Hampshire Autumn 2024

5x5x5 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Ashwyn Wadhawan 2022WADH02 United Kingdom 14:37.00 73 12:06.00 229
2 Adam Devere 2018DEVE02 United Kingdom 18:00.00 442
3 Jake Brown 2020BROW01 United Kingdom 18:37.00 462
4 AJ Nicholls 2015NICH04 United Kingdom 23:58.00 598
5 Oliver Richards 2022RICH02 United Kingdom 27:03.00 656
Ben Stokes 2018STOK01 United Kingdom
Edmund Finch 2023FINC02 United Kingdom
Harry Dixon 2023DIXO02 United Kingdom
Jacob Sherwen Brown 2022BROW01 United Kingdom
Oliver Chinery 2022CHIN05 United Kingdom
Sophie Gilbert 2022GILB05 United Kingdom
Thomas Bevan 2017BEVA01 United Kingdom
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