Haute-Patate Open 2012

Aug 25 - 26, 2012
Champlitte, France

Collège Leroi Gourhan

Allée du Sainfoin - 70600 CHAMPLITTE
Haute-Patate Open 2012 website

Association Franc-Comtoise de Speedcubing (AFCS)

WCA Delegate
Clément Gallet
Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Saturday, August 25, 2012 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 12:00 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Daniel Grabski won with an average of 13.81 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Pierre Lemerle finished second (13.90) and Alexandre Philiponet finished third (15.47).

European records: Pierre Bouvier‎ Clock 7.20 (average).

Alban Marchal - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 4 14.06 15.74 France 16.1414.5216.5514.0617.29
Second round 4 13.80 16.68 France 14.4813.8017.2519.8318.31
First round 7 16.47 17.31 France 16.6218.7316.4721.8216.57
2x2x2 Cube Final 8 4.62 8.39 France 9.409.988.397.394.62
Second round 3 3.22 5.48 France 6.489.025.384.593.22
First round 9 6.57 8.72 France 11.696.606.579.3510.21
4x4x4 Cube Final 6 1:01.04 1:08.90 France DNF1:07.491:13.131:01.041:06.08
Second round 6 1:01.74 1:09.86 France 1:09.191:16.921:01.741:26.251:03.48
First round 5 1:05.45 1:10.73 France 1:05.451:11.551:11.861:16.181:08.77
5x5x5 Cube Final 5 2:03.69 2:20.67 France 2:24.393:30.732:16.042:21.572:03.69
6x6x6 Cube Final 6 9:31.18 France 9:31.18
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 5 DNF France DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 1 20.65 23.39 France 22.9924.3722.8135.6020.65
First round 1 24.80 27.98 France 26.7832.7324.8030.2426.92
Clock First round 10 32.67 46.19 France 1:10.3848.6449.7440.1932.67
Megaminx First round 7 3:43.48 4:03.55 France 4:15.563:47.335:34.514:07.753:43.48
Pyraminx First round 11 16.92 22.55 France 20.8226.4816.9232.7420.35
Magic Final 8 2.40 3.79 France 2.403.346.085.092.94
First round 5 2.28 2.91 France 2.652.283.942.853.22
Master Magic First round 9 10.51 15.26 France 18.1312.0118.8815.6310.51

Alexandre Philiponet - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 3 12.86 15.47 France 12.8615.6520.5314.0916.68
Second round 3 12.92 15.12 France 12.9216.4816.1713.3715.81
First round 2 13.79 14.43 France 16.4313.7914.1615.2913.85
2x2x2 Cube Final 2 2.84 4.35 France 5.834.347.032.842.89
Second round 5 3.74 5.79 France 6.473.747.954.296.61
First round 2 4.05 5.36 France 5.688.684.056.114.28
4x4x4 Cube Final 4 55.10 1:01.78 France 1:02.391:04.2759.041:03.9055.10
Second round 3 57.12 57.45 France 57.3757.1257.1357.841:05.34
First round 3 57.84 1:03.92 France 1:06.211:01.201:04.361:30.7057.84
5x5x5 Cube Final 2 1:51.67 1:58.40 France 2:00.381:54.401:51.672:25.032:00.43
6x6x6 Cube Final 2 4:25.13 4:40.02 France 4:33.274:25.135:01.67
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 3 3:00.76 DNF France DNF3:00.76DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 4 46 France 46
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 4 22.60 29.40 France 24.3935.3328.4722.60DNF
First round 2 22.71 29.45 France 26.8742.0122.7130.5230.96
Clock Final 2 11.71 13.38 France 13.6322.9011.7113.6512.86
First round 3 12.34 16.52 France 16.4719.2919.8912.3413.81
Megaminx Final 2 1:47.27 1:59.83 France 2:00.011:58.402:03.601:47.272:01.08
First round 2 1:43.33 1:59.52 France 2:00.852:08.482:08.801:43.331:49.22
Pyraminx Final 3 7.84 10.49 France 10.547.8411.6611.089.86
First round 3 9.64 11.14 France 10.559.6413.0110.7812.09
Square-1 Final 3 29.09 43.64 France 59.5933.8540.9856.0929.09
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 3 DNF France DNF
Magic Final 7 3.18 3.73 France 3.183.693.9624.453.54
First round 8 1.41 3.18 France 1.413.292.983.643.26
Master Magic Final 1 2.51 3.01 France
First round 4 4.14 4.74 France 4.994.865.494.144.36

