Michigan Mini 23 2024

4x4x4 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 James Hildreth 2009HILD01 United States 37.67 2337 32.15 2171
2 Elliott Perkins 2018PERK01 United States 41.32 4032 35.51 3910
3 Seth Rowell 2014ROWE03 United States 42.78 4870 35.58 3959
4 Keenan Darkins 2019DARK02 United States 44.63 6026 39.19 6402
5 James Holowinski 2024HOLO01 United States 49.58 9541 37.73 5338
6 Tyler Rose 2022ROSE07 United States 49.94 9808 45.72 11764
7 Doug Li 2003LIDO01 United States 1:18.39 29019 1:09.24 30545
8 Adam Zhang 2023ZHAN39 United States 1:32.95 34998 1:24.30 39887
Edison Ma Zhang 2023ZHAN64 United States
Ryan Dunning United States
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