MPEI Open 2018

Nov 23 - 25, 2018
Moscow, Russia

Moscow Power Engineering Institute

Энергетический проезд, 3А, Москва, Россия

Building "MPEI House of Culture", address Energeticheskiy Proyezd 3А

MPEI Open 2018 website

Andrey Kondrat

Andrey Kondrat
WCA Delegates
Andrey Robota and Vasily Stasyev
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Обратите особое внимание, что для несовершеннолетних участников в день проведения соревнований необходимо наличие на руках оригинала заполненного согласия от одно из родителей (законных представителей). Его бланк Вы можете скачать на сайте Чемпионата MPEI Open 2018

Pay special attention that participants under 18 years old must have the permition form from one of the parents (legal representatives) with them on the day of the competition. You can download this form on the website of the MPEI Open 2018 Championship

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 375 competitors.
Registering for this competition is free.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.

Для участия в Чемпионате MPEI Open 2018 необходимо:
2. В течение 2-5 дней с момента подачи заявки на регистрацию на официальном сайте WCA участник получит на указанный в заявке адрес электронной почты письмо с адресом сайта для продолжения процедуры регистрации.
3. В течении двух дней с момента получения электронного письма от организаторов (но не позднее 10 ноября 2018 года) необходимо перейти по ссылке, указанной в письме, и заполнить дополнительную регистрационную форму буквами русского алфавита.
4. Подтверждением успешного прохождения всех этапов регистрации является публикация имени и фамилии участника в списке зарегистрированных участников Чемпионата MPEI Open 2018 на сайте WCA.

To participate in the MPEI Open 2018 Championship:
2. Within 2-5 days after submitting an application on the WCA official website, the participant will receive an e-mail with the URL-link to the continuation of the registration procedure.
3. Within two days from the receipt of the e-mail from the organizers (but no later than November 10, 2018), it is necessary to click on the link indicated in the letter and fill in the additional registration form.
4. The registration procedure is completed as soon as the name of the participant is visible in the list of registered participants of the MPEI Open 2018 Championship on the WCA official website.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Andrey Che won with an average of 8.05 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Dmitry Dobrjakov finished second (8.53) and Nikita Kovalchuk (Нікіта Ковальчук) finished third (8.56).

European records: Grigorii Alekseev‎ 5x5x5 Blindfolded 3:42.25 (single).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Andrey Che 6.97 8.05 Russia 12.248.637.937.596.97
2 Dmitry Dobrjakov 7.19 8.53 Russia 9.558.368.758.487.19
3 Nikita Kovalchuk (Нікіта Ковальчук) 6.65 8.56 Ukraine 11.226.659.217.558.93

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Andrey Che 1.94 2.15 NR Russia 1.944.201.972.232.24
2 Vladimir Korovin 1.61 2.63 Russia 3.082.311.612.682.91
3 Dmitry Gundin 2.27 2.92 Russia 3.534.302.552.272.67

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Alexey Zharikov 30.05 31.92 Russia 32.0335.1631.8031.9430.05
2 Georgy Vershinin 32.83 36.81 Russia 38.8335.0836.5143.1232.83
3 Sergey Shitov 34.06 36.88 Russia 35.0036.3539.3044.6434.06

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Alexey Zharikov 51.16 NR 57.11 Russia 1:00.5651.1655.5858.1057.64
2 Artyom Martirosov 53.56 58.85 Russia 53.561:06.9156.2156.141:04.19
3 Andrey Che 55.73 1:00.37 Russia 1:18.1055.791:06.5355.7358.78

6x6x6 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Alexey Zharikov 1:29.00 NR 1:34.91 NR Russia 1:36.661:29.001:39.06
2 Artyom Martirosov 1:52.58 1:55.87 Russia 1:55.941:59.091:52.58
3 Semen Artyukhov 1:54.70 1:59.58 Russia 2:02.751:54.702:01.30