Alexis Roussel - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 8 13.89 17.74 France 18.4716.0418.72DNF13.89
Second round 8 14.94 17.36 France 18.4517.4221.3616.2014.94
First round 9 12.88 18.15 France 16.6119.9319.3012.8818.55
2x2x2 Cube Final 4 3.62 5.06 France
Second round 8 5.85 6.28 France 6.205.859.836.206.43
First round 5 6.06 6.68 France
4x4x4 Cube Second round 10 1:20.54 1:28.35 France 1:20.541:31.991:32.031:30.161:22.91
First round 9 1:12.71 1:27.82 France 1:26.371:45.821:19.601:37.491:12.71
5x5x5 Cube Final 8 2:44.21 2:53.53 France 2:55.123:01.392:56.982:48.492:44.21
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 5 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 8 26.58 34.98 France 39.6027.0643.1138.2926.58
First round 7 30.40 34.14 France 30.4043.2735.3335.1331.97
Clock Final 5 15.04 22.25 France 16.4435.0815.04DNF15.23
First round 4 15.48 18.99 France 17.30DNF19.4715.4820.20
Megaminx First round 6 3:20.94 3:49.11 France 4:32.524:11.343:37.593:38.393:20.94
Pyraminx First round 10 9.77 17.34 France 9.7716.7116.2319.07DNF

Bastien Roussel - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 15 42.66 46.51 France 1:06.7443.7443.3542.6652.44
First round 16 35.91 47.20 France 52.1745.0945.8350.6935.91
2x2x2 Cube First round 18 12.00 27.97 France 30.9226.9726.0332.0812.00
4x4x4 Cube First round 14 2:57.84 3:09.89 France 4:09.353:25.172:58.602:57.843:05.91

Camille Suratteau - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 18 47.86 58.79 France 47.861:01.121:19.7950.341:04.91
Square-1 Final 4 2:19.88 France 2:19.88DNF

Catherine Baulard - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 20 56.79 1:07.11 France 1:17.6257.901:25.341:05.8256.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 19 29.17 31.25 France 35.7330.5029.1731.5631.68
Pyraminx First round 12 20.93 25.20 France 24.0032.1120.9329.9521.65

Clément Gallet - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 5 13.58 17.04 France 13.5815.3317.5018.2924.66
Second round 7 14.26 17.35 France 14.2617.4418.9416.2218.40
First round 10 15.34 18.64 France 19.6915.3420.6921.0615.53
2x2x2 Cube Second round 9 5.80 6.64 France 7.025.806.656.259.11
First round 7 6.21 7.20 France 8.228.576.247.156.21
4x4x4 Cube Final 5 1:01.05 1:07.22 France 1:11.591:08.861:01.051:03.791:09.00
Second round 5 1:01.19 1:07.22 France 1:10.381:18.011:01.191:04.961:06.33
First round 6 1:04.29 1:14.80 France 1:10.621:04.291:18.741:15.031:20.82
5x5x5 Cube Final 3 1:56.46 2:01.36 France 2:02.611:56.461:57.192:19.662:04.27
6x6x6 Cube Final 4 4:58.35 5:22.06 France 5:41.344:58.355:26.50
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 2 2:35.53 2:55.23 France 2:35.533:04.263:05.89
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 1 34 France 34
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 3 26.06 28.56 France 27.0629.6726.0628.9545.84
First round 5 27.69 30.82 France 32.1829.8030.4827.6938.64
Clock Final 3 10.47 16.15 France 23.5710.4711.6313.2427.58
First round 2 11.02 12.64 France 14.4311.9012.6913.3411.02
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 2 2/2 9:40 France 2/2 9:40
Magic Final 3 1.62 1.81 France 1.621.713.542.091.63
First round 3 1.60 2.03 France 1.891.601.982.222.63
Master Magic Final 2 3.83 3.92 France 4.383.903.833.903.97
First round 2 3.82 4.44 France 4.604.314.403.825.05

