Project Radom 2018

Aug 4 - 5, 2018
Radom, Poland

XIII Liceum Ogólnokształcące z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi im. Polskich Noblistów w Radomiu

ul. 25 Czerwca 79 26-617 Radom
Project Radom 2018 website
Organization team
Michał Krasowski and Piotr Tokarski
WCA Delegate
Wojciech Szatanowski

Competitors limit: 200
Registratin fee: 50 PLN

Main event
Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Tymon Kolasiński won with an average of 7.83 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Łukasz Burliga finished second (8.05) and Jan Zych finished third (8.16).

European records: Adrian Dębski‎ 4x4x4 Blindfolded 2:17.75 (average).

Adam Czarnecki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 35 27.86 32.48 Poland 33.0327.8634.0532.9931.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 32 6.20 8.13 Poland 9.917.657.729.026.20
Megaminx First round 26 DNF Poland DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 23 9.38 Poland 9.799.38
Skewb First round 25 11.37 Poland 11.37DNF

Adrian Dudek - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 26 13.82 15.24 Poland 16.9014.6613.8214.1617.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 28 4.10 6.27 Poland 6.764.106.515.54DNF
4x4x4 Cube Second round 12 44.81 47.61 Poland 45.4444.8148.1549.2349.29
First round 15 48.55 51.89 Poland 1:02.3049.2049.3757.1048.55
Megaminx First round 23 2:36.71 Poland 2:59.852:36.71
Pyraminx First round 27 11.05 Poland 11.5711.05
Skewb First round 24 11.19 Poland 13.2611.19

Adrian Dębski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 18 11.13 13.34 Poland 13.9413.4011.1315.1312.67
First round 16 10.42 12.94 Poland 14.6112.8512.8410.4213.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 23 4.60 5.58 Poland DNF5.066.614.605.08
4x4x4 Cube Second round 15 47.29 52.75 Poland 56.0547.2953.1055.0950.06
First round 11 47.28 49.14 Poland 48.8147.8347.2850.7752.85
Megaminx First round 22 2:34.67 Poland 2:55.492:34.67
Skewb First round 26 11.72 Poland 16.1211.72
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 1 2:09.65 NR 2:17.75 ER Poland 2:28.022:09.652:15.58
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 1 6:05.42 DNF Poland 6:05.42DNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 1 30/42 58:15 Poland 30/42 58:15

Antoni Rumowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 19 9.50 14.26 Poland 16.77DNF12.2913.729.50
2x2x2 Cube Final 5 2.91 3.13 Poland 2.974.563.013.422.91
Second round 4 2.42 2.96 Poland 2.723.222.422.953.54
First round 14 3.12 4.81 Poland 3.166.486.275.013.12
4x4x4 Cube Second round 16 54.54 58.82 Poland 1:04.2954.5457.371:06.5354.80
First round 14 46.56 50.77 Poland 49.1955.7751.5446.5651.59
Clock Second round 8 15.22 21.48 Poland 23.8215.2225.7318.0522.56
First round 11 23.19 Poland DNF23.19
Megaminx Second round 11 1:37.17 1:42.77 Poland 1:52.011:40.981:41.841:37.171:45.50
First round 10 1:31.33 Poland 1:57.501:31.33
Pyraminx Second round 9 3.99 5.40 Poland 6.504.709.493.995.01
First round 7 2.72 4.03 Poland 2.724.934.223.684.19
Skewb Second round 6 3.79 5.19 Poland 4.426.594.5611.683.79
First round 9 4.07 6.39 Poland 4.075.526.809.706.85

Antoni Ładyński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 26 5.37 6.17 Poland 5.726.167.405.376.64
4x4x4 Cube First round 33 1:30.94 Poland 1:30.941:48.79
Megaminx First round 26 DNF Poland DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 32 17.32 Poland 17.3224.05
Skewb First round 31 24.39 Poland 24.3926.21

Arkadiusz Abramowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 15 9.19 12.37 Poland 12.279.1911.0913.7620.14
First round 18 10.52 13.63 Poland 15.8513.2315.2610.5212.39
2x2x2 Cube Second round 12 3.06 4.26 Poland 3.415.443.064.984.39
First round 10 3.27 4.05 Poland 3.273.974.895.983.29
4x4x4 Cube First round 24 46.38 1:03.63 Poland 46.381:03.081:07.001:09.171:00.81
Clock First round 14 28.00 Poland 28.0042.26
Megaminx Second round 9 1:11.23 1:34.25 Poland 1:37.191:35.411:35.501:31.831:11.23
First round 9 1:31.21 Poland 1:31.211:45.29
Pyraminx First round 18 6.00 11.02 Poland 6.3811.126.0015.5615.75
Skewb Second round 13 4.13 7.73 Poland 9.407.186.629.634.13
First round 13 5.88 6.86 Poland 7.956.347.237.025.88
Square-1 First round 20 1:06.89 Poland 1:47.791:06.89

