New York Quiet Championship 2024

4x4x4 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Rowe Hessler 2007HESS01 United States 2:31.39 26 2:00.89 37
2 Kevin Liu 2023LIUK02 United States 3:29.08 59 2:57.83 117
3 Andrew Tao 2022TAOA01 United States 3:06.27 130
4 Brandon Lin (林博浩) 2011LINB01 United States 4:10.72 78 3:23.51 159
5 Evan Liu 2009LIUE01 United States 4:35.91 90 4:03.18 219
6 Christopher Chi 2014CHIC01 United States 5:11.70 361
7 Joseph Guzman 2015GUZM03 United States 5:17.88 373
8 Brandon Villadolid 2019VILL03 United States 8:33.02 234 8:20.11 737
9 Luke DeMeo 2023DEME02 United States 10:10.00 954
10 Daniel Karnaukh 2014KARN02 United States 25:06.00 1607
Alex J. Barbecho 2023BARB09 United States
Eli Rogers 2022ROGE05 United States
Michael Miloslavskiy 2023MILO01 United States
Parker Trager 2016TRAG01 United States
Zachary Miller 2017MILL04 United States
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