Montemurlo Speedcubing 2024

3x3x3 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Gabriele Cappelletti 2012CAPP01 Italy 2:34.69 1845 46.48 756
2 Marco Rota 2009ROTA01 Italy 1:30.54 983 1:04.43 1270
3 Fabian Tomasovic 2020TOMA01 Italy 3:58.19 2528 1:58.41 3062
4 Sofia Saletnich 2021SALE01 Italy 2:50.05 2036 2:01.48 3163
5 Alessandro Zangolini 2021ZANG01 Italy 4:41.52 7529
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