QuabbiNxN Fall 2024

3x3x3 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Graeme Stone 2022STON01 United States 7.19 408 5.54 403
2 Cameron Soulagnet 2017SOUL02 United States 7.42 556 5.98 774
3 Jeffrey Li 2016LIJE01 United States 8.35 1566 5.93 714
4 Chandler Pike 2018PIKE01 United States 8.38 1611 7.25 2924
5 Louis N. Truong 2018TRUO03 United States 8.79 2375 7.05 2477
6 Will Russo 2015RUSS03 United States 8.84 2494 6.77 1920
7 Tommy Szeliga 2012SZEL01 United States 9.32 3590 6.37 1235
8 Zachary Miller 2017MILL04 United States 9.60 4349 6.86 2090
9 Alex Cohen 2015COHE02 United States 10.49 7386 8.19 5928
10 Akansh Karody 2016KARO01 United States 10.54 7560 8.13 5723
11 Justin Lee 2019LEEJ10 United States 10.95 9196 9.55 12473
12 Ryan Durette 2017DURE01 United States 11.39 11239 8.68 8027
13 Gage Coon 2019COON04 United States 11.84 13485 10.00 15125
14 Ryan Waite 2018WAIT02 United States 12.01 14372 9.76 13687
15 Luke Chestnutt 2022CHES03 United States 12.44 16679 10.46 18119
16 Jesse Mailloux 2014MAIL01 United States 12.58 17486 9.62 12894
17 Micah Eisner 2023EISN01 United States 13.67 24065 9.85 14213
18 Thaddeus Ciras 2017CIRA01 United States 13.93 25781 11.50 25594
19 Jacob Thomann 2022THOM10 United States 14.06 26603 10.20 16422
20 Tess Weinstock 2023WEIN10 United States 14.13 27057 11.54 25900
21 Adam Siu 2023SIUA01 United States 16.76 44836 13.95 45312
22 Jonah Mathew 2023MATH18 United States 18.71 57703 11.73 27386
23 Julianne Waite 2019WAIT02 United States 40.98 156276 33.92 157513
24 Grayson Ohler 2023OHLE02 United States 42.42 160170 39.21 173897
25 Tommy Chestnutt 2022CHES04 United States 51.14 180292 31.15 147108
26 Jordan Viess 2024VIES01 United States 1:08.39 203171 59.39 209404
Steven-Yang Sun United States
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