz Malik 2016MALI02 United Kingdom 2:40.68 2943 2:27.02 2777
5 Eleanor Sinnott 2016SINN01 United Kingdom 3:08.80 4755 2:47.94 4202
6 James Robertson 2023ROBE05 United Kingdom 3:29.77 6036 3:06.08 5473
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