High Five Bloomsburg 2024

5x5x5 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Livia Kleiner 2013KLEI03 United States 53.70 204 47.49 190
2 Carson Widjaja 2018WIDJ01 United States 55.06 275 49.54 284
3 Evan Liu 2009LIUE01 United States 55.70 305 48.19 220
4 Shaun Mack 2018MACK04 United States 58.02 442 53.03 525
5 Henry Syn 2021SYNH01 United States 1:02.87 791 54.89 674
6 Elvin Xu 2019XUEL02 United States 1:06.16 1130 1:00.68 1265
7 Alex Niedland 2018NIED01 United States 1:06.82 1202 58.61 1021
8 Brayden Adams 2018ADAM06 United States 1:07.67 1303 1:04.04 1774
9 Stephen Bohner 2018BOHN04 United States 1:09.06 1472 58.37 997
10 Eliana Ozsvath 2022OZSV01 United States 1:12.12 1893 1:05.13 1959
11 Leudy Rodríguez 2014RODR31 Dominican Republic 1:13.81 2152 1:07.99 2486
12 Tomas Kaiser 2016KAIS01 United States 1:14.97 2332 1:05.98 2110
13 Roy Lee 2011LEER01 United States 1:15.40 2403 1:01.04 1313
14 Zach Ridall 2018RIDA01 United States 1:16.62 2608 1:06.93 2294
15 Fred Weiying Zhang 2024ZHAN65 Canada 1:16.84 2658 1:07.81 2450
16 Nina Ozsvath 2022OZSV03 United States 1:16.97 2677 1:07.84 2457
17 Alex Felsenfeld 2018FELS01 United States 1:17.63 2809 1:01.94 1442
18 Declan Wilhelm 2016WILH03 United States 1:19.04 3074 1:07.03 2310
19 Tamar Ozsvath 2022OZSV04 United States 1:24.71 4187 1:18.15 4634
20 Ryan Krause 2018KRAU02 United States 1:28.50 5036 1:18.53 4727
21 Zachary Van De Water 2023WATE02 United States 1:30.25 5426 1:26.35 6771
22 Srijay Bandi 2018BAND02 United States 1:32.87 6048 1:28.09 7203
23 Maggie Clark 2016CLAR01 United States 1:33.05 6082 1:21.08 5358
24 Jeffrey Chen 2023CHEJ07 United States 1:37.20 7080 1:20.16 5100
25 Cristofer Rodriguez 2015RODR10 Dominican Republic 1:38.66 7464 1:33.79 8774
26 Yuki Nagai 2022NAGA02 United States 1:45.02 9014 1:33.80 8781
27 Sula Mareska 2019MARE07 United States 1:46.52 9358 1:34.07 8860
28 Connor Gaeckle 2022GAEC01 United States 1:47.62 9624 1:33.96 8829
29 Shaun Wiggins 2022WIGG01 United States 1:55.31 11377 1:40.69 10601
30 Currin Wilson 2018WILS11 United States 1:59.17 12163 1:47.87 12371
31 Collin Sayers 2018SAYE01 United States 2:02.78 12837 1:37.64 9804
32 Dylan Gesmundo 2023GESM01 United States 2:15.72 14989 2:05.55 16271
33 Joel Sattler 2022SATT02 United States 2:30.12 16805 2:05.09 16170
34 Kerry Go 2019GOKE01 United States 2:40.78 17720 2:31.93 21062
35 Charley Eucker 2022EUCK01 United States 3:30.31 19720 2:55.00 24313
Knut Peterson 2016PETE11 United States 1:49.27 12709
Michael Miloslavskiy 2023MILO01 United States 2:03.47 15813
Callum FitzGerald 2024FITZ01 United States 2:22.82 19608
Andrew Christian 2022CHRI21 United States 2:23.97 19810
Jalen Shareef 2024SHAR07 United States 2:29.21 20626
Carter Strouse 2017STRO07 United States 2:34.05 21414
Justin Rose 2024ROSE05 United States 2:38.86 22183
Blue Glynn 2023GLYN02 United States 2:53.14 24103
Ekam Singh 2023SING76 India 3:21.30 26981
Jacob A. Abell 2022ABEL01 United States 3:25.35 27297
Andre Zook 2024ZOOK01 United States
Ben Wiggins 2022WIGG02 United States
Colin Mauldin 2024MAUL01 United States
Daniel Tianchen Yang 2024YANG46 United States
Easton Caple 2023CAPL01 United States
Emmet Guertin 2022GUER04 United States
Jacob Buch 2024BUCH01 United States
Jayden Migrala 2022MIGR01 United States
Kole Stoak United States
Landon Hotaling 2024HOTA02 United States
Liam Schneider 2024SCHN03 United States
Logan Norton 2023NORT12 United States
Mason Schneider 2024SCHN04 United States
Nathan St. Clair United States
Radiath Kamal Patwary 2022PATW01 Bangladesh
Robert Henderson 2023HEND17 United States
Ryan Gavigan United States
Sean Rodríguez Antonio Dominican Republic
Shawn Tsichlis United States
Zachary Abell 2024ABEL01 United States
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