Mexican Championship 2023
Registration requirements for the competition:
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 600 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is $500 (Mexican Peso).
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 30% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Any spectator can attend for free.
Competitors may only register for events that they are already qualified for.
- En la pestaña ¿Cómo registrarse? está la información detallada para realizar tu registro.
- Este campeonato tiene requerimientos de resultados de calificación que limita a participar en determinadas categorías. Revisa los resultados de calificación en la pestaña de categorías.
- Revisa la pestaña de Grupos para verificar en qué grupo y zona te tocaría competir.
- Basado en las reglas de la WCA, todos los competidores deberán estar disponibles para mezclar o juecear.
- Permanece atento a tu correo y redes sociales de cualquier información importante por parte del equipo organizador.
- Si se ha alcanzado el limite de 600 competidores aún podrás registrarte y así entrar a lista de espera, pero para ser aceptado en el campeonato, algún competidor que ya haya sido aceptado tendrá que cancelar su registro.
- Estar en lista de espera NO te asegura poder competir en el campeonato.
- The How to Register? tab contains detailed information on how to complete your registration.
- This championship has qualification result requirements that limit participation in certain events. Check the qualification results in the events tab.
- Review the Groups tab to verify in which group and area you will compete in.
- Based on WCA regulations, all competitors must be available for scrambling or judging.
- Stay attentive to your email and social media for any important information from the organizing team.
- If the limit of 600 competitors has been reached, you can still register and be placed on the waitlist. To be accepted into the championship, a registered competitor will need to cancel their registration.
- Being on the waitlist does NOT guarantee you the ability to compete in the championship.
Registration closed about 1 year ago on .