Bartosz Krzysztoszek - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 33 15.20 20.11 Poland 23.4320.6415.2020.3119.38
2x2x2 Cube First round 19 4.27 5.12 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 31 1:26.81 Poland 1:33.891:26.81
Clock First round 16 49.84 Poland 1:10.7449.84
Megaminx First round 24 2:42.00 Poland 2:42.002:58.52
Pyraminx Second round 14 4.81 6.99 Poland 7.794.816.776.409.35
First round 14 4.92 6.23 Poland 6.0610.065.387.264.92
Skewb First round 21 8.10 9.60 Poland 8.278.1012.1412.528.38
Square-1 First round 18 43.37 Poland 43.3745.85

Daniel Chudecki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 17 11.01 13.03 Poland 14.3329.3812.6211.0112.15
First round 17 12.10 13.49 Poland 12.10DNF13.8214.2512.40
2x2x2 Cube First round 20 3.76 5.16 Poland 3.765.274.28DNF5.92
4x4x4 Cube Second round 14 48.25 52.59 Poland 49.821:01.9358.7348.2549.23
First round 17 45.55 53.55 Poland 59.6751.1154.9045.5554.65
Clock Final 4 12.24 13.87 Poland 13.9713.1812.2414.4514.66
Second round 3 12.50 14.11 Poland 15.2016.0212.5014.0513.09
First round 7 11.62 15.64 Poland DNF12.0521.1513.7311.62
Pyraminx First round 20 8.69 Poland 8.69DNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 2 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 2 13:50.00 DNF Poland DNF13:50.00DNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 2 12/17 45:30 Poland 12/17 45:30

Dominik Czechowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 24 13.18 14.91 Poland 13.1814.0514.9515.7325.15
2x2x2 Cube Second round 18 2.97 4.91 Poland 5.534.946.814.272.97
First round 15 3.80 4.89 Poland 4.834.595.245.703.80
4x4x4 Cube First round 23 54.29 1:01.82 Poland 54.2957.701:02.431:05.341:12.87
Megaminx First round 20 2:27.14 Poland 2:41.822:27.14
Pyraminx Second round 16 7.28 9.13 Poland 8.879.527.2810.518.99
First round 16 7.17 8.98 Poland 9.537.1710.157.2711.40
Skewb First round 22 9.69 10.15 Poland 9.959.6916.3510.3310.17

Dominik Sasak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 36 39.21 42.89 Poland 47.5139.2139.3848.3941.78
2x2x2 Cube First round 36 18.11 Poland 18.1918.11
Pyraminx First round 25 10.58 Poland 10.5812.46
Skewb First round 29 14.04 Poland 28.4314.04

Filip Zowczak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 32 14.73 19.09 Poland 17.6821.3518.3421.2614.73
2x2x2 Cube First round 33 6.13 8.14 Poland 6.137.948.378.1213.26
4x4x4 Cube First round 30 1:26.73 Poland 1:29.271:26.73
Megaminx Second round 10 1:38.00 1:41.49 Poland 1:38.151:38.021:48.301:38.001:50.63
First round 12 1:33.17 Poland 1:38.421:33.17
Pyraminx First round 29 12.62 Poland 12.6212.63
Square-1 First round 19 45.88 Poland 53.2945.88

Jakub Bartos - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 16 10.89 12.50 Poland 13.4712.3911.9610.8913.16
First round 15 9.78 12.54 Poland 11.6913.4912.8413.089.78
2x2x2 Cube Second round 15 2.18 4.71 Poland 4.25DNF2.184.725.17
First round 9 2.74 4.05 Poland 4.372.743.894.723.88
4x4x4 Cube First round 18 45.64 53.55 Poland 53.9152.7154.0445.641:01.71
Clock Final 3 11.80 13.15 Poland 11.80DNF14.0612.2913.10
Second round 6 12.83 16.33 Poland 13.09DNF13.8622.0412.83
First round 2 9.90 13.99 Poland 12.319.9015.6214.04DNF
Megaminx Second round 13 1:51.12 1:54.74 Poland 1:55.911:51.12DNF1:54.871:53.45
First round 11 1:33.08 Poland 2:04.031:33.08
Pyraminx Second round 11 4.46 5.76 Poland 6.174.4610.995.405.71
First round 15 4.97 6.72 Poland 6.837.166.188.364.97
Skewb First round 19 5.29 8.88 Poland 8.609.205.299.998.85
Square-1 First round 14 33.11 Poland 33.1142.85