Clément Hauchard - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 19 52.18 1:00.11 France 57.881:02.1352.181:03.681:00.32

Cécile Vezzoli - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 22 1:10.65 1:15.31 France 1:19.631:13.781:12.531:20.411:10.65
2x2x2 Cube First round 17 13.86 21.32 France 19.3113.8628.0525.3819.28
Clock First round 11 1:28.98 France 1:28.98DNF
Pyraminx Final 9 15.69 20.85 France 16.0429.4315.6917.0741.03
First round 6 12.02 16.07 France 21.9712.0217.8713.4716.87
Magic Final 6 2.41 3.03 France 3.712.883.742.492.41
First round 7 2.75 3.13 France 2.882.753.05DNF3.45
Master Magic Final 3 4.04 4.42 France 4.775.784.194.294.04
First round 5 4.39 5.21 France 4.735.964.396.444.93

Daniel Grabski - Austria WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 1 12.03 13.81 Austria 12.0315.4614.5313.4813.41
Second round 2 12.68 15.07 Austria 13.0314.9618.2817.2112.68
First round 1 11.96 13.17 Austria 13.6614.8412.8411.9613.02
2x2x2 Cube Final 3 3.39 4.85 Austria 5.595.
Second round 4 5.05 5.76 Austria 5.116.385.795.057.88
First round 4 4.89 6.10 Austria 7.284.897.365.026.00
4x4x4 Cube Final 2 47.45 53.97 Austria 53.08DNF47.4547.941:00.88
Second round 2 49.13 54.38 Austria 54.3549.1353.4055.4058.75
First round 2 55.07 57.79 Austria 55.071:03.0755.4255.421:02.54
5x5x5 Cube Final 1 1:25.34 1:35.28 Austria 1:25.341:42.141:31.851:31.841:55.42
6x6x6 Cube Final 1 3:00.84 3:12.92 Austria 3:36.363:00.843:01.57
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 1 2:07.52 DNF Austria DNF2:29.852:07.52
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 2 41 Austria 41
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 9 32.12 34.97 Austria 32.1235.0035.5734.3344.14
Clock Final 7 20.33 24.54 Austria 23.9120.3327.0940.5022.61
First round 6 15.15 19.86 Austria 23.6624.7220.5315.4015.15
Megaminx Final 1 54.09 1:02.45 Austria 1:02.061:03.461:01.8454.09DNF
First round 1 58.90 1:11.00 Austria 1:20.061:00.1058.901:16.071:16.84
Pyraminx Final 1 4.80 6.11 Austria 5.846.504.806.805.98
First round 1 4.64 5.70 Austria 4.646.776.224.995.88
Square-1 Final 2 30.30 36.45 Austria 35.9339.5338.5334.9030.30
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 1 2/2 8:36 Austria 2/2 8:36
Magic First round 10 1.21 3.29 Austria 1.941.214.823.534.40

