Örebro Minxfest 2024

Sep 14, 2024
Örebro, Sweden

Kollektivhuset Vildsvinet

Ladugatan 14, 702 43 Örebro



Email organizers

Filip Åström and SveKub
WCA Delegates
Helmer Ewert and Leo Lindqvist
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Välkomna till en tävling i Örebro med ett fokus på sidogrenar!

Notera att varken 3x3 eller de andra mest populära grenarna hålls på denna tävling. Självklart är ändå alla varmt välkomna att delta, oavsett om du löser kuben på 5 sekunder eller 5 minuter samt oavsett tidigare tävlingserfarenhet.

Tre försök av FMC kommer att hållas under morgonen fram till lunch, så om du inte deltar i FMC behöver du inte komma till lokalen förrens lunch.

Vi ber er läsa igenom alla flikar på denna sida eftersom de innehåller mycket värdefull information.

Welcome to a competition in Örebro with a focus on side events!

Please note that neither 3x3 nor the other most popular events will be held at this competition. Regardless, everyone is of course welcome to participate, whether you solve the cube in 5 seconds or 5 minutes and regardless of prior competition experience.

Three attempts of FMC will be held during the morning up until lunch, so you don't have to come to the venue before lunch if you're not participating in FMC.

We ask you to read through all the tabs on this page as they contain very valuable information.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Monday, July 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM UTC and closed Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 9:59 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Leo Lindqvist won with an average of 53.58 seconds in the Megaminx event. Helmer Ewert finished second (56.40) and Arvid Ahlstrand finished third (1:01.71).

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