7x7x7 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Alexey Zharikov 2:14.93 NR 2:20.93 NR Russia 2:24.272:23.582:14.93
2 Sergey Shitov 2:50.41 3:08.51 Russia 3:17.813:17.302:50.41
3 Nikita Kovalchuk (Нікіта Ковальчук) 3:06.26 3:09.93 Ukraine 3:06.263:07.783:15.74

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Artyom Martirosov 23.06 DNF Russia 31.35DNF23.06
2 Grigorii Alekseev 23.47 26.87 Russia 23.9033.2323.47
3 Roman Strakhov 33.80 DNF Russia DNF34.4033.80

3x3x3 Fewest Moves

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Nikolai Masson (Николай Массон) 26 Russia 26
2 Vladimir Korovin 31 Russia 31
2 Vyacheslav Sizov 31 Russia 31
2 Alexey Zharikov 31 Russia 31
2 Farid Mikhailov 31 Kazakhstan 31

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Andrey Che 9.20 12.83 Russia 13.409.2012.5116.3512.59
2 Dmitry Dergunov 10.42 12.94 Russia 13.2613.3310.4212.2315.34
3 Pavel Galaktionov 12.64 14.81 Russia 14.3815.6914.8012.6415.26


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Dmitry Gundin 4.94 5.77 NR Russia 5.707.194.945.885.74
2 Fyodor Borisov 5.75 6.78 Russia 6.236.837.28DNF5.75
3 Ilya Tsiareshka 6.39 6.94 Belarus 7.677.196.637.016.39


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Vladimir Korovin 46.84 51.06 NR Russia 52.1852.0348.961:04.3046.84
2 Andrey Che 49.78 52.08 Russia 53.121:02.6349.7850.3852.74
3 Magomed Bashtaev 47.12 52.47 Russia 47.1247.3853.451:01.7056.59


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 David Arzamastsev 1.74 2.93 Russia 3.012.895.132.891.74
2 Ilya Nazarov 2.73 3.15 Russia
3 Valeriy Kurbatov 2.65 3.24 Russia 3.563.782.652.863.30


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Vadzim Smirnou 2.94 3.39 NR Belarus
2 Vladislav Kozhin 2.96 3.53 Russia 2.964.013.384.303.21
3 Semen Artyukhov 3.28 3.86 Russia 8.933.493.904.203.28


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Andrey Che 9.75 12.02 Russia 16.0913.0710.369.7512.63
2 Ilya Nazarov 11.44 13.57 Russia 11.6913.2217.8311.4415.79
3 Nikita Kovalchuk (Нікіта Ковальчук) 12.95 14.83 Ukraine 15.0514.1316.0412.9515.31

4x4x4 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Grigorii Alekseev 2:08.09 DNF Russia DNF2:08.09DNF
2 Artyom Martirosov 2:21.47 DNF Russia 2:21.47DNFDNF
3 Roman Strakhov 2:27.55 DNF Russia 2:27.55DNFDNF

5x5x5 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Grigorii Alekseev 3:42.25 ER DNF Russia DNF3:42.25DNF
2 Roman Strakhov 4:48.24 DNF Russia DNF4:48.24DNF
3 Artyom Martirosov 5:12.63 DNF Russia DNF5:12.636:01.47

3x3x3 Multi-Blind

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Grigorii Alekseev 30/42 1:00:02 Russia 30/42 1:00:02
2 Artyom Martirosov 17/20 53:23 Russia 17/20 53:23
3 Roman Strakhov 10/12 34:20 Russia 10/12 34:20

3x3x3 With Feet

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Vladimir Korovin 34.05 NR 39.32 NR Russia 34.0543.1949.6837.6537.13
2 Maxim Ilin 42.87 49.13 Russia 51.3642.8748.9953.2847.05
3 Ilya Nazarov 52.00 1:00.51 Russia 2:03.161:01.501:00.4659.5852.00
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