[Cancelled] Norwegian Championship 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

5x5x5 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

Sorted by: single, sort by average

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Daniel Wallin 2013WALL03 Sweden 4:39.14 12 3:38.68 12
2 Callum Hales-Jepp 2012HALE01 United Kingdom 8:44.52 33 7:20.31 92
3 Gregor Billing 2012BILL01 Germany 9:52.75 170
4 Helmer Ewert 2015EWER01 Sweden 20:50.00 111 11:33.00 212
5 Henri Gerber 2014GERB01 Germany 12:12.00 235
6 Kristian Holme 2013HOLM01 Norway 12:15.00 239
7 Knut Skaug Haraldsen 2016HARA02 Norway 15:26.00 352
8 Jacob Oliver Bruun 2018BRUU01 Norway 18:17.00 451
9 Hannes Müller 2018MULL07 Germany 23:53.00 601
10 Vilius Ribinskas 2015RIBI01 Lithuania 50:15.00 851
11 Ole Nikolai Gjerset 2011GJER02 Norway 56:02.00 860
Carl Abrahamsen 2018ABRA12 Norway
Einar Kvam Lundberg 2015LUND03 Norway
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