Peru Nationals 2023

Aug 4 - 6, 2023
Arequipa, Peru

Universidad Nacional de San Agustin (Claustro Menor)

Calle San Agustin 106

Claustro Menor Auditoriums

Organization team
Edgar Cáceres Cabana and Natán Riggenbach
WCA Delegates
Andrés Hisashi Suzuki Cabrera, Bruno Alonso Villacorta Montoya, Helar Gomez Chalco, Jose Abanto Ortiz, Michel Andre Gonzaga Quijano, and Natán Riggenbach
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Es muy importante prestar atención a posibles correos de parte de la organización en los días próximos al torneo. Se estará proporcionando una invitación a un grupo de WhatsApp para coordinaciones urgentes durante el torneo, y también información útil para competidores nuevos. Si alguien no tiene acceso a su correo, deje su nuevo correo en la caja de comentarios al registrarse.

It's important to check your email as the competition approaches. An invite to a WhatsApp group for day-of coordination will be sent, as well as useful information for new competitors. If you do not have access to your email account, please leave your new email address in the comments box during registration.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Monday, July 31, 2023 at 11:00 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Robert Yomi Cadenas Nuñez won with an average of 7.57 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Rami Sbahi finished second (7.89) and Jose Antonio Cuipal Maguiña finished third (8.14).

South American records: Gianfranco Huanqui‎ 3x3x3 Blindfolded 15.64 (single).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Robert Yomi Cadenas Nuñez 7.06 7.57 Peru 7.637.767.067.328.08
2 Rami Sbahi 7.43 7.89 United States 7.678.748.117.437.90
3 Jose Antonio Cuipal Maguiña 7.62 8.14 Peru 8.507.949.127.987.62

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Rami Sbahi 1.60 1.91 United States
2 Ronald Fernando Remuzgo Salazar 1.89 2.17 Peru 1.892.
3 Jose Antonio Cuipal Maguiña 1.66 2.25 Peru 3.002.771.782.211.66

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Pedro Alejandro Condo Tellez 25.50 29.85 Peru 28.6025.5029.4632.0931.50
2 Benjamín Ochoa 28.77 31.21 Peru 31.4828.7731.4130.7431.76
3 Ronald Fernando Remuzgo Salazar 31.01 32.81 Peru 31.0134.4231.9533.9032.59

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Pedro Alejandro Condo Tellez 43.42 49.18 NR Peru 50.7543.4248.9547.8551.34
2 Gerson Marcelo Nuñez Huanuiri 56.65 57.42 Peru 1:00.5056.9057.6757.7056.65
3 Benjamín Ochoa 52.53 58.39 Peru 58.9358.0552.5358.201:01.69

6x6x6 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Pedro Alejandro Condo Tellez 1:37.76 1:42.24 Peru 1:42.061:46.901:37.76
2 Gerson Marcelo Nuñez Huanuiri 1:41.58 1:44.03 Peru 1:48.251:42.271:41.58
3 Benjamín Ochoa 1:47.49 1:55.09 Peru 2:02.201:55.581:47.49

7x7x7 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Pedro Alejandro Condo Tellez 2:09.09 NR 2:22.18 Peru 2:19.612:09.092:37.83
2 Gerson Marcelo Nuñez Huanuiri 2:25.10 2:31.49 Peru 2:34.692:25.102:34.68
3 Marco Antonio Ponce de León Aguilar 2:56.76 3:02.38 Peru 3:12.532:56.762:57.85

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Gianfranco Huanqui 15.64 SAR DNF Peru 15.64DNFDNF
2 Rodrigo Zarate 30.11 DNF Peru DNF33.8830.11
3 Jael Riggenbach 39.24 DNF Peru 41.6539.24DNF

3x3x3 Fewest Moves

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Rodrigo Zarate 33 35.67 Peru 373337
2 Ronald Fernando Remuzgo Salazar 35 35.67 Peru 353636
3 Angel Jesus Panebra Rodriguez 32 37.33 Peru 403240

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Rami Sbahi 12.91 13.44 United States 12.9113.0414.1814.0113.27
2 Edson Bryan Béjar Román 12.87 14.10 Peru 14.8014.2213.2812.8715.76
3 Pedro Alejandro Condo Tellez 13.56 14.35 Peru 13.5613.9213.7924.3815.35


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Pedro Giuseppe Garcia Milla 7.33 8.13 Peru 8.048.367.988.687.33
2 Ronald Fernando Remuzgo Salazar 7.86 9.08 Peru 10.0310.617.869.058.15
3 Dilan Huillca 8.36 9.12 Peru 11.2610.208.368.578.58


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Juan Pablo Huanqui 26.68 35.75 Peru 34.2637.8140.6326.6835.18
2 Edson Bryan Béjar Román 32.05 37.25 Peru 48.2038.4732.0538.6134.66
3 Rami Sbahi 39.51 44.80 United States 49.6040.5839.5144.2250.52


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Jeyson Paul Espinoza Diaz 2.26 2.89 Peru 3.762.263.842.312.59
2 Leonardo José Hilario Cori 2.12 3.03 Peru 2.127.892.503.612.99
3 Ronald Fernando Remuzgo Salazar 2.34 3.41 Peru 2.343.335.253.693.22


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Rodrigo Sasieta Romero 1.96 2.96 Peru 2.952.523.413.531.96
2 Rami Sbahi 2.04 3.52 United States 3.646.833.883.032.04
3 Pedro Giuseppe Garcia Milla 2.77 3.88 Peru 3.922.775.363.783.94


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Bruno Alonso Villacorta Montoya 8.36 10.41 Peru 12.0612.758.3610.208.97
2 Jeyson Paul Espinoza Diaz 11.29 13.75 Peru 13.3811.6921.8611.2916.18
3 Ronald Fernando Remuzgo Salazar 11.77 13.98 Peru 13.4416.0411.7712.4717.41

4x4x4 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Gianfranco Huanqui 4:25.46 DNF Peru DNF4:25.466:09.15
2 Oscar Shapiama 11:12.00 DNF Peru 11:12.00DNFDNF

3x3x3 Multi-Blind

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Gianfranco Huanqui 19/21 57:31 Peru 15/25 1:00:0019/21 57:31
2 Pedro Giuseppe Garcia Milla 7/7 49:14 Peru 4/7 56:197/7 49:14
3 Leon Achata 7/8 50:24 Peru 7/8 50:24DNF
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