Jakub Król - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 34 22.67 26.72 Poland DNF32.3024.8322.6723.02
2x2x2 Cube First round 31 4.61 7.17 Poland 8.114.618.076.516.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 34 1:32.06 Poland 1:32.061:45.12
Pyraminx First round 30 13.09 Poland 13.0913.29

Jakub Wojtaszewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 4 8.27 8.95 Poland 8.3910.698.508.279.96
Second round 8 8.11 9.97 Poland 10.998.119.0310.5210.37
First round 4 8.88 9.34 Poland 8.968.889.2010.569.85
4x4x4 Cube First round 7 37.17 42.44 Poland 38.0944.7444.5037.1747.02

Jan Zych - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 3 7.21 8.16 Poland 8.357.217.748.3812.44
Second round 2 7.11 8.11 Poland
First round 1 8.57 8.83 Poland 9.118.6112.338.578.77
2x2x2 Cube Second round 10 2.96 4.20 Poland 2.964.044.04DNF4.53
First round 1 1.72 2.13 Poland 2.501.722.922.131.77
4x4x4 Cube Final 4 33.70 36.22 Poland 35.2243.9537.2233.7036.23
Second round 4 36.11 38.15 Poland 36.2841.4136.1146.7736.75
First round 4 35.21 38.22 Poland 40.4935.2139.2239.2336.22
Clock First round 8 16.05 17.21 Poland 17.1516.0517.4817.6217.01
Megaminx Final 1 38.69 40.52 Poland 38.6939.5138.7347.4243.33
Second round 1 37.87 42.22 Poland 37.8743.2655.2142.5040.89
First round 1 38.18 41.22 Poland 51.4042.0639.6838.1841.91
Pyraminx Second round 12 4.17 6.01 Poland 4.804.178.357.265.96
First round 12 3.74 5.29 Poland 5.327.053.744.955.59
Skewb Final 3 2.83 4.01 Poland 4.843.232.839.993.97
Second round 3 2.40 4.34 Poland 2.406.236.934.132.67
First round 5 2.45 4.81 Poland 2.453.495.937.435.01
Square-1 Final 2 10.50 12.58 Poland 13.4010.5013.1511.1817.55
Second round 2 10.51 12.92 Poland 10.5114.7916.1611.0712.91
First round 3 15.70 17.96 Poland 18.5617.7015.7019.2417.62

Magdalena Pabisz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 11 9.30 10.80 Poland 10.2510.7211.829.3011.43
First round 8 10.26 10.64 Poland 12.4810.5810.2610.6110.73
2x2x2 Cube Final 6 2.33 3.54 Poland 2.334.553.235.582.85
Second round 6 2.47 3.53 Poland 2.734.132.473.893.96
First round 18 3.39 5.08 Poland 4.007.563.397.084.17
4x4x4 Cube Second round 9 41.83 43.96 Poland 46.7145.8641.9741.8344.06
First round 8 41.72 43.42 Poland 41.7243.7444.8642.8843.63
Clock Second round 7 17.05 20.91 Poland 23.7217.4226.9417.0521.60
First round 9 17.18 37.38 Poland 17.1849.11DNF31.3631.67
Megaminx Final 4 59.62 1:04.38 Poland 1:00.241:03.811:14.991:09.0859.62
Second round 4 57.61 1:00.68 Poland 57.6157.831:02.451:01.751:09.08
First round 3 55.11 58.63 Poland 58.6955.1155.911:17.511:01.30
Pyraminx Final 4 3.54 4.57 Poland 3.545.184.604.204.91
Second round 6 3.54 4.46 Poland 4.003.545.793.586.46
First round 4 3.25 3.47 Poland
Skewb Final 6 2.66 4.71 Poland 4.233.737.172.666.16
Second round 9 2.96 5.65 Poland 3.757.116.087.942.96
First round 4 3.11 4.79 Poland 3.313.117.974.586.48
Square-1 Final 5 21.49 24.03 Poland 25.7523.3021.4923.0326.96
Second round 6 19.79 22.75 Poland 22.3724.8423.6822.1919.79
First round 6 19.21 23.18 Poland 22.7429.1921.7019.2125.11

