Hamchang Winter 2024

Square-1 Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Jaemin Chang (장재민) 2016CHAN09 Republic of Korea 6.32 18 4.20 11
2 Kyeongmin Choi 2017CHOI07 Republic of Korea 7.68 85 5.36 60
3 SeungO Han (한승오) 2019HANS03 Republic of Korea 7.68 85 6.27 155
4 Jihun Yang (양지훈) 2021YANG27 Republic of Korea 10.58 448 8.38 645
5 DongSoo Park (박동수) 2017PARK05 Republic of Korea 10.88 505 6.90 282
6 Seojun Park 2023PARK56 Republic of Korea 10.95 517 8.17 589
7 Yi Seung-Woo (이승우) 2007SEUN04 Republic of Korea 12.73 883 11.02 1532
8 Minjun Kim (김민준) 2017MINJ03 Republic of Korea 12.89 934 8.55 696
9 Yeon Kyun Park (박연균) 2016PARK10 Republic of Korea 14.10 1241 10.76 1440
10 Dong Hyun Park (박동현) 2024PARK30 Republic of Korea 14.71 1399 13.01 2316
11 JunHyeong Choi (최준형) 2022CHOI16 Republic of Korea 15.94 1721 10.48 1340
12 Seung Hyeon Sung (성승현) 2023SUNG02 Republic of Korea 17.29 2151 13.80 2656
13 Choi Goho (최고호) 2007GOHO01 Republic of Korea 18.31 2442 14.05 2760
14 SeungWoon Lee (이승운) 2006SEUN02 Republic of Korea 19.04 2679 16.48 3875
15 MinGwan Yeo (여민관) 2018MING07 Republic of Korea 19.31 2769 15.00 3208
16 Hyeok Yang (양혁) 2017YANG75 Republic of Korea 19.50 2836 13.93 2710
17 Seungmin Hong (홍승민) 2017HONG09 Canada 21.57 3557 17.75 4478
18 Ko Youngjin (고영진) 2007YOUN04 Republic of Korea 23.23 4117 18.69 4941
19 Seungho Song (송승호) 2018SONG36 Republic of Korea 24.08 4411 15.28 3338
20 Han Na Park (박한나) 2014PARK14 Republic of Korea 25.13 4755 20.24 5653
21 MinSeo Gu (구민서) 2014GUMI01 Republic of Korea 25.68 4967 17.48 4348
22 Dongwoo Jeon (전동우) 2023JEON17 Republic of Korea 26.42 5244 19.68 5409
23 Jongwon Kook 2023KOOK01 Republic of Korea 27.57 5640 19.31 5208
24 Hyunjo Kim (김현조) 2015KIMH04 Republic of Korea 34.80 8192 27.07 8802
25 Kim Minjong (김민종) 2022MINJ05 Republic of Korea 35.49 8409 18.27 4748
26 Jang Seok Won (장석원) 2015SUCK01 Republic of Korea 35.65 8468 30.68 10272
27 Geunyeong Lee (이근영) 2023LEEG03 Republic of Korea 37.85 9185 21.14 6070
28 Jae Hyeong Choi (최재형) 2022CHOI15 Republic of Korea 43.70 10868 39.70 13328
29 Beomseo Jeon (전범서) 2023JEON18 Republic of Korea 57.62 13300 37.03 12571
30 Gyutae Park (박규태) 2023PARK16 Republic of Korea 57.81 13321 40.11 13423
31 YongGeal Lee (이용걸) 2023LEEY01 Republic of Korea 1:53.91 15325 1:26.35 19716
32 Heonjae Jung (정헌재) 2016JUNG03 Republic of Korea 2:09.98 15404 55.67 16710
Jimin Kim 2023KIMJ07 Republic of Korea 1:04.88 17972
Kwon SeongGu (권성구) 2018SEON02 Republic of Korea
TaeHan Park (박태한) 2024PARK49 Republic of Korea
Yerim Bae (배예림) Republic of Korea
YoungWoo Na (나영우) 2024YOUN17 Republic of Korea
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