Dinh-Anh Tran - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 10 12.70 17.98 France 19.4817.2217.2319.5212.70
First round 8 15.87 17.96 France 17.1421.5918.6318.1015.87
2x2x2 Cube Final 7 4.21 6.65 France 6.557.846.554.216.86
Second round 6 5.63 5.97 France 5.635.845.786.866.29
First round 6 5.30 6.80 France 5.306.776.928.056.71
4x4x4 Cube Final 8 1:06.22 1:21.28 France 1:30.121:24.271:06.221:26.291:13.29
Second round 8 1:08.60 1:17.64 France 1:15.321:20.401:08.601:18.061:19.55
First round 7 1:05.16 1:16.44 France 1:23.501:05.161:19.481:26.441:06.35
5x5x5 Cube Final 4 1:58.30 2:03.78 France 2:00.402:05.881:58.302:05.052:07.42
6x6x6 Cube Final 3 4:36.17 4:40.62 France 4:36.174:44.854:40.83
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 2 25.24 28.37 France 31.8825.8629.7725.2429.49
First round 4 24.90 29.75 France 32.6324.9030.9828.1130.17
Clock Final 8 23.08 25.29 France 26.8923.4025.5936.1923.08
First round 8 22.39 24.78 France 28.0324.2424.4325.6722.39
Megaminx First round 5 3:05.57 3:11.97 France 3:58.613:06.333:05.573:09.313:20.27
Pyraminx Final 6 9.96 14.88 France 12.9617.689.9619.9414.00
First round 4 11.22 13.55 France 11.4911.8817.2911.2218.81

Frédéric Ummenhover - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 17 42.65 48.54 France 51.8748.6745.1342.6551.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 15 8.28 14.42 France 13.6815.9318.8613.658.28
4x4x4 Cube First round 15 3:02.93 3:30.45 France 3:40.793:02.933:38.173:12.384:03.62
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 14 1:06.93 1:35.10 France 1:44.361:22.431:40.141:06.931:42.73
Clock First round 9 28.77 29.84 France 28.77DNF30.5929.4029.53
Pyraminx Final 7 12.40 14.95 France 14.8414.1618.5715.8512.40
First round 7 13.13 16.08 France 13.1314.4115.5029.1418.34
Magic Final 4 1.92 2.34 France 1.922.002.912.123.01
First round 6 2.12 3.04 France 4.042.312.122.764.63
Master Magic Final 5 3.60 4.50 France 4.304.994.884.333.60
First round 3 4.33 4.66 France 4.335.034.585.954.36

Julien De Sousa - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 16 32.83 47.07 France 37.4059.1651.7532.8352.06
First round 15 35.63 40.14 France 40.1337.2135.6347.9143.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 16 15.72 17.55 France 15.7217.2815.7819.5920.41

Kevin Guillaumond - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 7 13.58 17.54 France 15.9221.2721.9713.5815.43
Second round 5 15.39 16.72 France 17.3517.1115.3921.5915.71
First round 4 13.25 16.58 France 15.7918.7715.1813.2519.89
2x2x2 Cube Final 1 1.80 2.81 NR France 3.042.872.521.804.45
Second round 1 2.12 3.08 France
First round 1 1.86 3.59 France 3.333.503.944.071.86
4x4x4 Cube Final 3 58.07 1:00.41 France 58.351:00.481:31.3358.071:02.39
Second round 4 51.32 1:04.47 France 1:14.4257.781:09.281:06.3451.32
First round 4 53.71 1:05.25 France 1:08.341:06.091:03.8253.711:05.84
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 6 24.31 32.45 France 36.2924.3144.1527.9433.11
First round 8 32.81 34.24 France 34.0034.8733.8652.7032.81

Mélodie Bussmann - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 21 1:05.00 1:12.43 France 1:05.001:27.481:14.561:15.931:06.81

Omry Noam - Israel WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 9 14.24 17.65 Israel 18.6616.3714.2417.9219.10
First round 6 15.11 17.02 Israel 15.2917.0919.1618.6915.11
2x2x2 Cube Second round 11 3.78 8.11 Israel 11.248.719.556.083.78
First round 13 8.35 9.50 Israel 8.8810.549.919.728.35
4x4x4 Cube Second round 9 1:18.03 1:24.48 Israel 1:23.711:22.221:39.411:27.511:18.03
First round 10 1:21.04 1:29.75 Israel 1:29.481:21.041:31.441:30.801:28.96
5x5x5 Cube Final 7 2:14.93 2:34.92 Israel 2:43.762:33.172:40.722:30.862:14.93
6x6x6 Cube Final 7 DNF Israel DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 5 DNF Israel DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 7 28.46 33.57 Israel 29.6435.4441.1628.4635.64
First round 3 27.46 NR 29.68 Israel 27.4633.8231.4528.3429.25
Magic Final 5 2.13 2.65 Israel 3.773.632.192.132.13
First round 4 2.17 2.52 Israel 2.322.412.174.292.83