Maksymilian Majcher - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 22 13.78 14.83 Poland 17.2113.7814.4613.8916.13
2x2x2 Cube Second round 13 4.02 4.31 Poland 4.155.544.414.384.02
First round 12 3.59 4.41 Poland 5.133.594.364.654.23
4x4x4 Cube First round 20 49.61 56.78 Poland 49.6154.4354.131:03.711:01.79
Megaminx Final 3 58.70 1:02.59 Poland 1:04.171:02.89DNF1:00.7158.70
Second round 3 55.14 59.51 Poland 55.141:01.241:02.151:06.7755.15
First round 4 57.58 1:00.91 Poland 59.141:01.4257.581:05.671:02.18

Marcel Nycz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 31 15.25 18.98 Poland 21.93DNF15.8919.1115.25
2x2x2 Cube First round 34 4.97 8.28 Poland 6.125.88DNF4.9712.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 29 1:22.98 Poland 1:22.98DNF
Clock Final 5 12.50 13.93 Poland 13.26DNF12.5013.2715.25
Second round 4 11.70 14.49 Poland 14.6218.7611.7013.5415.32
First round 6 13.66 14.86 Poland DNF13.6615.8414.0714.68
Skewb First round 23 10.10 Poland DNF10.10
Square-1 First round 21 1:25.20 Poland 1:25.20DNF

Mateusz Gil - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 9 9.08 10.28 Poland 11.089.6112.5110.159.08
Second round 9 8.73 10.00 Poland 9.5410.168.7312.1610.29
First round 7 8.99 10.44 Poland 8.9910.0210.5910.7213.48
2x2x2 Cube Second round 11 3.01 4.24 Poland 6.333.015.153.404.18
First round 11 3.21 4.13 Poland 5.164.713.873.823.21
4x4x4 Cube Final 5 32.92 37.83 Poland 38.7036.5838.2132.9245.06
Second round 7 36.81 39.75 Poland 41.7445.8138.7936.8138.73
First round 5 37.60 38.73 Poland 39.8638.1637.6038.1640.99
Clock First round 13 24.25 Poland 24.2537.59
Megaminx Final 6 1:05.49 1:16.10 Poland 1:15.911:20.721:11.681:05.491:29.30
Second round 6 59.20 1:10.60 Poland 59.201:10.301:17.021:11.311:10.19
First round 5 1:04.43 1:09.74 Poland 1:18.361:06.371:18.951:04.431:04.50
Pyraminx Second round 10 3.87 5.46 Poland 6.103.875.754.536.28
First round 5 2.58 3.55 Poland 4.842.582.903.574.19
Skewb Final 8 2.95 10.90 Poland 5.953.86DNF2.9522.88
Second round 8 3.66 5.64 Poland 4.076.846.0110.463.66
First round 12 2.50 6.67 Poland 2.506.4712.675.667.88
Square-1 Second round 7 17.79 27.62 Poland 38.9534.5025.5317.7922.84
First round 10 22.82 30.06 Poland 37.0024.2338.2228.9422.82
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 4 DNF Poland DNF

Mateusz Majewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 25 4.98 5.85 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 32 1:28.33 Poland 1:28.331:34.84
Megaminx First round 17 1:54.73 Poland 1:54.731:55.75
Pyraminx First round 22 8.87 Poland 8.879.96
Skewb Second round 14 4.21 8.11 Poland 7.898.737.7010.294.21
First round 14 5.25 7.00 Poland 8.497.225.2813.505.25
Square-1 First round 17 35.91 Poland 35.91DNF

Mateusz Zieliński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 14 10.91 12.31 Poland 14.8311.1410.9111.8613.93
First round 12 10.81 11.90 Poland 14.3011.9012.9110.8810.81
2x2x2 Cube Second round 17 4.15 4.85 Poland 4.154.515.305.374.75
First round 16 3.68 4.91 Poland 7.635.513.684.664.55
4x4x4 Cube Second round 11 41.83 47.31 Poland 51.5650.0046.3845.5641.83
First round 12 44.53 49.56 Poland 44.5354.0150.7645.5252.39
Megaminx First round 19 2:12.53 Poland 2:14.442:12.53
Pyraminx First round 24 9.93 Poland 9.9311.42
Skewb Second round 12 3.63 7.22 Poland 10.788.316.396.973.63
First round 15 5.50 7.51 Poland 8.007.967.916.655.50
Square-1 First round 15 34.06 Poland 34.0639.67

