Jogja Fun Speedcubing 2023

Jun 3, 2023
Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia

All Nite & Day Hotel Yogyakarta

Jl. Affandi No.17C, Klitren, Kec. Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55222

Day Meeting Room (Lobby Level Inside Owl & Rooster Cafe)


Fayad (+6285719067666)

Akmal Isyam Huda, Fayad Hafiz Attaqi, Rafel Widi Lazuardi, Rhestra Ahnaf Fawwaz Apta, and Zaky Kurnia Falah
WCA Delegate
Cendy Cahyo Rahmat
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Jogja Fun Speedcubing is a speedcubing competition which was only held in 1 day. This competition is also open to anyone and from citizens of any country.

We will not accept your registration if you haven't made any confirmation to us.

All competitors will get a certificate and some souvenirs.

All competitors must be familiar with the WCA regulations.

Jogja Fun Speedcubing adalah kompetisi speedcubing yang hanya diadakan dalam waktu 1 hari saja. Kompetisi ini juga terbuka untuk siapa saja dan dari warga negara mana saja.

Kami tidak akan menerima pendaftaran Anda jika Anda belum melakukan konfirmasi kepada kami.

Semua peserta akan mendapatkan sertifikat dan beberapa suvenir

Semua kompetitor harus memahami regulasi WCA.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 70 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is Rp120,000 (Indonesian Rupiah).
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 75% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until by contacting the organization team.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Any spectator can attend for free.

Registration Fee
Registration fee to join Jogja Fun Speedcubing 2023 is subjected to the number of events.
1-2 events = Rp120.000
3-4 events = Rp140.000
5-7 events = Rp160.000

Registration Procedure
1. Please put your Whatsapp number in the comment section while filling the registration
2. Pay according to the amount of the registration fee via bank transfer to bank account: BCA Syariah 0550009500 a/n Fayad Hafiz Attaqi
3. Confirm your registration by sending the transfer payment reciept via Whatsapp (Fayad)
Confirmation format: (name of competitor)-(the list of events competed)-(date of birth {DDMMYYYY})
Example: Wong Fei Hung-3x3, 2x2, 4x4, 3x3 One-Handed, Megaminx, Pyraminx, Skewb-26062002
4. Registration will only be accepted and considered completed when the payment and confirmation has been successfully done.

Refund Policy
1. Refund can only be done within one of these scenarios:
* Refund can only be done when the registration has been accepted and completed but unable to attend the competition, or
* Competition has reached the limit of competitors, or
* Competition is cancelled due to the government rules regarding Covid-19 pandemic, or
* Competitor must do self-isolation from Covid-19, or is waiting results of Covid-19 test.
2. The amount that can be refunded is 75% of the registration fee
3. Bank administration fee borne by competitor
4. Competitor can request a refund to the organizer before the deadline, if it passes the deadline then the registration fee cannot be refunded

Biaya Pendaftaran
Biaya Pendaftaran untuk mengikuti Jogja Fun Speedcubing 2023 menyesuaikan dengan jumlah kategori yang diikuti oleh peserta.
1-2 events = Rp120.000
3-4 events = Rp140.000
5-7 events = Rp160.000

Prosedur Pendaftaran
1. Silahkan cantumkan nomor Whatsapp Anda di kolom komentar saat mengisi pendaftaran
2. Membayar sesuai dengan jumlah biaya pendaftaran melalui transfer bank ke rekening bank: BCA Syariah 0550009500 a/n Fayad Hafiz Attaqi
3. Konfirmasi pendaftaran Anda dengan mengirimkan bukti pembayaran transfer via Whatsapp (Fayad)
Format konfirmasi: (nama peserta)-(daftar kategori yang diikuti)-(tanggal lahir {DDMMYYYY})
Contoh: Wong Fei Hung-3x3, 2x2, 4x4, 3x3 One-Handed, Megaminx Pyraminx, Skewb-26062002
4. Pendaftaran hanya akan diterima dan dianggap selesai jika pembayaran dan konfirmasi telah berhasil dilakukan.

Kebijakan Refund
1. Pengembalian dana hanya dapat dilakukan dalam salah satu skenario berikut:
* Pengembalian dana hanya dapat dilakukan jika pendaftaran telah diterima dan diselesaikan tetapi tidak dapat menghadiri kompetisi, atau
* Kompetisi telah mencapai batas jumlah peserta, atau
* Kompetisi dibatalkan karena aturan pemerintah terkait pandemi Covid-19, atau
* Peserta harus melakukan isolasi mandiri dari Covid-19, atau sedang menunggu hasil tes Covid-19.
2. Jumlah uang yang dapat dikembalikan adalah 75% dari biaya pendaftaran
3. Biaya administrasi bank ditanggung peserta
4. Peserta dapat mengajukan refund kepada organizer sebelum waktu deadline, jika melewati waktu deadline maka uang pendaftaran tidak dapat di refund

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Thierry Orland Hung won with an average of 8.86 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Azaeel Benaya Putra finished second (9.17) and Darren Johan finished third (9.63).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Thierry Orland Hung 7.73 8.86 Indonesia 8.249.339.007.7310.75
2 Azaeel Benaya Putra 6.59 9.17 Indonesia 8.976.599.529.0210.01
3 Darren Johan 8.46 9.63 Indonesia 12.279.1810.528.469.18

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Azaeel Benaya Putra 2.12 2.73 Indonesia DNF2.543.192.472.12
2 Fayad Hafiz Attaqi 2.66 3.22 Indonesia 4.302.763.123.782.66
3 Allan Tabriez Rosyada 2.15 3.29 Indonesia 6.352.153.013.323.54

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Allan Tabriez Rosyada 30.40 33.20 Indonesia 31.0732.6437.4735.8830.40
2 Muhammad Zhafran Al-Allam 32.64 37.84 Indonesia 56.1235.6943.6332.6434.20
3 Zaky Kurnia Falah 36.66 39.35 Indonesia 40.8845.7839.3836.6637.78

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Darren Johan 10.79 14.81 Indonesia 10.7915.0814.6215.8114.72
2 Allan Tabriez Rosyada 13.69 15.32 Indonesia 18.4015.8913.9813.6916.10
3 Azaeel Benaya Putra 12.18 15.37 Indonesia 12.1816.5714.1316.4515.52


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Winda Wardani 55.47 1:02.76 Indonesia 1:07.6955.4758.261:02.341:09.89
2 Dhafin Taufiqurrahman 1:01.31 1:05.79 Indonesia 1:25.361:01.311:06.201:02.971:08.20
3 Chesta A. F. Rosyadi 1:10.29 1:15.02 Indonesia 1:26.891:21.751:11.991:10.291:11.32


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Hopi Fattan Prabasukma 3.00 3.71 Indonesia 3.504.493.153.007.05
2 Fayad Hafiz Attaqi 4.35 5.59 Indonesia 5.794.35DNF5.675.32
3 Zaky Kurnia Falah 4.79 5.81 Indonesia 7.865.286.074.796.08


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Zaky Kurnia Falah 2.51 3.48 Indonesia
2 Muhammad Fahri Rahman 3.32 3.60 Indonesia 4.603.333.793.323.67
3 Fayad Hafiz Attaqi 3.42 3.89 Indonesia 4.093.843.423.744.67
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