Los Reyes del Cubo Chiclayo III 2025

Jan 25 - 26, 2025
Chiclayo, Peru

C.C. Plaza Bolognesi

Av. Francisco Bolognesi 536, Chiclayo

patio de comidas

Organization team
Claudio Sandoval Fenco and Jorge Salazar Larrea
WCA Delegate
Michel Andre Gonzaga Quijano
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.


Es obligatorio revisar el reglamento de la WCA. para comprender las normas y procedimientos que se realizaran en el torneo.

* Revisar la pestaña ¿Cómo pagar? para conocer los medios de pago.
* Revisar la pestaña Horario para conocer el cronograma del torneo.
* Para Registrarte al torneo hacer click en Registrarse
* Asimismo, se les recomienda revisar estos videos para tener una noción mas clara de como se llevará a cabo el torneo.
* Tutorial para competidores nuevos - Jael Riggenbach
* Cómo competir en un torneo WCA - Reglas básicas - ASA
* Es importante escribir cuidadosamente los nombres, fecha de nacimiento o demás datos. En caso de no hacerlo de la manera correcta, serán rechazados. Para competidores que participan por segunda vez es necesario que hayan reclamado su WCA ID.


You must check WCA regulations to understand the rules and procedures to be followed during the tournament.

  • Check How to pay to know the payment methods.
  • Check Schedule to know the cronogram.
  • To Register to the competition click Register
  • We also recommend that you review this video to have a clearer notion of how the competition will be conducted. WCA Competitor Tutorial
  • It is important to carefully write your name, birth date, and other information properly. Otherwise, your registration will not be accepted. If this is your second competition, you must have already claimed your WCA ID.
Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Wednesday, December 25, 2024 at 5:00 PM UTC and closed Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 1:00 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Benjamín Ochoa won with an average of 7.95 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Pedro Giuseppe Garcia Milla finished second (8.53) and Francisco Barrenechea Sanchez finished third (9.65).

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