Michał Bogdan - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 12 10.11 11.11 Poland 10.1111.0912.0510.2015.48
First round 13 10.72 11.95 Poland 16.4110.7212.4211.2112.22
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 3 7/13 56:50 Poland 7/13 56:50

Michał Krasowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 6 7.92 9.70 Poland 10.207.9210.539.909.01
Second round 4 6.70 9.17 Poland 9.906.709.268.669.60
First round 5 8.78 9.66 Poland 9.968.7810.138.9010.62
2x2x2 Cube Final 1 1.94 2.54 Poland 3.911.942.652.692.28
Second round 3 2.05 2.73 Poland 3.122.812.052.273.43
First round 3 2.04 2.51 Poland 2.042.572.673.012.29
4x4x4 Cube Final 7 29.74 41.94 Poland 29.7441.5546.4344.9239.36
Second round 5 35.75 39.10 Poland 39.1940.3639.6438.4835.75
First round 9 39.15 44.70 Poland 49.0739.1549.9242.6642.38
Megaminx Final 5 1:04.84 1:13.17 Poland 1:13.311:12.431:13.771:04.841:16.58
Second round 5 1:01.13 1:07.81 Poland 1:08.841:10.151:04.451:01.131:16.98
First round 6 1:02.73 1:10.49 Poland 1:02.731:19.341:14.371:08.661:08.43
Skewb Final 2 2.04 2.81 Poland 3.412.542.472.043.84
Second round 1 1.89 3.21 Poland DNF3.143.123.381.89
First round 1 1.52 2.89 Poland 1.523.165.092.772.75
Square-1 Final 1 10.39 12.46 Poland 10.3911.0713.7712.55DNF
Second round 1 8.94 10.88 Poland 9.428.9413.9413.2210.00
First round 1 8.66 10.68 Poland 9.7112.2411.218.6611.13

Michał Marczak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 27 14.94 17.40 Poland 19.2114.9415.5917.3925.21
2x2x2 Cube Second round 16 3.92 4.81 Poland 3.925.565.264.015.15
First round 17 4.37 4.96 Poland 5.055.695.244.604.37
4x4x4 Cube First round 27 1:13.67 Poland 1:13.671:15.88
Megaminx First round 25 2:51.19 Poland 3:06.452:51.19
Pyraminx Second round 13 5.55 6.31 Poland 6.615.556.995.596.72
First round 11 4.29 5.25 Poland 4.868.325.785.124.29
Skewb Second round 11 4.63 6.48 Poland 5.807.854.636.856.80
First round 10 4.86 6.44 Poland 7.514.866.247.985.56
Square-1 First round 16 34.41 Poland 34.4152.02

Oliwia Jaworska - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 29 13.56 18.56 Poland 16.6813.5619.1919.8020.15
2x2x2 Cube First round 24 4.55 5.70 Poland DNF4.554.886.166.06
4x4x4 Cube First round 28 1:21.29 Poland 1:21.291:32.70
Megaminx First round 21 2:29.97 Poland 2:48.332:29.97
Pyraminx Final 7 4.72 6.16 Poland 4.729.
Second round 5 4.14 4.38 Poland
First round 8 3.21 4.41 Poland 4.495.053.894.843.21
Skewb Final 5 3.18 4.43 Poland 6.884.624.733.183.95
Second round 7 3.99 5.27 Poland 5.834.525.456.353.99
First round 11 5.40 6.48 Poland 5.407.285.907.346.27

Piotr Olszewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 13 7.19 12.09 Poland 11.897.1912.3911.9813.78
First round 14 10.30 12.23 Poland 15.1411.9113.9710.8010.30
2x2x2 Cube Final 8 3.62 4.75 Poland 5.795.534.803.623.92
Second round 5 2.85 3.45 Poland 3.542.853.583.253.56
First round 13 3.77 4.61 Poland 3.773.923.876.896.03
4x4x4 Cube Second round 10 44.96 47.17 Poland 45.2845.6150.6151.9344.96
First round 13 39.23 50.43 Poland 48.4849.0639.231:02.0853.76
Megaminx First round 15 1:47.36 Poland 1:50.991:47.36
Pyraminx Final 3 3.07 3.38 Poland
Second round 4 3.45 3.93 Poland 4.924.013.454.023.75
First round 9 3.22 4.44 Poland 4.74DNF3.225.043.55
Skewb First round 28 12.82 Poland 17.9612.82
Square-1 Second round 9 23.12 28.52 Poland 34.5927.0229.7323.1228.82
First round 9 24.45 27.96 Poland 31.3324.4531.7526.4826.07

