Indian Nationals 2018

May 25 - 27, 2018
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

IIT Bombay

Lecture Hall Complex, IIT Bombay,, Infinite Corridor, Academic Section, IIT Area, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400076, Ind

Lecture Hall Complex

Organization team
IIT Bombay Sports, Nitesh Kumar Deshmukh, Pratik Poojary, and Somya Srivastava
WCA Delegates
Daniel M. James, Shubhayan Kabir, Somya Srivastava, and Ujjawal Pabreja

1.Staff Rounds will be held on 24th May, 2018. If you wish to volunteer at the event, fill this volunteering form and organisers will get in touch with you.
2.Competition Schedule
3. Registration & Payment

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Saturday, March 24, 2018 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 6:29 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Vijay Kishore won with an average of 8.59 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Arvind Tatiparti finished second (9.11) and Arnav Arora finished third (9.47).

Asian records: Arnav Arora‎ 2x2x2 Cube 1.57 (average).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Vijay Kishore 7.98 8.59 India 8.677.988.4911.578.62
2 Arvind Tatiparti 7.61 9.11 India 11.349.888.658.807.61
3 Arnav Arora 8.51 9.47 India 8.519.479.429.5319.84

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Arnav Arora 1.16 1.69 India 1.162.431.612.051.40
2 Aaditya Shreeniwas Pant 1.58 1.90 India 1.792.811.852.051.58
3 Advay Sant 1.69 1.93 United States 1.752.201.85DNF1.69

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Aryan Chhabra 29.12 34.09 India 40.4834.0835.6729.1232.51
2 Anish Rajesh 27.15 34.32 India 33.8736.6834.3027.1534.79
3 Abishua James Thomas 33.79 39.11 Canada 39.2136.1542.0133.7941.98

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Anish Rajesh 51.25 NR 57.02 India 55.6651.2556.3459.5159.06
2 Jeremy Singson 59.38 1:03.37 India 1:05.821:03.581:01.7559.381:04.79
3 Aryan Chhabra 1:03.47 1:05.49 India 1:03.471:03.891:11.901:03.531:09.04

6x6x6 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Anish Rajesh 1:48.69 1:53.68 NR India 1:57.761:54.591:48.69
2 Jeremy Singson 1:59.27 2:01.29 India 1:59.302:05.291:59.27
3 Shivam Bansal 1:59.27 2:12.58 India 2:20.382:18.101:59.27

7x7x7 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Anish Rajesh 2:36.80 NR 2:47.06 India 2:41.172:36.803:03.22
2 Shivam Bansal 2:58.09 3:01.33 India 2:59.423:06.472:58.09
3 Jeremy Singson 2:53.12 3:03.73 India 3:23.202:53.122:54.86

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Shivam Bansal 28.44 30.58 India 29.1328.4434.17
2 Alaik Bhatia 44.14 DNF India 47.98DNF44.14
3 Akash Rupela 51.38 DNF India 2:26.88DNF51.38

3x3x3 Fewest Moves

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Shivam Bansal 29 30.33 India 302932
2 Advay Sant 30 32.67 United States 333035
3 Ujjawal Pabreja 28 34.67 India 283244

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Sripad Sarma Katrapati 11.11 12.74 India 11.1115.0711.6813.7712.76
2 Bhargav Narasimhan 12.72 13.70 India 13.8814.6613.0014.2312.72
3 Arnav Arora 11.79 14.36 India 14.0815.0316.4013.9811.79


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Saravanan Gowthaman 5.87 7.87 India 8.165.8712.266.998.47
2 Rahul Kulkarni 6.45 8.11 India 8.566.458.117.788.45
3 Aryan Sehgal 7.19 8.58 India 8.617.4010.307.199.72


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Nikhil Soares 40.92 NR 46.60 India 52.8044.7740.9246.5648.47
2 Faisal Aziz Mehboob 55.33 59.36 India 56.0556.721:12.7455.331:05.32
3 Hargun Singh Tikku 55.24 1:00.15 India 1:03.891:00.951:09.0555.2455.60


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Aniket Das 2.08 2.51 India 2.082.812.312.672.55
2 Emmanuel Rajapandian 2.76 3.41 India 3.213.463.562.76DNF
3 Snehashish Chakravarti 3.12 3.99 India


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Chetan Roger Dhanjal 2.44 3.35 India 2.443.273.633.713.14
2 Paarth Arora 3.46 3.90 India 4.043.544.133.464.43
3 Mani Kumar 2.98 4.11 India 3.334.642.986.994.36


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Alaik Bhatia 10.93 12.47 India 12.2412.5512.6322.5510.93
2 Arnav Arora 12.93 15.47 India 12.9314.5618.4115.1216.72
3 Anant Pingle 16.09 17.61 India 17.0518.7616.0917.1418.64

4x4x4 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Shivam Bansal 3:13.90 DNF India DNF3:13.90DNF
2 Yash Mehta 8:07.42 DNF India DNF9:28.208:07.42
3 Akash Rupela 8:57.10 DNF India 9:03.478:57.10DNF

5x5x5 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Abhijeet Ghodgaonkar (अभिजीत घोडगावकर) 6:29.74 DNF India 6:29.74DNFDNF
2 Shivam Bansal 7:52.92 DNF India DNF14:07.007:52.92
3 Yash Mehta 35:07.00 DNF India 35:07.00DNSDNS

3x3x3 Multi-Blind

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Shivam Bansal 44/48 58:56 India 44/48 58:565/5 5:0537/48 1:00:00
2 Abhijeet Ghodgaonkar (अभिजीत घोडगावकर) 22/23 52:27 India 22/23 52:27DNF7/11 20:42
3 Mohammed Aiman Koli 15/16 59:58 India 15/16 59:583/4 10:35DNF

3x3x3 With Feet

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Adithyaa Anand 32.24 40.81 India 49.6032.2438.2639.7344.44
2 Mohammed Aiman Koli 38.85 41.96 India 41.4640.6543.771:04.9938.85
3 Dhruv Arora 36.59 43.60 India 36.5944.8540.2345.7247.70
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