Philippe Lucien - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 12 19.34 21.89 France 23.4520.5821.6426.1719.34
First round 11 17.08 21.14 France 22.1022.6325.6317.0818.69
2x2x2 Cube Second round 13 6.49 9.60 France 15.679.5411.837.446.49
First round 14 7.68 9.63 France 7.6811.289.797.8211.79
4x4x4 Cube First round 13 2:36.96 2:43.85 France 2:38.173:03.552:36.962:39.422:53.97
5x5x5 Cube Final 11 5:09.00 France 6:46.675:09.00
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 5 DNF France DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 12 42.15 1:02.48 France 1:24.171:56.0550.9742.1552.29
Clock Final 6 20.84 24.01 France 27.2122.2622.5528.2320.84
First round 7 19.99 24.62 France 19.9922.53DNF27.8223.51
Megaminx First round 8 5:35.36 France 5:35.36
Pyraminx Final 8 15.45 17.98 France 15.4519.6516.3418.6518.94
First round 9 15.43 16.92 France 15.4916.4918.7920.3915.43

Pierre Bouvier - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 6 15.64 17.53 France 16.2718.0125.6118.3215.64
Second round 6 16.97 17.30 France 17.1116.9717.4718.7717.32
First round 5 15.28 16.76 France 15.2817.3317.6816.0016.94
2x2x2 Cube Final 5 2.65 5.13 France 5.655.634.112.65DNF
Second round 2 4.18 4.88 France
First round 3 2.70 5.58 France 8.296.575.162.705.01
4x4x4 Cube Final 7 1:11.16 1:19.11 France 1:38.711:18.751:21.161:17.411:11.16
Second round 7 1:09.96 1:15.08 France 1:13.551:21.311:10.661:09.961:21.03
First round 8 1:10.53 1:17.80 France 1:19.181:20.131:28.911:10.531:14.08
5x5x5 Cube Final 6 2:17.57 2:31.00 France 2:30.662:38.752:17.572:23.592:42.90
6x6x6 Cube Final 5 4:52.54 5:26.59 France 5:26.404:52.546:00.83
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 4 6:01.29 DNF France DNF6:01.29DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 3 42 France 42
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 11 31.75 45.84 France 49.8431.7550.1537.5354.01
Clock Final 1 6.43 7.48 France 8.818.086.806.437.56
First round 1 6.52 7.20 ER France 7.776.906.936.52DNF
Megaminx Final 3 1:56.47 2:19.98 France 2:26.552:17.942:32.031:56.472:15.46
First round 3 2:03.43 2:11.11 France 2:08.502:41.282:15.112:03.432:09.72
Pyraminx Final 2 7.91 9.14 France 10.248.707.918.4715.87
First round 2 5.85 9.22 France 5.8510.348.109.2115.86
Square-1 Final 1 17.61 23.07 France 20.8625.5622.7817.61DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 3 DNF France DNF
Magic Final 1 1.46 1.70 France 1.934.091.461.551.61
First round 2 1.44 1.54 France 1.60DNF1.531.481.44
Master Magic Final 6 4.13 5.00 France 5.364.784.864.135.66
First round 6 4.93 5.77 France

Pierre Lemerle - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 2 13.56 13.90 France 13.8114.0113.9113.5613.97
Second round 1 13.00 14.52 France 13.7714.4615.3416.8013.00
First round 3 11.75 15.84 France 17.3514.8218.9115.3511.75
2x2x2 Cube Final 6 5.34 6.23 France 5.916.527.345.346.25
Second round 7 5.81 6.19 France 6.316.096.167.335.81
First round 12 3.44 9.42 France 8.1514.59DNF3.445.52
4x4x4 Cube Final 1 45.77 47.17 France 48.9446.2753.1846.3145.77
Second round 1 42.33 45.77 France 44.3144.4448.5642.3353.13
First round 1 42.75 54.64 France 54.1956.5042.7555.9453.80
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 5 23.15 30.37 France 32.2730.3123.1528.5338.78
First round 6 22.84 33.64 France 34.9436.1536.8329.8422.84