Piotr Tokarski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 7 8.78 9.76 Poland 10.479.699.118.7810.64
Second round 10 9.26 10.05 Poland 9.5519.819.2610.979.63
First round 11 10.34 11.64 Poland 10.4915.9513.1410.3411.30
2x2x2 Cube Final 2 1.87 2.55 Poland 1.872.252.983.532.41
Second round 2 2.02 2.73 Poland 3.14DNF2.022.412.64
First round 4 1.83 2.92 Poland 2.513.6410.292.601.83
4x4x4 Cube Final 6 36.22 41.65 Poland 40.1642.5945.3536.2242.20
Second round 6 38.27 39.70 Poland 40.7539.4838.2741.6138.88
First round 6 35.48 40.56 Poland 41.4035.4840.5339.7449.12
Clock Final 2 11.74 12.18 Poland 12.4812.1111.7411.9513.01
Second round 2 11.92 13.65 Poland 13.3413.9411.9228.1113.67
First round 3 11.90 14.24 Poland 11.9014.27DNF14.4314.01
Pyraminx Final 2 2.91 3.05 Poland 2.913.084.242.993.09
Second round 2 2.83 3.16 Poland
First round 3 2.54 3.05 Poland 3.033.662.543.302.83
Skewb Final 7 3.92 4.74 Poland 4.964.025.623.925.25
Second round 5 3.11 5.15 Poland 5.104.465.899.283.11
First round 7 3.23 5.14 Poland
Square-1 First round 12 22.04 30.42 Poland 27.0742.5334.7622.0429.44

Przemysław Kaleta - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 5 7.79 9.12 Poland 8.889.047.7911.749.44
Second round 5 8.29 9.24 Poland 8.299.899.369.379.00
First round 6 8.98 9.80 Poland 9.089.8912.338.9810.43
2x2x2 Cube Final 7 2.94 3.55 Poland 2.945.
Second round 8 2.39 3.63 Poland 5.134.453.412.393.04
First round 5 3.21 3.51 Poland 3.483.675.113.213.39
4x4x4 Cube Final 1 30.11 31.41 Poland 33.3934.6830.1130.6830.16
Second round 3 29.88 32.30 Poland 30.8831.1236.5334.9029.88
First round 3 25.94 33.97 Poland 29.4235.5736.9225.9437.30
Skewb First round 8 4.38 5.56 Poland DNF6.324.384.525.85

Przemysław Rogalski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 20 11.93 14.31 Poland 14.7515.5615.2012.9711.93
2x2x2 Cube Second round 9 2.91 3.63 Poland 3.06DNF2.913.204.62
First round 6 3.01 3.56 Poland 4.373.
4x4x4 Cube First round 19 44.52 53.66 Poland 54.5458.5144.5247.9259.70
Clock Final 1 6.73 7.50 Poland 7.387.326.737.818.91
Second round 1 6.87 7.33 Poland 7.477.476.877.0412.04
First round 1 6.84 7.65 Poland 6.89DNF8.068.016.84
Megaminx First round 14 1:44.22 Poland 1:44.222:06.39
Pyraminx Final 6 3.04 4.69 Poland
Second round 8 3.60 4.72 Poland 3.604.996.894.284.88
First round 10 2.88 4.71 Poland 2.884.535.824.844.77
Skewb First round 18 6.81 8.39 Poland 9.806.818.049.957.34
Square-1 Second round 10 22.67 41.33 Poland 28.2722.6728.131:07.591:09.46
First round 8 20.13 27.09 Poland 20.1343.6426.4224.1830.67

Radosław Opoka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 28 16.57 18.32 Poland 22.3517.6418.6016.5718.71
2x2x2 Cube First round 29 5.81 6.63 Poland 7.727.155.816.106.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 26 1:06.23 Poland 1:06.231:20.93
Clock Second round 9 27.70 DNF Poland 1:00.88DNF27.7032.75DNF
First round 12 23.95 Poland DNF23.95
Pyraminx First round 17 7.88 10.36 Poland 7.8814.5213.829.208.05
Skewb First round 27 12.76 Poland 19.2912.76
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 4 DNF Poland DNF

