Réau Open 2024

Note: The competitor limit for this competition is 80 and it has already been reached. If you register, your registration will be placed on a waiting list. It may not be approved unless a spot frees up.

5x5x5 Cube Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Abdelhak Kaddour 2010KADD01 France 46.21 42 42.68 71
2 Lucas Déglise 2015DEGL01 France 52.37 186 45.68 154
3 Louis Fertier 2013FERT01 France 52.64 194 45.24 143
4 Anthony Lafourcade 2014LAFO01 France 54.62 317 48.76 302
5 Juliette Sébastien 2014SEBA01 France 57.61 484 51.56 508
6 Michel Ye 2012YEMI01 France 1:00.68 742 53.98 712
7 Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 2008HANK01 France 1:10.47 1906 1:03.56 1930
8 Loïc Zhang 2022ZHAN31 China 1:14.71 2577 1:11.31 3437
9 Clara Lafourcade 2014LAFO02 France 1:15.18 2661 1:11.82 3579
10 Rémi Coimbra 2022COIM02 France 1:17.22 3060 1:11.43 3475
11 Jonathan Dammann 2021DAMM01 France 1:17.46 3114 1:07.89 2766
12 Wilfrid Py 2016PYWI01 France 1:19.86 3598 1:04.54 2105
13 Clément Valot 2010VALO01 France 1:29.13 5664 1:17.05 4852
14 Jean-Charles Tillit 2018TILL02 France 1:29.38 5732 1:18.11 5097
15 Sixtine Mencke 2022MENC01 France 1:37.06 7661 1:32.90 9201
16 Valentin Muesser 2023MUES01 France 1:39.20 8235 1:32.72 9124
17 Rodrigue Souane 2022SOUA01 France 1:43.64 9313 1:34.07 9537
18 Alexis Tremellat 2022TREM02 France 1:45.60 9808 1:41.03 11446
19 Kévin Ky 2022KYKE01 France 1:48.13 10466 1:40.97 11433
20 Rémi Tsarafidy 2022TSAR01 France 1:52.12 11410 1:42.16 11754
21 Tom Bertin-Supatto 2024BERT02 France 1:55.39 12160 1:39.05 10914
22 Jaimy Mfoumou 2023MFOU01 France 2:01.94 13516 1:46.30 12863
23 Témi Kergastel 2022KERG01 France 2:12.96 15463 2:02.73 16638
24 Dorian Bellet 2019GERA06 France 2:15.83 15891 1:58.64 15799
25 Lev Azaria Doron 2024DORO01 France 2:20.53 16512 2:09.68 18169
26 Ferielle Hammami 2022HAMM13 Tunisia 2:29.50 17638 2:14.45 19116
Sonam Joubert 2017JOUB01 France 1:50.43 13873
Luc Gély 2024GELY01 France 2:40.78 23691
Julien Blin 2023BLIN01 France 2:50.75 25112
Luc Lebeau 2020LEBE02 France 3:25.15 28725
Mattéo Girard 2022GIRA05 France 4:10.72 31397
Arthur Monnet 2023MONN01 France
Baptiste Dano 2022DANO03 France
Grant Lounes 2024LOUN01 France
Kylian LAUER France
Lubin Sinson France
Maxence Boutour 2024BOUT03 France
Wilfred Antoine Areola 2024AREO01 France
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