Samuel Klopfenstein - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 13 20.81 25.62 France 20.8124.75DNF25.5626.56
First round 12 19.42 21.97 France 19.4222.4322.9920.49DNF
2x2x2 Cube Second round 10 5.87 7.12 France 12.006.888.225.876.25
First round 10 7.87 8.92 France 9.519.098.259.427.87
4x4x4 Cube Second round 12 1:51.57 2:05.38 France 2:04.871:59.901:51.572:11.382:12.73
First round 12 1:47.77 2:09.59 France 2:11.822:06.422:10.521:47.772:12.22
5x5x5 Cube Final 9 3:27.00 4:04.50 France 4:29.373:27.004:30.163:49.963:54.18
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 5 DNF France DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 13 47.37 1:06.36 France 1:02.821:28.8447.4347.37DNF
Megaminx Final 4 2:30.11 2:41.83 France 2:47.892:30.112:38.362:39.232:48.51
First round 4 2:26.37 2:46.10 France 2:44.062:26.372:42.693:05.592:51.54
Pyraminx Final 5 10.17 12.50 France 10.1712.9012.6022.0612.00
First round 5 10.71 13.64 France 14.7914.0612.0610.7119.14
Magic Final 2 1.25 1.75 France 1.951.251.33DNF1.98
First round 1 1.20 1.47 France 1.201.341.59DNF1.48
Master Magic First round 7 5.61 6.81 France 5.6810.736.505.618.24

Thibaut Duvoid - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 14 23.82 26.33 France 27.5725.3727.2623.8226.36
First round 14 23.88 26.68 France 27.5128.6125.1027.4423.88
2x2x2 Cube Second round 14 7.76 9.68 France 8.809.6711.6210.567.76
First round 11 8.31 9.40 France 10.079.528.6018.328.31
4x4x4 Cube First round 16 5:48.39 France DNF5:48.39
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 15 2:03.13 France 2:08.212:03.13
Megaminx First round 10 9:02.59 France 9:02.59
Pyraminx First round 13 34.53 50.55 France 39.791:13.031:14.4938.8334.53
Magic First round 9 2.28 3.22 France
Master Magic First round 8 7.54 9.07 France 8.3519.329.337.549.53

Yann Bouveret - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 11 19.59 20.92 France 19.5926.6119.9121.3421.51
First round 13 22.09 23.79 France 24.1922.0924.93DNF22.25
2x2x2 Cube Second round 12 8.21 9.44 France 9.1110.758.458.21DNF
First round 8 5.84 8.34 France 9.817.775.847.45DNF
4x4x4 Cube Second round 11 1:40.41 1:57.52 France 2:05.232:01.641:40.411:58.771:52.15
First round 11 1:40.52 1:47.33 France 1:48.431:40.521:49.121:56.611:44.43
5x5x5 Cube Final 10 4:07.20 4:33.47 France 4:28.754:07.204:17.86DNF4:53.80
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 5 DNF France DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 10 36.08 40.05 France 48.1646.2136.0837.5936.34
Clock Final 4 19.36 20.72 France 20.9019.8119.36DNF21.46
First round 5 18.54 19.01 France 19.1931.3818.5418.5719.26
Megaminx First round 9 6:06.17 France 6:06.17
Pyraminx Final 4 10.88 11.97 France 16.1712.3911.9211.5910.88
First round 8 11.54 16.52 France 11.5424.5623.1112.3014.15
Magic First round 11 1.40 3.49 France 1.802.336.331.40DNF
Master Magic Final 4 3.50 4.47 France 5.023.505.133.684.72
First round 1 3.27 3.85 France 4.143.543.274.463.86
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