Rafał Waryszak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 8 8.76 10.19 Poland DNF8.7610.2610.749.58
Second round 7 9.65 9.93 Poland 10.349.729.659.7414.15
First round 9 10.69 10.76 Poland 10.6910.8210.7212.4610.73
2x2x2 Cube First round 22 4.84 5.57 Poland 5.866.325.884.984.84
4x4x4 Cube Second round 13 44.03 48.47 Poland 45.861:01.6045.5753.9944.03
First round 16 46.71 52.56 Poland 46.7157.5652.4049.8455.44
Megaminx Final 8 1:24.80 1:31.68 Poland 1:29.931:24.801:34.101:31.011:34.88
Second round 8 1:23.90 1:29.91 Poland 1:30.791:23.901:24.701:50.021:34.23
First round 8 1:29.75 1:41.69 Poland 1:43.461:29.751:45.391:41.111:40.51
Pyraminx Final 1 2.45 2.68 Poland 2.522.972.452.553.05
Second round 3 2.05 3.48 Poland
First round 2 2.00 2.87 Poland 2.496.283.282.842.00
Skewb Second round 10 2.86 6.16 Poland 4.466.997.047.232.86
First round 6 4.53 4.97 Poland 4.614.535.266.115.04
Square-1 Final 3 18.15 18.75 Poland 18.2045.8818.1519.2418.80
Second round 3 13.17 17.05 Poland 16.4522.7313.1718.7815.93
First round 2 15.83 17.21 Poland 18.3319.3716.9616.3415.83

Sergiusz Jakubczak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 25 13.92 15.17 Poland 15.1114.5013.9215.9016.46
2x2x2 Cube First round 21 4.62 5.42 Poland 4.625.369.976.104.80
4x4x4 Cube First round 21 51.81 57.71 Poland 1:00.8651.811:03.6454.9657.30
Megaminx First round 16 1:47.48 Poland 2:04.171:47.48
Pyraminx First round 19 8.55 Poland 8.5514.05
Skewb First round 30 14.20 Poland 14.20DNF

Szymon Łukasiewicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 21 10.64 14.62 Poland 14.5714.8014.5015.2710.64
2x2x2 Cube First round 30 6.42 7.10 Poland 7.426.467.416.4213.98
4x4x4 Cube First round 22 48.78 58.05 Poland 1:00.7751.221:02.1548.781:03.33
Megaminx Final 7 1:15.04 1:29.12 Poland 1:28.491:30.251:15.041:28.611:31.19
Second round 7 1:20.71 1:26.78 Poland 1:25.351:26.811:20.711:28.181:39.54
First round 7 1:17.27 1:26.25 Poland 1:26.451:27.401:24.901:30.401:17.27
Pyraminx First round 28 11.33 Poland 11.5411.33
Skewb First round 17 6.47 8.20 Poland 8.908.667.987.976.47
Square-1 Second round 8 21.41 28.47 Poland 31.9236.6824.9921.4128.50
First round 7 21.66 24.14 Poland 39.3421.6625.2722.8124.33

Tomasz Waryszak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Pyraminx First round 31 13.61 Poland 13.6137.05

Tymon Kolasiński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 1 7.48 7.83 Poland 8.637.487.897.807.79
Second round 3 6.58 8.83 Poland 9.546.588.928.0210.74
First round 3 7.11 9.21 Poland 9.717.119.98DNF7.94
2x2x2 Cube Final 3 1.52 2.93 Poland 2.394.693.133.261.52
Second round 7 1.36 3.57 Poland 5.431.841.36DNF3.43
First round 2 1.70 2.46 Poland 3.372.111.913.811.70
4x4x4 Cube Final 2 29.38 32.89 Poland 34.0429.7834.8436.5029.38
Second round 1 28.21 31.74 Poland 28.4133.3835.4028.2133.43
First round 2 27.85 32.79 Poland 44.9636.8029.2027.8532.38
Clock First round 10 13.42 DNF Poland 14.6313.4213.60DNFDNF
Pyraminx Final 8 1.65 DNF Poland 2.631.652.16DNFDNS
Second round 1 2.28 2.60 Poland 4.242.722.282.582.51
First round 1 1.70 2.04 Poland
Skewb Final 4 2.06 4.33 Poland 4.0712.634.762.064.17
Second round 4 2.25 4.39 Poland 2.256.473.936.962.78
First round 3 2.62 4.53 Poland 2.624.544.214.8415.13
Square-1 Final 4 14.50 18.89 Poland 17.1814.5019.4722.7820.01
Second round 4 14.88 17.18 Poland 19.5714.8815.6016.3819.57
First round 5 17.31 22.12 Poland 25.701:07.3117.3117.5323.14

