Open de Montréal 2022

May 14 - 15, 2022
Montréal, Quebec, Canada

École de Technologie Supérieure

1100 Notre-Dame W, Montreal, QC H3C 1K3

Pavillon E, salon des diplômés Vidéotron

Organization team
Alexandre Ondet
WCA Delegate
Nathan Dwyer
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.


En accord avec la politique de santé publique et les directives de l'ÉTS, tous les compétiteurs et leurs accompagnateurs devront porter un masque à l'intérieur des bâtiments. Le port du couvre-visage en tissu est interdit. Dans l'éventualité où les directives changent, les compétiteurs seront avisés par courriel.

Portez une attention particulière à l'onglet Santé & Sécurité.

Les étudiants de l'ÉTS peuvent s'inscrire sans frais. Si vous êtes étudiant de l'ÉTS, vous devez réserver votre place sur le portail de réservation dans monÉTS dans la section "Activités de la vie étudiante". Vous devez enregistrer au plus tard le vendredi 15 avril à 15h. Une fois que c'est fait j'aurais la liste des étudiants qui n'auront pas besoin de payer. Vous devez donc ensuite vous inscrire sur le site web WCA en même temps que tout le monde, simplement vous n'aurez pas à payer les frais d'inscription. Je précise que vous devez enregister le plus tôt possible, car être enregistré sur le portail de réservation ne vous garantie pas une place dans la compétition.

Il n'y aura aucun remboursement en cas d'annulation (à cause des frais de transaction). Cependant si vous vous inscrivez et que vous n'êtes finalement pas en mesure de venir, merci de nous en informer afin de donner la place à quelqu'un d'autre. Les personnes inscrites en file d'attente seront remboursées une fois la période d'inscription s'est fermée.


As per the current public health policy and the directives of the university, all competitors and their guest must wear a mask at all time inside the buildings. Wearing a cloth mask is prohibited. We will send registered competitors further details in an email if the regulations change.

Take clear note especially of the Health and Safety Tab.

ETS students may compete for free. If you are an ETS student, you must reserve your place on the reservation portal on monÉTS in the "Activités de la vie étudiante" section. You must register there by Friday, April 15 at 15h. Once you register there I will have the list of students who do not need to pay. You can then register on the WCA site without paying the fee. You should register as quickly as possible, as being registered on the monÉTS portal does not guarantee you a place in the competition.

There will be no refunds in case of cancellation (due to transaction fees) . However, if you register and you are not able to come, please let us know so we can give the spot to someone else. You will still be refunded if you are still on the waiting list when the the registration period closes.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 60 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is $5 (Canadian Dollar).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.

Les étudiants de l'ÉTS peuvent s'inscrire sans frais. Si vous êtes étudiant de l'ÉTS, inscrivez votre code permanent dans la zone des commentaires lorsque vous vous inscrivez puis ne payez pas les frais d'inscription.

ETS students may compete for free. If you are an ETS student, write your student number in the registration comments and submit your registration *without paying the registration fee.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Brennen Lin won with an average of 7.08 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Ryan Wu finished second (7.41) and Nathan Dwyer finished third (9.31).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Brennen Lin 6.19 7.08 Canada 7.876.456.197.537.26
2 Ryan Wu 6.21 7.41 Canada 7.348.046.848.186.21
3 Nathan Dwyer 7.93 9.31 United States 7.938.439.4110.1011.37

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Brennen Lin 1.15 1.83 Canada 2.581.151.321.593.74
2 Ray Vince Ong 1.85 2.72 Canada 2.003.812.511.853.65
3 Shanglin Ye 2.80 3.05 Canada 3.212.992.802.953.40

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Ryan Wu 25.20 28.57 Canada 25.2025.9629.0634.1230.69
2 Nathan Dwyer 28.56 32.94 United States 30.7628.5632.6735.4037.61
3 Brennen Lin 31.82 34.91 Canada 34.5933.3231.8237.5436.82

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Diego Rodriguez-Ramirez 47.35 55.14 Canada 47.351:01.6055.9754.4555.00
2 Ryan Wu 52.60 56.39 Canada 58.3357.901:04.4152.9452.60
3 Brennen Lin 1:00.54 1:05.34 Canada 1:00.541:06.291:05.941:06.801:03.80

6x6x6 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Diego Rodriguez-Ramirez 1:35.93 1:37.69 Canada 1:40.231:35.931:36.90
2 Ryan Wu 1:53.65 1:56.08 Canada 1:53.651:56.201:58.38
3 Nathan Dwyer 1:57.21 2:09.54 United States 2:20.361:57.212:11.04

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Elliott Kobelansky 17.31 18.52 Canada 17.3118.6419.61
2 Ben Bergen 57.84 DNF Canada 1:04.78DNF57.84
3 Ryan Wu 1:38.69 DNF Canada 1:38.69DNF1:40.36

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Brennen Lin 10.38 12.28 Canada 10.3813.2413.0511.1012.68
2 Ryan Wu 10.59 12.64 Canada 12.5213.6411.7710.5917.49
3 Léo Francoeur 12.64 15.42 Canada 12.6417.0116.3614.6615.25


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Ryan Wu 2.65 4.32 Canada 5.532.653.975.653.46
2 Brennen Lin 3.70 4.52 Canada 4.223.707.014.904.43
3 Maxence Leboeuf 3.46 5.07 Canada 5.053.465.655.844.52


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Ryan Wu 3.41 4.97 Canada 6.213.414.474.247.20
2 Louis-Alex Tremblay 4.94 5.73 Canada 8.825.085.524.946.58
3 Brennen Lin 5.33 5.82 Canada 6.165.627.755.335.68
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