Mental Breakdown Norway 2019

Mar 24, 2019
Kjeller, Norway

Kjeller skole

Kunnskapsveien 15, 2007 Kjeller

Enter the main entrance, then go right after the stairs to Samlingssalen.

Organization team
Peter Andersson and Vidar Norstein Klungre
WCA Delegates
Daniel Wallin and Vidar Norstein Klungre
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Welcome to Mental Breakdown Norway 2019
This competition focuses on the five most advanced events we have: FM, 3 blind, 4 blind, 5 blind and multi blind. This is the first time such a competition is held in Norway. It is open to anyone who wants to attend, but since the events are quite demanding, we do not expect many first timers. Note that we do not compete in normal 3x3 at this competition! Also note that we only allow 30 competitors.

Velkommen til Mental Breakdown Norge 2019!
Dette er en WCA-konkurranse som fokuserer på de fem mest krevende eventene vi har: FM, 3-blind,4-blind, 5-blind og multiblind. Dette er den første av sitt slag i Norge. Alle som ønsker å delta er velkommen, men siden eventene er ganske krevende, så vi regner med at de fleste som kommer har deltatt på konkurranse før. Legg merke til at vi ikke konkurrerer i vanlig 3x3 i denne konkurransen! Legg også merke til at vi kun godtar opp til 30 deltakere.

Registration period

Online registration opened Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 5:00 PM UTC and closed Friday, March 22, 2019 at 11:00 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
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