Mystic Cubikon 2024

3x3x3 One-Handed Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Charles Amarello 2019AMAR04 United States 12.52 336 8.80 159
2 Levi Gibson 2018GIBS04 United States 13.08 477 10.09 432
3 Aaron Jake Wong 2021WONG02 United States 15.05 1257 12.10 1406
4 Ethan Zhuang 2018ZHUA10 United States 15.07 1270 12.08 1395
5 Jacob Schwartz 2021SCHW01 United States 15.29 1399 12.78 1948
6 David F. Andron-Silva 2022SILV37 United States 16.76 2373 10.28 496
7 Saisabari Ramesh 2021RAME01 United States 17.51 2974 14.31 3339
8 Ryan Durette 2017DURE01 United States 20.21 5638 14.21 3256
9 Brandon Villadolid 2019VILL03 United States 20.52 5964 15.32 4462
10 Matthew Liu 2018LIUM06 Canada 20.76 6226 17.53 7369
11 Jonathan Karniala Lehmann 2022LEHM02 Denmark 21.00 6506 19.19 9881
12 Syndey Zhou 2023ZHOU20 United States 21.87 7452 17.49 7315
13 Alex Cohen 2015COHE02 United States 22.35 8031 15.17 4278
14 Giulio Beniamino Ciampa 2022CIAM01 United States 23.24 9199 20.02 11149
15 Christopher Landgrebe 2022LAND08 United States 23.64 9696 20.43 11807
16 Jaustin Gudbrandsen 2021GUDB01 United States 23.66 9737 20.64 12178
17 Phil Thomas 2007THOM02 United States 23.67 9750 18.40 8640
18 Steven Wintringham 2015WINT02 United States 24.24 10471 18.09 8157
19 James McCaffrey 2022MCCA12 United States 24.53 10865 17.77 7697
20 Jacob Thomann 2022THOM10 United States 24.83 11246 21.72 13957
21 Cameron Lee 2022LEEC03 United States 25.71 12495 22.54 15345
22 Samuel Krasne 2022KRAS02 United States 28.54 16296 24.14 17970
23 Justin Lee 2019LEEJ10 United States 28.55 16312 23.54 16975
24 Luke Chestnutt 2022CHES03 United States 29.02 16954 27.49 23275
25 Tess Weinstock 2023WEIN10 United States 32.58 21514 26.69 22034
26 Raymond Tyrrell 2023TYRR03 United States 34.01 23237 26.11 21165
27 Justin Rose 2024ROSE05 United States 38.39 28083 33.11 31166
28 Tyler Lindow Tsao 2024TSAO01 United States 38.68 28416 36.27 34771
29 James Coe 2017COEJ01 United States 40.38 30156 36.72 35259
30 Patrick Charrier 2023CHAR24 United States 42.61 32110 38.92 37381
31 Bradley Caiola 2023CAIO01 United States 44.07 33273 30.64 27806
32 Akshay Chandra Gillett 2024GILL04 United States 49.81 37095 41.40 39503
33 Ryley Festa 2023FEST01 United States 58.49 40569 42.07 40031
34 Alexander Crossman 2023CROS01 United States 1:08.37 42689 51.77 46230
35 Samuel Blair 2022BLAI01 United States 1:28.96 44549 1:08.25 52188
36 Tommy Chestnutt 2022CHES04 United States 2:36.97 45702 1:49.96 57706
Evan Renak 2023RENA01 United States 37.85 36386
Gabriel Mazzotta 2024MAZZ02 United States 46.24 42967
Declan Gallagher 2024GALL09 United States 48.27 44301
Jalen Shareef 2024SHAR07 United States 49.88 45223
Nathan O'Donnell 2023ODON03 United States 50.29 45445
Grant Lounes 2024LOUN01 France 57.40 48653
Arjun Gillett 2024GILL05 United States
David Battle-Cardemil 2024BATT01 Chile
Gabriel Pessoa 2024PESS03 United States
Jackson Collins Mantel 2023MANT09 United States
Leonardo X. Lazzara United States
Roy-Mar Porter United States
William DiGeronimo 2022DIGE01 United States
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