[Cancelled] Nelson Autumn 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

3x3x3 Cube Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Dwyane Ramos 2019RAMO05 New Zealand 6.28 104 4.98 178
2 Ben Kirby 2017KIRB01 New Zealand 6.98 311 5.32 296
3 James Macdiarmid 2015MACD03 New Zealand 8.73 2248 7.00 2370
4 Charlie Dowling 2018DOWL02 New Zealand 13.23 21299 9.65 13088
5 Joshua Brungar 2009BRUN03 New Zealand 14.67 30649 12.16 30798
6 Blake Sinclair 2020SINC03 United Kingdom 15.41 35689 14.23 47575
7 Ben Gorman 2016GORM02 New Zealand 17.57 50361 13.48 41544
8 Finn Dallas 2020DALL01 New Zealand 19.83 64734 16.80 67505
9 Vincent Rodley 2020RODL01 New Zealand 24.75 93022 19.32 85297
10 Dimitri Bell 2019BELL07 New Zealand 28.20 110078 19.22 84647
11 Graham Stack 2019STAC02 New Zealand 37.17 144762 32.49 152282
Henry Hilton New Zealand
Hunter Royds New Zealand
Paddy Newton New Zealand
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