Weronika Rogulska - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 23 12.39 14.88 Poland 15.4514.4827.4314.7212.39

Wiktoria Waryszak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 37 41.35 48.67 Poland 48.8448.99DNF48.1741.35
2x2x2 Cube First round 35 12.16 Poland 12.1613.35
Pyraminx First round 26 10.98 Poland 11.2210.98

Wojciech Szatanowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 10 9.20 10.50 Poland 11.129.2010.2912.7110.09
Second round 6 9.25 9.87 Poland 9.929.2510.2512.109.43
First round 10 9.79 10.83 Poland 10.9612.6411.529.7910.02
2x2x2 Cube Second round 14 3.01 4.55 Poland 3.014.914.384.366.62
First round 7 3.11 3.71 Poland 3.114.743.236.743.16
4x4x4 Cube Final 8 41.16 44.14 Poland 44.5643.4944.3646.1041.16
Second round 8 38.67 42.91 Poland 38.6740.6150.0645.1243.01
First round 10 43.83 45.87 Poland 45.4847.0243.8345.7946.34
Clock Final 6 13.16 16.87 Poland 18.0016.76DNF13.1615.84
Second round 5 11.14 15.94 Poland 19.9714.55DNF11.1413.30
First round 5 12.74 14.57 Poland 14.6813.1031.5515.9212.74
Megaminx Second round 12 1:41.11 1:52.00 Poland 1:41.111:47.902:05.802:06.801:42.30
First round 13 1:37.44 Poland 1:54.001:37.44
Pyraminx Second round 15 6.00 7.01 Poland 6.746.
First round 13 3.42 5.96 Poland 3.427.047.566.214.63
Skewb First round 16 6.90 8.02 Poland 7.066.907.339.669.75
Square-1 First round 11 29.38 30.07 Poland 41.3129.3830.4430.1929.59

Łukasz Burliga - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 2 6.79 8.05 Poland
Second round 1 6.36 7.36 Poland 6.367.18DNF7.827.09
First round 2 7.41 9.06 Poland 8.2810.3210.698.597.41
2x2x2 Cube Final 4 2.15 3.06 Poland
Second round 1 1.91 2.66 Poland 2.432.802.751.91DNF
First round 8 1.98 3.87 Poland 3.461.984.23DNF3.92
4x4x4 Cube Final 3 28.14 33.90 Poland 28.1432.3731.8437.4838.40
Second round 2 27.20 32.20 Poland 27.2030.8432.6840.0933.09
First round 1 27.97 32.52 Poland 35.9634.2333.0430.3027.97
Clock First round 4 11.62 14.35 Poland 11.6221.4012.5716.4314.06
Megaminx Final 2 50.05 57.34 Poland 56.6555.8359.5359.8950.05
Second round 2 53.91 56.82 Poland 1:06.7853.9154.1756.4059.90
First round 2 50.31 55.15 Poland 52.3755.6850.3157.40DNF
Pyraminx Final 5 3.18 4.65 Poland
Second round 7 3.62 4.51 Poland 4.834.663.625.134.03
First round 6 2.69 3.74 Poland 3.068.532.695.362.80
Skewb Final 1 2.33 2.77 Poland 2.982.912.412.334.65
Second round 2 2.40 3.58 Poland 2.972.874.896.932.40
First round 2 1.53 3.11 Poland 1.533.183.614.142.53
Square-1 Final 6 21.30 27.23 Poland 24.8430.2628.2121.3028.63
Second round 5 17.98 20.93 Poland 17.9826.8824.8618.1819.74
First round 4 13.18 20.29 Poland 20.5219.5420.8113.1821.04
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 4 DNF Poland DNF

Łukasz Stępień - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 30 12.24 18.96 Poland 23.8216.1016.95DNF12.24
2x2x2 Cube First round 27 4.51 6.24 Poland 6.9111.335.914.515.90
4x4x4 Cube First round 25 56.21 Poland 1:02.7256.21
Clock First round 15 28.89 Poland DNF28.89
Megaminx First round 18 2:11.42 Poland 2:11.422:16.43
Pyraminx First round 21 8.81 Poland 8.8112.15
Skewb First round 20 7.83 9.03 Poland 10.527.839.898.498.72
Square-1 First round 13 27.48 32.35 Poland 44.8327.4830.8735.8230.35
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 4 DNF Poland DNF
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