Quiet Seattle Summer 2024

3x3x3 Fewest Moves Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Jackson Warley 2008WARL01 United States 24.67 103 20 48
2 AJ Blair 2009BLAI01 United States 29.33 379 25 415
3 Ethan Davis 2016DAVI02 United States 30.00 443 27 685
4 Ash Black 2017BLAC06 United States 31.00 551 22 143
5 Cailyn Hoover 2016HOOV01 United States 33.67 909 28 858
6 Alvin Liu 2021LIUA02 United States 37.33 1579 35 2815
7 Irene Qin 2023QINI01 United States 47.33 3517 41 4960
Adam Walker 2012WALK02 United States 36 3139
Blaine Ryan-Smith 2023RYAN08 United States 55 8847
Sonja Black 2019BLAC02 United States 55 8847
Dylan O'Meara 2023OMEA01 United States 58 9244
Jairo Santiago Callejas 2018CALL07 United States
Spencer Fraser 2024FRAS03 Canada
Vaughn Parker 2019PARK29 United States
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